The first player gains control of Aragorn. If Aragorn leaves play, the players lose the game.
While Aragorn has an Artifact attached, he gains sentinel and does not exhaust to quest.
"I have no help to send, therefore I must go myself..."
–The Return of the King

Setup: Reduce your threat by 3.
Action: Raise your threat by 3 to ready Éowyn. She gets +9 until the end of the phase. (Limit once per game for the group.)
"But no living man am I! You look upon a woman. Éowyn I am, Éomund's daughter."
–The Return of the King

Response: After Beregond defends an attack and takes no damage, reduce the defending player's threat by 1. (Limit once per round.)
“The Lord does not permit those who wear the black and silver to leave their post for any cause...”
–The Return of the King

Combat Action: Discard Grimbold to choose an enemy engaged with a player. That enemy cannot attack that player this phase.
Grimbold's men turned aside and passed round to a great gap in the wall further eastward.
–The Return of the King

While there is a hero in your discard pile, Prince Imrahil loses the ally card type and gains the hero card type.
"We must gather all of the strength that we can find.
–The Return of the King

Reduce the cost to play Halbarad by 1 for each enemy engaged with you.
Each enemy engaged with you gets +10 engagement cost.
"Halbarad Dunadan, Ranger of the North I am..."
–The Return of the King

X is the of the active location.
Travel Action: Discard Ghân-buri-Ghân to travel to a location without resolving its Travel effect.
Ghân-buri-Ghân will not lead you into trap.
—The Return of the King

Response: Exhaust a Weapon or Armor card attached to the defending character to cancel a shadow effect just triggered during combat.
"Do what you will; but I will hinder it, if I may."
–Éowyn, The Return of the King

Response: After a sentinel character is declared as a defender, it gets +2 for this attack. If this attack deals no damage, ready the defending character.
...but alone in the porch upon the topmost step stood Beregond, clad in the black and silver of the Guard; and he held the door against them.
–The Return of the King

Attach to a Rohan hero. Restricted.
Response: After attached hero is declared as a defender, exhaust Golden Shield to add attached hero's to its
for this attack.
His golden shield was uncovered, and lo! it shone like an image of the Sun...
–The Return of the King

Attach to Gondor hero. Restricted.
Response: Spend X resources from attached hero's pool to cancel X damage just dealt to attached hero.
This was the livery of the heirs of Elendil, and none wore it now in all Gondor, save the Guards of the Citadel...
–The Return of the King

Attach to a Dúnedain hero.
If the attached hero is Aragorn, he gains a icon.
Response: After you optionally engage an enemy, exhaust Roheryn and attached hero to declare attached hero as an attacker (and resolve its attack) against that eneny.
"Aragorn's own horse that they had brought from the North; Roheryn was his name."
–The Return of the King

Attach to Aragorn.
While Aragorn is questing, each other questing character you control gets +1
While Aragorn is attacking, each other attacking character you control gets +1
Seven stars were about it, and a high crown above it, the signs of Elendil that no lord had borne for years beyond count.
–The Return of the King

Setup: Attach to a hero.
Attached hero gains the Rohan trait.
Attached hero gets +1 while attacking with another Rohan character.
"Rise now, Meriadoc, esquire of Rohan of the household of Meduseld!"
–Théoden, The Return of the King

Setup: Attach to a hero.
Attached hero gains the Gondor trait.
Attached hero gets +1 while commited to the quest with another Gondor character.
"Here do I swear fealty and service to Gondor, and to the Lord and Steward of the realm..."
–Pippin, The Return of the King

Immune to player card effects.
Forced: After The Stone of Erech becomes the active location, each player searches the encounter deck and discard pile for an Oathbreaker enemy and adds it to the staging area. Shuffle the encounter deck.
Travel: Remove 5 progress from stage 3B to travel here.

While Dark Door is in the staging area, progress cannot be placed on locations in the staging area.
Travel: The first player reveals an encounter card to travel here.
...before him stood a stony door closed fast...
–The Return of the King

While Trysting Place is in the staging area, each enemy in the staging area cannot take damage.
Travel: The first player searches the encounter deck and discard pile for an Oathbreaker enemy and puts it into play engaged with him. Shuffle the encounter deck.

Haunted Path gets +1 for each player with a threat of 35 or higher.
Travel: Raise each player's threat by 1 to travel here.

Shadow: Either raise your your threat by 2, or return attacking enemy to the staging area after this attack.

Forced: After Dead Man of Dunharrow engages you, either attach a set aside Overcome by Fear to your threat dial, or raise your threat by 2.

Shadow: Attacking enemy gets +1

Forced: When Shadow Host engages you, either attach a set aside Overcome by Fear to your threat dial, or it makes an immediate attack.
"In that gloom the Shadow Host seemed to grow stronger and more terrible to look upon."
–Legolas, The Return of the King

When Revealed: Each player with a threat of 35 or higher deal 1 damage to each exhausted character he controls.

Shadow: If your threat is 35 or higher, defending character cannot ready until the end of the round.

When Revealed: Either attach a set aside Overcome by Fear to your threat dial, or each character you control gets -1 -1
and -1
until the end of the round.

Shadow: Attacking enemy gets +1 (+2
instead if undefended).

When Revealed: Each player must choose: either attach a set aside Overcome by Fear to your threat dial, or discard an ally you control

Shadow: Either attach a set aside Overcome by Fear to your threat dial, or attacking enemy makes an additional attack after this one.

X is the number of resources on The Corsair Fleet.
The players cannot travel here unless there are at least 3 Ship locations in the victory display.
Travel: Each player searches the encounter deck and discard pile for a Corsair enemy and adds it to the staging area. One of those enemies must be Corsair Captain, if able.

While Umbar War Galley is the active location, each Corsair enemy gets -10 engagement cost.
Travel: Shuffle the encounter discard pile into the encounter deck and discard cards from the encounter deck until a Corsair enemy is discarded. Add the discarded enemy to the staging area.
"The Corsairs are upon us! It is the last stroke of doom!"
–Men of Gondor, The Return of the King

While Corsair Dromon is the active location, each Corsair enemy gains Archery 1.
Travel: Shuffle the encounter discard pile into the encounter deck and discard cards from the top until a Corsair enemy is discarded. Add the discarded enemy to the staging area.

While Port of Pelargir is in the staging area, no more than 1 damage can be healed from each character each round.

Shadow: If this attack damages a character, that character cannot ready until the end of the round.

Forced: At the end of the round, place a damage token here. Then, if there are 4 damage tokens here, discard Pelargir Quays and assign 4 damage among characters in play.
"...this attack will draw off much of the help that we looked to have from Lebennin and Belfalas..."
–Beregond, The Return of the King

Cannot be optionally engaged.
If the active location is a Ship Corsair Captain gets -30 engagement cost and gains:"Forced: When Corsair Captain engages you, it makes an immediate attack."

If the active location is a Ship Corsair of Umbar gets +2 and +2

Shadow: Attacking enemy gets +1 (+2
instead if the active location is a Ship).

Cannot have attachments.
Forced: When Umbar Pirate Crew engages you, exhaust a character you control.

Shadow: If the active location is a Ship return attacking enemy to the staging area after this attack.

Forced: When Haradrim Pirate engages you, deal 1 damage to a character you control (2 damage instead if the active location is a Ship).

Shadow: Defending character gets -1 for each damage on it.

When Revealed: Either return each Corsair enemy engaged with you to the staging area, or discard cards from the top of the encounter deck until a Corsair enemy is discarded and put that enemy into play engaged with you.
"...there men of Lamedon contested the fords with fell folk of Umbar and Harad who had sailed up the river."
–Legolas, The Return of the King

When Revealed: Each Ship location in the staging area gets +1 until the end of the phase. If there are no non-unique Ship locations in the staging area, search the encounter deck and discard pile for a Ship location and add it to the staging area. Shuffle the encounter deck.

When Revealed: Each player must choose: either add 3 to the total in the staging area until the end of the phase, or discard the highest cost attachment you control.

Shadow: Attacking enemy gets +1 If this attack destroys a character, discard an attachment you control.

When Revealed: Either immediately end the quest phase (without resolving the quest), or assign X damage among questing characters you control. X is the number of resources on The Corsair Fleet.

Shadow: Exhaust a character you control.

Minas Tirith has 30 hit points plus 10 for each player.
Forced: At the end of the round, deal 1 damage to Minas Tirith for each enemy in the staging area. Then, if Minas Tirith has no hit points remaining, the players lose the game.

Immune to player card effects.
X is the number of resources on Grond.
Forced: At the beginning of the quest phase, place 1 resource on Grond. Then, deal X damage to Minas Tirith.
Travel: The Witch-king makes an immediate attack against each player, in turn order.

Immune to player card effects.
While Gate of Gondor is the active location, each enemy in play gets -30 engagement cost.
Forced: When Gate of Gondor is explored, return each engaged enemy to the staging area.
...it was the key, the weakest point in all that high and impenetrable wall. –The Return of the King

While City Wall is the active location, damage that would be placed on Minas Tirith must be placed here first.
Forced: When City Walls has damage equal to its quest points, discard it. Then, each player raises his threat by 3.
For the main wall of the City was of great height and marvellous thickness... –The Return of the King

While at least 1 enemy is in the staging area, progress cannot be placed on locations in the staging area.

Shadow: Attacking enemy gets +1 (+2
instead if it has the Harad trait).

Forced: When a player plays an event that would cancel the effects of a treachery card just revealed from the encounter deck, cancel the effects of that event. Then, discard Fire-filled Trench.
...as the trenches were made each was filled with fire, though how it was kindled or fed, by art or devilry, none could see. –The Return of the King

While Siege Tower is in the staging area, it gains Archery 3.
Forced: After Siege Tower becomes the active location, shuffle the encounter discard pile into the encounter deck and discard cards from the top until an enemy is discarded. Add the discarded enemy to the staging area.

Cannot have attachments or be attacked by more than 1 character at a time.
When Revealed: The Black Serpent makes an immediate attack against the first player.
...he was filled with a red wrath and shouted aloud, and displaying his standard, black serpent upon scarlet, he came... –The Return of the King