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Results: 151 - 178 of 178 Cards
The Redhorn Gate Nightmare (x4)
28 2 3 3 6 7 

While attacking, Silvertine Marauder gets +2 Attack if the defending character has less than 2 Willpower.

Shadow: Attacking enemy gets +2 Attack if the defending character has less than 2 Willpower.

The Long Dark Nightmare (x4)
28 3 2 3 3 1 
Goblin. Orc.

Forced: When Goblin Stalker attacks, deal it 1 additional shadow card.

Forced: When Goblin Stalker is dealt a shadow card with 'PASS' printed in its text box, it gets +2 Attack until the end of the phase.

Foundations of Stone Nightmare (x3)
18 2 2 2 5 1 
Goblin. Orc.

Mithril Seeker gets +1 Attack for each resource on it.

Forced: When Mithril Seeker attacks, move 1 resource from each of the defending player's heroes to Mithril Seeker.

"Of what they brought to light the Orcs have gathered nearly all, and given it in tribute to Sauron, who covets it."
–Gandalf, The Fellowship of the Ring

Shadow and Flame Nightmare (x3)
12 3 3 32 5 1 
Mordor. Orc. Uruk.

Forced: While Durin's Bane has no damage, Servant of Flame gets +2 Attack and +2 Defense

Shadow: Search the encounter deck for a treachery card with the Shadow or Flame trait and reveal it, if able. Shuffle the encounter deck.

Peril in Pelargir Nightmare (x3)
21 3 2 1 3 5 

While Alcaron's Scroll is attached to a hero, Cunning Informant gets +3Attack

During the encounter phase, if Alcaron's Scroll is attached to a hero, that hero's controller is considered to have +10 threat for the purpose of engagement checks.

Into Ithilien Nightmare (x3)
36 2 2 2 5 5 

While the current quest has battle, Haradrim Marksman gets +2 Threat and gains archery 2.

While the current quest has siege, Haradrim Marksman gets +2 Attack and allies cannot be declared as defenders against its attacks.

The Steward's Fear Nightmare (x1)

When Revealed: Attach Assassination to the hero with the highest threat cost. (Counts as a Plot attachment with the text: "Each enemy gets +1 Attack Attached hero cannot be healed. Damage from undefended attacks and A Knife in the Back must be assigned to attached hero. If attached hero leaves play, the players lose the game.")

The Steward's Fear Nightmare (x3)

Surge. Doomed 1.

If The Cabal's Champion is unattached and in the staging area, attach it to a Villain enemy, if able. (Counts as a Title attachment with the text: "Attached enemy gets +1 Threat +1 Attack +1 Defense and +2 hit points.")

The Drúadan Forest Nightmare (x1)
1 4 5 4 3 5 

Dr–-buri-Dr– cannot take more than 1 damage each round.

While Dr–-buri-Dr– is in play, other Wose enemies get +1 Attack and +1 Defense

Unless Dr–-buri-Dr– is in the victory display, the players cannot win the game.

The Drúadan Forest Nightmare (x3)


When Revealed: Attach to the enemy in play with the highest engagement cost. (Counts as a Weapon attachment with the text: "Attached enemy gets +2 Attack and gains archery 2.")

Merry did not like this talk of wild men and poisoned darts... –The Return of the King

Assault on Osgiliath Nightmare (x3)
30 X 3 3 4 5 

Archery X.

X is the number of locations controlled by the first player.

Forced: After Haradrim Warrior engages a player, it gets +XAttack and +XDefense until the end of the round.

Shadow: Deal 1 damage to defending character.

The Morgul Vale Nightmare (x3)

While Ephel Dúath is in the staging area, each Captain enemy gets +2 Attack

Shadow: Defending player must either place 1 progress token on To the Tower or treat this attack as undefended.

The Fords of Isen Nightmare (x3)
20 1 2 1 3 6 


While the engaged player has 3 or more cards in hand, Savage Hillman cannot take damage.

While the engaged player has 5 or more cards in hand, Savage Hillman gets +2 Attack

The Three Trials Nightmare (x3)
30 2 5 1 6 6 
Undead. Spirit. Wolf.

If Wolf's Guardian is in play or in the victory display, each Wolf enemy gets +1 Attack

Forced: At the beginning of the encounter phase, Wolf engages the player who controls Key of the Wolf or is engaged with Wolf's Guardian if able.

The Battle of Carn Dûm Nightmare (x1)

Your adversary Thaurdir will not let you interrupt his master's ritual. Only by fighting through his ranks of Orcs can you hope to do battle with the wraith himself.


Thaurdir gets +2 Threat, +2 Attack, and cannot take damage.

The Fate of Númenor Nightmare (x2)

Each Undead enemy gets +1 Threat and +1 Attack

Forced: After Desecrated Grounds is flipped over while active, deal 1 damage to each exhausted character.



Cannot have player card attachments.

Forced: After Lost Island becomes the active location, flip it over.

Action: Remove 4 progress from Lost Island to look at its facedown side.

Raid on the Grey Havens Nightmare (x3)
44 2 2 2 4 5 
Corsair. Raider.

Corsair Pyromaniac gets +1 Threat +1 Attack and +1 Defense for each resource token on it.

Forced: After a card is placed underneath The Havens Burn, place 1 resource on Corsair Pyromaniac.

Flight of the Stormcaller Nightmare (x4)
28 0 3 3 4 4 

While Raider of the Storm is engaged with you, each Ship enemy engaged with you gets +1 Threat +1 Attack +1 Defense and contributes itsThreat to the total Threat in the staging area.

Temple of the Deceived Nightmare (x3)
28 3 3 3 4 9 

While the active location is in the top rown, Cursed Soldier gets +3Threat

While the active location is in the middle row, Cursed Soldier gets +3Attack

While the active location is in the bottom row, Cursed Soldier gets +3Defense

Temple of the Deceived Nightmare (x3)

When Revealed: Until the end of the round, each Undead enemy gets +XAttack and +XDefense X is the number of locations to the left of the active location (in its row). If X is 0 or 1, Call of the Curse gains surge.

Shadow: Resolve the 'when revealed' effect of Call of the Curse.

The Drowned Ruins Nightmare (x2)
34 4 4 4 6 1 

Great Shark gets +1 Threat +1 Attack and +1 Defense for each Underwater location in the victory display.

Great Shark cannot be engaged or damaged unless the active location is Underwater.

Forced: At the beginning of the encounter phase, return Great Shark to the staging area unless the active location is Underwater.

A Storm on Cobas Haven Nightmare (x2)
28 4 4 3 8 5 
Corsair. Ship.

Cannot have attachments.

Forced: After Ramming Ship engages you, it gets +4Attack until the end of the round.

Shadow: Put the top card of Corsair deck into play engaged with you and deal it a shadow card.

Dungeons Deep and Caverns Dim Nightmare (x1)

No more than 4 progress can be placed on the current quest each round.

Creature enemies get +1 Attack

Goblin enemies get +1 Defense

It was still ajar, but a goblin had pushed it nearly to. Bilbo struggled but he could not move it. –The Hobbit

Dungeons Deep and Caverns Dim Nightmare (x3)

When Revealed: Attach We Hates It! to Gollum. (Counts as a Condition attachment with the text: "If the players are on stage 3, Gollum gets +2 Attack.")

Riddle: The first player names a Trait, shuffles his deck, and discards the top card. For each card that has at least 1 matching Trait, place 1 progress on stage 2.

Journey in the Dark Nightmare (x1)

When Revealed: Attach Fiery Whip to The Balrog (even if out of play) as a Weapon attachment with the text: "Attached enemy gets +1 Attack and gains Regenerate 4. (At the end of the refresh phase, remove 4 damage from the attached enemy.)"

Shadow: If attacking enemy is The Balrog attach Flaming Sword to it.

The Road to Isengard Nightmare (x3)
33 3 3 2 4
Orc. Isengard.

Forced: When Half-orc of Isengard attacks, either discard 1 random card from your hand, or Half-orc of Isengard gets +3Attack for this attack.

Shadow: If this attack destroys a character, discard 1 random card from your hand.

The Road to Isengard Nightmare (x3)

While Fortress of Isengard is in the staging area, each Orc enemy gets +1 Threat +1 Attack and +1 Defense

Wizardry: Return the topmost enemy in the encounter discard pile to the staging area.

This was the stronghold of Saruman, as fame reported it; for within living memory the men of Rohan had not passed its gates...
–The Two Towers

Shelob's Lair Nightmare (x3)

While Torech Ungol is in the staging area, Shelob gets +1 Attack and +1 Defense

Travel: Exhaust Sméagol to travel here.

There agelong she had dwelt, and evil thing in spider–form, even such as once of old had lived in the Land of the Elves in the West that is now under the Sea...
–The Two Towers