Combat Action: Choose an enemy engaged with a player. That enemy cannot attack that player this phase.
A few brave men were strung before them to make a feint of resistance, and many there fell before the rest drew back and fled to either side. –The Hobbit

You must use resources from 3 different heroes' pools to pay for this card.
Action: Choose a player. That player's engaged enemies cannot attack that player this phase.
Without a word or cry, suddenly, the Riders halted. A thicket of spears were pointed towards the strangers...
–The Two Towers

Attach to an enemy engaged with a player.
Attached enemy cannot attack.
"We shall have it like a coney in a trap. Then we shall learn what kind of thing it is."
–Unidentified Man of Gondor,
The Two Towers

Combat Action: Return a Silvan ally you control to your hand to choose an enemy engaged with a player. That enemy cannot attack that player this phase.
"The three of us could not challenge a hundred, so we went ahead and spoke with feigned voices, leading them on into the wood." -Haldir, The Fellowship of the Ring

Combat Action: Choose an enemy engaged with a player. That enemy cannot attack that player this phase.
A few brave men were strung before them to make a feint of resistance, and many there fell before the rest drew back and fled to either side. –The Hobbit

Play only if you control a unique character with the Ranger trait and another unique character with the Warrior trait.
Response: After you engage an enemy, that enemy cannot attack you until the end of the round.

Combat Action: Choose an enemy engaged with a player. That enemy cannot attack that player this phase.
A few brave men were strung before them to make a feint of resistance, and many there fell before the rest drew back and fled to either side. –The Hobbit

Combat Action: Return Gaffer Gamgee to your hand to choose an enemy with engagement cost higher than your threat. Until the end of the round, that enemy cannot attack you.
"Why? Why's none of my business, or yours."
–The Fellowship of the Ring

Setup: Attach to the Ring-bearer.
Action: Add Mr. Underhill to the victory display to choose an enemy engaged with you. Until the end of the round, that enemy cannot attack you.
"I will give you a travelling name now. When you go, go as Mr. Underhill."
–Gandalf, The Fellowship of the Ring

Combat Action: Discard Grimbold to choose an enemy engaged with a player. That enemy cannot attack th
Grimbold's men turned aside and passed round to a great gap in the wall further eastward.
-The Return of the King

Attach to the Ring-bearer. Limit 1 per hero.
While an Orc is making an enagement check with you, it gets +5 engagement cost.
Response: After an Orc engages you, discard Orc Disguise. Until the end of the round, that enemy cannot attack you.

Combat Action: Choose an enemy engaged with a player. That enemy cannot attack that player this phase.
A few brave men were strung before them to make a feint of resistance, and many there fell before the rest drew back and fled to either side. –The Hobbit

You must use resources from 3 different heroes' pools to pay for this card.
Action: Choose a player. That player's engaged enemies cannot attack that player this phase.
Without a word or cry, suddenly, the Riders halted. A thicket of spears were pointed towards the strangers...
–The Two Towers

Attach to an enemy engaged with a player.
Attached enemy cannot attack.
"We shall have it like a coney in a trap. Then we shall learn what kind of thing it is."
–Unidentified Man of Gondor,
The Two Towers

Response: After you play Andrath Guardsman from your hand, choose a non-unique enemy engaged with you. That enemy cannot attack you this round.
They forgot or ignored what little they had ever known of the Guardians...
–The Fellowship of the Ring

Combat Action: Return a Silvan ally you control to your hand to choose an enemy engaged with a player. That enemy cannot attack that player this phase.
"...we went ahead and spoke with feigned voices..."
–Haldir, The Fellowship of the Ring

Combat Action: Choose an enemy engaged with a player. That enemy cannot attack that player this phase.
A few brave men were strung before them to make a feint of resistance, and many there fell before the rest drew back and fled to either side.
–The Hobbit

Action: Enemies engaged with you cannot attack you this phase.

Response: After a non-unique enemy attacks you, put that enemy on the bottom of the encounter deck. If your threat is lower than that enemy's engagement cost, set your threat equal to the engagement cost of that enemy.

Play only if each of your heroes is a Hobbit.
Combat Action: Enemies engaged with you do not attack this round. You cannot declare attacks this round.
They possessed from the first the art of disappearing swiftly and silently, when large folk whom they do not wish to meet come blundering by...
–The Fellowship of the Ring

Combat Action: Return a Silvan ally you control to your hand to choose an enemy engaged with a player. That enemy cannot attack that player this phase.
"The three of us could not challenge a hundred, so we went ahead and spoke with feigned voices, leading them on into the wood." –Haldir, The Fellowship of the Ring

Response: After you play Andrath Guardsman from your hand, choose a non-unique enemy engaged with you. That enemy cannot attack you this round.
They forgot or ignored what little they had known of the Guardians, and of the labours of those that made possible the long peace of the Shire.
–The Fellowship of the Ring

Play only if you control a unique character with the Ranger trait and another unique character with the Warrior trait.
Response: After you engage an enemy, that enemy cannot attack you until the end of the round.

Combat Action: Return Gaffer Gamgee to your hand to choose an enemy with engagement cost higher than your threat. Until the end of the round, that enemy cannot attack you.
"Why? Why's none of my business, or yours."
–The Fellowship of the Ring

Combat Action: Exhaust The One Ring and raise your threat by 1 to choose a non-Nazgul enemy engaged with you. Until the end of the phase, that enemy cannot attack you.
“He vanished. I have never seen such a thing happen before...”
–Boromir, The Fellowship of the Ring

Setup: Attach to the Ring-bearer.
Action: Add Mr. Underhill to the victory display to choose an enemy engaged with you. Until the end of the round, that enemy cannot attack you.
"I will give you a travelling name now. When you go, go as Mr. Underhill."
–Gandalf, The Fellowship of the Ring

Combat Action: Discard Grimbold to choose an enemy engaged with a player. That enemy cannot attack that player this phase.
Grimbold's men turned aside and passed round to a great gap in the wall further eastward.
–The Return of the King

Attach to the Ring-bearer. Limit 1 per hero.
While an Orc is making an enagement check with you, it gets +5 engagement cost.
Response: After an Orc engages you, discard Orc Disguise. Until the end of the round, that enemy cannot attack you.