When Revealed: Each enemy and each location currently in the staging area gets +1 until the end of the phase. If there are no cards in the staging area, Driven by Shadow gains Surge.

Shadow: Choose and discard 1 attachment from the defending character. (If this attack is undefended, discard all attachments you control.)

Quest Action: Search the encounter deck and discard pile for a Spider enemy and put it into play engaged with you to discard Spider Den. (Any player may trigger this effect.)

Response: After the players travel to Abandoned Camp, the first player discards the top card of their deck, If that card is any ally, put it into play under their control.
Travel: Discard the top card of the encounter deck. If that card is an enemy, add it to the staging area.

When Revealed: Each enemy and each location currently in the staging area gets +1 until the end of the phase. If there are no cards in the staging area, Driven by Shadow gains surge.

Shadow: Choose and discard 1 attachment from the defending character. (If this attack is undefended, discard all attachments you control.)

When Revealed: Each player must search the encounter deck and discard pile for a Goblin enemy and put it into play, engaged with him. Then, shuffle the encounter deck. (This effect cannot be canceled.)

Shadow: Attacking enemy gets +1 for each Goblin enemy engaged with you.

Attach to a hero. Restricted.
Action: Exhause Cave Torch to place up to 3 progress tokens on a Dark location.
Forced: After Cave Torch exhausts, discard the top card of the encounter deck. If that card is an enemy, add it to the staging area.

When Revealed: At the end of the phase, each enemy in the staging area engages the first player. If the One Ring is exhausted, this effect cannot be canceled.
"Also," he added, and his voice sank to a whisper, "the Ring draws them" –The Fellowship of the Ring

Response: After players travel here, the first player puts 1 ally into play from his hand.
Forced: After The Prancing Pony leaves play, discard cards from the top of the encounter deck until X enemies have been discarded. X is the number of players in the game. Put each enemy discarded by this effect into play engaged with the first player.

While Midgewater is the active location, enemies cannot attack, take damage, or be engaged.
Forced: After Midgewater becomes the active location, return each engaged enemy in play to the staging area.
...there was no permanent trail even for Rangers to find through their shifting quagmires.
–The Fellowship of the Ring

Response: After the players travel here, place 1 non-unique enemy in play facedown under this location. While an enemy is under this location, it is out of play.
Forced: After this location leaves play, return each enemy under it to the staging area face-up.

Hound of Sauron gets -5 engagement cost for each enemy in the staging area.

Shadow: Attacking enemy gets +1 (+2
instead if it was engaged with round).

While Hills of Hollin is the active location, each enemy in the staging area gets +5 engagement cost.
Forced: When Hills of Hollin is explored, each player raises his threat by 1 for each damage here.
For their defense in the night the Company climbed to the top of the small hill... –The Fellowship of the Ring

While Hills of Hollin is the active location, it gains:"Forced: After an enemy is added to the staging area, it gets -5 engagement cost until the end of the round."
Forced: When Redhorn Foothills is explored, each player must discard X cards from his hand at random. X is the number of damage here.

Immune to player card effects.
The player cannot advance to the next stage.
Travel: Each player searches the encounter deck and discard pile for a different enemy and adds it to the staging area to travel here. One of those enemies must be Orc-chieftain, if able.

When Revealed: Shuffle the encounter discard pile into the encounter deck and discard cards from the top of the encounter deck until X enemies are discarded. X is the number of players in the game. Add each enemy discarded this way to the staging area.

Doomed 1. Surge.
When Revealed: Each enemy engaged with a player, and not in the staging area, makes an immediate attack.

Shadow: Attacking enemy makes an additional attack after this one.

Immune to player card effects.
Travel: Search the encounter deck and discard pile for an enemy and add it to the staging area to travel here. Shuffle the encounter deck.
While Parth Galen is in play, the players cannot win the game.

While Wooded Shoreline is in the staging area, it gains archery 2.
Travel: Search the encounter deck and discard pile for an enemy and add it to the staging area to travel here. Shuffle the encounter deck.

Travel: A player at this staging area must engage an enemy in any staging area to travel here.

Shadow: Attacking enemy gets +1 (+2
instead if the defending character has fewer printed hit points than the attacking enemy).

When Revealed: Return each engaged Nazgûl enemy to the staging area. If no enemies were returned to the staging area by this effect, Rode Like a Gale gains surge.

Shadow: Return attacking enemy to the staging area after this attack.

X is the 1 more than the number of allies controlled by the first player.
Forced: When Deeping Culvert is explored, each player searches the encounter deck and discard pile for an enemy, reveals it, and adds it to the staging area. Shuffle the encounter deck.
Orcs had crept like rats through the culvert through which the stream flowed out. –The Two Towers

Immune to player card effects.
Forced: When the Gates of Isengard is explored, each player searches the encounter deck and discard pile for an enemy and puts it into play engaged with him. Shuffle the encounter deck.
Here through the black rock a long tunnel had been hewn, close at either end with mighty doors of iron. –The Two Towers

Mire 2. Forced: When Haunted Mere is discarded by the Mire keyword, search the encounter deck and discard pile for an Undead enemy, reveal it, and add it to the staging area. Shuffle the encounter deck.
Travel: Exhaust Smeagol to travel here.
"They lie in all the pools, pale faces, deep deep under the dark water." -Frodo, The Two Towers

Forced: At the end of the planning phase, place each Harad enemy in the staging area facedown underneath The Black Gate.
If there are at least X facedown cards underneath The Black Gate, the players lose the game. X is 3 more than the number of players.

While Henneth Ann–n is the active location, skip both the encounter phase and combat phase, and ignore the Forced effects on stage 1B and The Black Gate.
Forced: After Henneth Ann–n becomes the active location, return each engaged enemy to the staging area.
"This is the Window of the Sunset, Henneth Ann–n, fairest of all the falls of Ithilien..." -Faramir, The Two Towers

While Foothills of Ephel Dúath is the active location, each Harad enemy gets -1
Travel: The first player engages an enemy in the staging area to travel here.
"And they go ever more heedlessly, we learn, thinking that the power of their new master is great enough, so that the mere shadow of His hills will protect them." -Mablung, The Two Towers

When Revealed: Each player must either return an enemy engaged with him to the staging area, or search the encounter deck for a Harad enemy and put it into play engaged with him.

Shadow: Attacking enemy gets +1 If this attack destroys a character, place attacking enemy facedown under The Black Gate.

When Revealed: Either place the lowest Harad enemy in the staging area facedown under The Black Gate and reveal an additional encounter card, or each enemy in the staging area makes an immediate attack against you.
"Not nice; very cruel wicked Men they look. Almost as bad as Orcs..." -Gollum, The Two Towers

When Revealed: Search the encounter deck and discard pile for an Uruk-hai enemy, reveal it, and put it into play engaged with you. Shuffle the encounter deck. Until the end of the round, each enemy engaged with you adds its to the total
in the staging area.

When Revealed: Each player must choose: either return an enemy engaged with him to the staging area, or reveal an encounter card.

Shadow: Attacking enemy gets +1 If this attack destroys a character, return attacking enemy to the staging area.

When Revealed: The first player must choose: either search the encounter deck, discard pile, and victory display for a Nazgul enemy and add it to the staging area, or exhaust The One Ring and reveal the top card of the encounter deck.

Shadow: Attacking enemy makes an additional attack against you after this one.

Immune to player card effects.
Forced: After The Stone of Erech becomes the active location, each player searches the encounter deck and discard pile for an Oathbreaker enemy and adds it to the staging area. Shuffle the encounter deck.
Travel: Remove 5 progress from sta

While Trysting Place is in the staging area, each enemy in the staging area cannot take damage.
Travel: The first player searches the encounter deck and discard pile for an Oathbreaker enemy and puts it into play engaged with him. Shuffl

X is the number of resources on The ~Corsair Fleet.
The players cannot travel here unless there are at least 3 Ship locations in the victory display.
Travel: Each player searches the encounter deck and discard pile for a Corsair enemy and adds it to the staging area. One of those enemies must be ~Corsa

While Umbar War Galley is the active location, each Corsair enemy gets -10 engagement cost.
Travel: Shuffle the encounter discard pile into the encounter deck and discard cards from the encounter deck until a Corsair enemy is discarded. Add the discarded enemy
"The Corsairs are upon us! It is the last stroke of doom!"
-Men of Gondor, The Return of the King

While Corsair Dromon is the active location, each Corsair enemy gains Archery 1.
Travel: Shuffle the encounter discard pile into the encounter deck and discard cards from the top until a Corsair enemy is discarded. Add the discarded enemy

When Revealed: Either return each Corsair enemy engaged with you to the staging area, or discard cards from the top of the encounter deck until a Corsair enemy is discarded and put that enemy into p
"...there men of Lamedon contested the fords with fell folk of Umbar and Harad who had sailed up the river."
-Legolas, The Return of the King

Minas Tirith has 30 hit points plus 10 for each player.
Forced: At the end of the round, deal 1 damage to Minas Tirith for each enemy in the staging area. Then, if Minas Tirith has no hit points remaining, the p

Immune to player card effects.
While Gate of Gondor is the active location, each enemy in play gets -30 engagement cost.
Forced: When Gate of Gondor is explored, return each engaged enemy
...it was the key, the weakest point in all that high and impenetrable wall. -The Return of the King

While Siege Tower is in the staging area, it gains Archery 3.
Forced: After Siege Tower becomes the active location, shuffle the encounter discard pile into the encounter deck and discard cards from the top until an enemy is discarded. Add the discarded enemy

When Revealed: Each player searches the encounter deck and discard pile for an enemy and puts it into play engaged with him. Shuffl
Shadow: Either deal 3 damage to Minas Tirith or attacking enemy makes an additional attack after this one.

When Revealed: Attach to a Nazgûl enemy. Limit 1 per enemy. (Counts as a Mount attachment with the text: "Attached enemy gets +1 Threat, +1 Attack, +1 Defense and -10 engagement cost. Forced: At the end of the round, return attached enemy
...horrible as carrion-fowl yet greater than eagles, cruel as death. -The Return of the King

Immune to player card effects.
Cannot be optionally engaged or take damage.
Forced: At the beginning of the quest phase, discard cards from the encounter deck until an enemy is discarded. Add the discarded enemy

Echoing Passage gets +1 Threat for each enemy in the staging area.
While Echoing Passage is the active location, each e
Many doors and openings could be seen on this side and that; but it was empty save for two or three more bodies sprawling on the floor.
-The Return of the King