Cannot have restricted attachments.
Action: Deal 1 damage to Treebeard to give him +1 and +1
until the end of the phase. (Limit 5 times per phase.)
"I am not altogether on anybody's side, because nobody is altogether on my side..."
–The Two Towers

The first player gains control of Aragorn. If Aragorn leaves play, the players lose the game.
Action: Spend 2 resources from Aragorn's resource pool to ready a hero.
"I am Aragorn son of Arathorn and am called Elessar, the Elfstone, Dunadan, the heir of Isildur Elendil’s son of Gondor."
–The Two Towers

Action: Spend 1 resource and exhaust The One Ring to give Frodo Baggins +2
and +2
until the end of the round.
"It's my doom, I think, to go to that Shadow yonder, so that a way will be found." –The Two Towers

Response: After an enemy is added to the staging area, exhaust Anborn to give that enemy +5 engagement cost until the end of the round. Then, deal 1 damage to that enemy.
"Now I have him at arrow–point." –The Two Towers

Attach to a Gondor or Hobbit hero. Restricted.
Response: After attached hero exhausts to defend an attack from an enemy with engagement cost higher than your threat, exhaust Staff of Lebethron to discard a shadow card from that enemy.
"They are made of the fair tree lebethron, beloved of the woodwrights of Gondor..." –Faramir, The Two Towers

Response: After a hero you control defends an attack made by an enemy with engagement cost higher than your threat, ready that hero. Until the end of the phase, that hero gets +2 while attacking that enemy.
"We're going on; but we'll settle with you first. Come on, and taste it again!" –Sam Gamgee, The Two Towers

Cannot have restricted attachments. Enters play exhausted.
While Skinbark is attacking alone against an Orc enemy, that enemy does not count its .
"He was wounded by the Orcs, and many of his folk and his tree–herds have been murdered and destroyed." –Treebeard, The Two Towers

Response: After a Rohan ally you control is discarded from play, exhaust Gamling to return that ally to your hand.
"...we have a thousand fit to fight on foot," said Gamling, an old man, the leader of those that watched the Dike. –The Two Towers

Combat Action: Ready Háma. He gets +3 until the end of the phase. At the end of the phase, discard Háma. (Limit once per round.)
"I am the Doorward of Théoden," he said. "Háma is my name." –The Two Towers

Attach to a Rohan hero. Restricted.
Reduce the cost to play Herugrim on Théoden by 1.
Response: After attached hero is declared as an attacker, exhaust Herugrim to add attached hero's to its
for this attack.
"Here, lord, is Herugrim, your ancient blade." –Háma, The Two Towers

Attach to a Rohan hero. Restricted.
If attached hero is Théoden, Snowmane loses the restricted keyword.
Response: After attached hero quests successfully, ready attached hero.
Suddenly the king cried to Snowmane and the horse sprang away. –The Return of the King

Play only after the resolving enemy attacks step is complete.
Combat Action: Exhaust and discard a Rohan ally you control to choose and discard a non-unique enemy engaged with you.
"Helm is arisen and comes back to war. Helm for Théoden King!" –Riders of Rohan, The Two Towers

Response: After Mablung enters play, choose an enemy to get +5 engagement cost until the end of the round. Then, you may engage that enemy, or return it to the staging area.
"But still we will not sit idle and let Him do all as He would." –The Two Towers

Cannot have restricted attachments. Enters play exhausted.
Response: After Quickbeam enters play, deal 1 damage to him to ready him.
"I am Bregalad, that is Quickbeam in your language. But it is only a nickname, of course." –The Two Towers

Play Ambush into the staging area unattached. If unattached, attach Ambush to the next eligible enemy that enters the staging area.
Combat Action: The engaged player discards Ambush to declare an attack against the attached enemy.
"But we have a new errand on this journey: we come to ambush the Men of Harad." –Mablung, The Two Towers

Play only if you control at least 1 Ent character.
Attach to a character. Limit 1 per character.
Attached character gets +2 hit points.
The effect of the draught began at the toes, and rose steadily through every limb, bringing refreshment and vigour as it coursed upwards, right to the tips of the hair. –The Two Towers

Lower the cost to play In the Shadows by 1 for each Hobbit or Ranger hero you control.
Combat Action: Each enemy engaged with you with engagement cost higher than your threat gets -1 and -1
until the end of the phase.
He could see them stealing up the slopes, singly or in long files, keeping always to the shade of grove or thicket... –The Two Towers

Action: Ready the Ring-bearer to choose an enemy engaged with you. If the Ring-bearer's is greater than that enemy's
lower its
by the difference until the end of the phase.
For a moment it appeared to Sam that his master had grown and Gollum had shrunk... –The Two Towers

Play only if you control Aragorn.
Quest Action: Choose 3 heroes committed to the quest. Ready those heroes. Until the end of the round, each of the chosen heroes gets +1 , +1
, and +1
"We shall makes such a chase as shall be accounted a marvel among the Three Kindreds: Elves, Dwarves, and Men. Forth the Three Hunters!" –Aragorn, The Two Towers

You are playing campaign mode.
Setup: Remove Gildor Inglorion and Mr. Underhill from the Campaign Pool. Remove each burden with the following burden set icons from the encounter deck:
A Shadow of the Past, Flight to the Ford, The Ring Goes South
They followed their enemies now by the clear light of day. It seemed that the Orcs had pressed on with all possible speed. –The Two Towers

Resolution: If the pursuit value is 25 or lower, the players must choose: either each player earns one of the Skill boons (Intimidation, Hands of a Healer Forewarned, or Leader of Men) and attached it to a hero he controls, or one player ears the boon Beyond All Hope and chooses a hero from the list of fallen heroes. That player takes control of the chosen hero (removing it from the list of fallen heroes) and attaches Beyond All Hope to it. If a player controls more than 3 non- heroes, he must remove heroes from the Campaign Log until he controls only 3 heroes. Changing heroes as a result of earning Beyond All Hope does not incur a +1 threat penalty. Add the earned cards to the Campaign Pool.
Then when they had laid their fallen comrades in a mound and had sung their praises, the Riders made a great fire and scattered the ashes of their enemies. So ended the raid, and no news of it came ever back either to Mordor or Isengard; but the smoke of the burning rose hight ot heaven and was seen by many watchful eyes. –The Two Towers

The Orcs that attached the Fellowship at Amon Hen captured several members of the Company and are carrying them to Isengard. Aragorn and his companions decide to chase the Uruk–hai in an effort to rescue their friends...
Setup: Make Estemnet the active location. Add Uglúk and To Isengard! to the staging area. Each player chooses 1 non- hero he controls to be a Captive and places it faceup underneath to Isengard! (If playing campaign mode, choose each "captive" from the Campaign Log instead). Set the pursuit value to 10.
X is the Pursuit value.
Uglúk cannot leave the staging area or take damage.
Forced: At the end of the combat phase, increase the pursuit value by 1 for each enemy in the staging area.
"With hope or without hope we will follow the trail of our enemies. And woe to them, if we prove the swifter!" –Aragorn, The Two Towers

As their pursuers close in on them, the Uruk–hai race towards the forest of Fangorn with redoubled speed. If the Orcs reach its borders, they will escape into the woods, taking their captives with them...
When Revealed: Each player searches the encounter deck and discard pile for an Uruk-hai enemy, reveals it, and adds it to the staging area. Shuffle the encounter deck.
X is the pursuit value.
Response: After an enemy is defeated, reduce the pursuit value by 1.
The players cannot defeat this stage while Uglúk is in play. If the players defeat this stage, they have rescued each Captive hero and won the game.
"Run! There's the forest," he shouted, pointing ahead. "Get to it! It's your best hope. Off you go!" –Uglúk, The Two Towers

Treat each Captive's text box as blank. Captives are in play but are not under any player's control. If there are no Captives in play, the players lose the game.
Forced: At the end of the refresh phase, increase the pursuit value by 1. Then, if the pursuit value is 30 or greater, the players lose the game.

Toughness 3. Cannot have attachments.
Allies cannot be declared as attackers or defenders against Uglúk.
"I am Uglúk. I command." –The Two Towers

Forced: After Grishn kh enters play, the first player attached 1 of the Captives to him. If Grishn kh is defeated, place the attached Captive faceup underneath To Isengard!
Forced: At the end of the quest phase, deal 1 damage to the attached Captive.

Peril. Toughness 1. Archery 1.
When Revealed: Either increase the pursuit value by 3, or reveal an additional encounter card.
Uglúk shouted, and a number of other Orcs of nearly his own size ran up. –The Two Towers

While the Wold is the active location, it gains:"Response: After The Wold is explored, each player draws 1 card."
Travel: Increase the pursuit value by 1.
Ahead and eastward they saw the windy uplands of the Wold of Rohan that they had already glimpsed many days ago from the Great River. –The Two Towers

While Eastemnet is the active location, it gains:"Response: After Eastemnet is explored, add 1 resource to each hero's resource pool."
Travel: Increase the pursuit value by 1.
...the Horse–lords had formerly kept many herds and studs in the Eastemnet, this easterly region of their realm... –The Two Towers

X is the number of locations in the staging area.

Shadow: Attacking enemy gets +1 If this attack destroys a character, increase the pursuit value by 1.
...the green plains of the Rohirrim stretched away before them to the edge of sight. –The Two Towers

Forced: After any amount of progress is placed on Banks of Entwash, increase the pursuit value by 1.

Shadow: Either increase the pursuit value by 1, or this attack is considered undefended.
"...north–west to the issuing of the Entwash there lies still a wide land." –Aragorn, The Two Towers

When Revealed: Either immediately end the quest phase and increase the pursuit value by 3, or deal 1 damage to each character commited to the quest. This effect cannot be canceled.
"We have come at last to a hard choice," he said. "Shall we rest by night, or shall we go on while our will and strength hold?" –Aragorn, The Two Towers

When Revealed: Each character commited to the quest gets -1 until the end of the round.

Shadow: Attacking enemy makes an additional attack against you after this one.
"I am weary as I have seldom been before, weary as no Ranger should be with a clear trail to follow." –Aragorn, The Two Towers

When Revealed: The players cannot place more than 3 progress on the current quest this round. (This does not count progress placed on the active location.)

Shadow: Attacking enemy gets +1 If this attack destroys a character, increase the pursuit value by 1.

Setup: Attach to a Warrior hero.
Response: After attached hero is declared as the only attacker against a non-unique enemy, exhaust Intimidation to give that enemy -2 for this attack.
"None knows what the new day shall bring him," said Aragorn. "Get you gone, ere it turn to your evil!"
–Aragorn, The Two Towers

Setup: Attach to a Healer hero.
Action: Exhaust attached hero and Hands of a Healer to heal up to 3 damage from a hero.
"Life to the dying
In the king's hand lying!"
–Herb–master, The Return of the King

Setup: Attach to a Ranger hero.
Response: After attached hero is declared as a defender against a non-unique enemy, exhaust Forewarned to discard 1 shadow card from that enemy.
"Faint and far are the feet of our enemies."
–Aragorn, The Two Towers

Setup: Attach to a Noble hero.
Response: After attached hero quests successfully, exhaust Leader of Men to add 1 resource to attached hero's pool.
"Take this, dear lord!" said a clear voice. "It was ever at your service."
–The Two Towers

Setup: Attach to a hero.
Attached hero gets +1 +1
and cannot have treachery card attachments.
"Beyond all hope you return to us in our need!"
–Aragorn, The Two Towers

You are playing campaign mode.
Setup: Each player may change hero cards without incurring the +1 threat penalty. Remove each burden with the following burden set icons from the encounter deck:
A Shadow of the Past, Flight to the Ford, The Ring Goes South
"The shield–wall was broken. Erkenbrand of Westfold has drawn off those men he could gather towards his fastness in Helm's Deep." –Ceorl, The Two Towers

Resolution: Each player with a copy of Poisoned Counsels in his hand, deck or discard pile has earned that burden. Add the earned cards to the campaign pool.
Down through the breach of the Dike charged the king's company. Down from the hills leaped Erkenbrand, lord of Westfold. Down leaped Shadowfax, like a deer that runs surefooted in the mountains. The White Rider was upon them, and the terror of his coming filled the enemy with madness. The wild men fell on their faces before him. The Orcs reeled and screamed and cast aside both sword and spear. Like a black smoke driven by a mounting wind they fled. –The Two Towers

The pursuit of the Uruk–hai has brought the Heir of Elendil to Rohan just as Saruman declares war on that land. Aragorn and his companions travel to Edoras to aid King Théoden, but their arrival is met with suspicion...
Setup: Set The Defense of Helm's Deep and 1 copy of Deeping Wall aside, out of play. Each player sets 1 copy of Soldier of Isengard aside, out of play. Then, the players must choose: either each player shuffles 1 copy of Poisoned Counsels into his deck, or advance to stage 2A (bypassing stage 1B).
When Revealed: Each player chooses 1 ally in his hand that matches the sphere of a hero he controls and puts it into play under his control.
Skip the quest phase and combat phase.
Forced: At the end of the round, advance to stage 2A.
"Hail, Théoden son of Thengel! I have returned. For behold! the storm comes, and now all friends should gather together..." –Gandalf, The Two Towers

At the behest of Gandalf, Aragorn and his companions ride to Helm's Deep with the men of Rohan and their King. As the sun goes down, the valley below the Deeping Wall fills with the approaching army of Isengard...
When Revealed: Add The Defense of Helm's Deep and each set aside copy of Soldier of Isengard to the staging area. Make Deeping Wall the active location. Shuffle the encounter deck. Then, each player reveals 1 encounter card.
Forced: At the end of the combat phase, if the number of enemies in the staging area is less than the number of players in the game, the first player reveals an encounter card.
Forced: At the end of the round place 1 progress here for each enemy in the staging area (bypassing the active location).

Against the Deeping Wall the hosts of Isengard roared like a sea. Orcs and hillmen swarmed about its feet from end to end. –The Two Towers
When Revealed: Search the encounter deck, discard pile, and victory display for Helm's Gate and add it to the staging area. Shuffle the encounter deck. Make Helm's Gate the active location, returning any previous active location to the staging area.
Forced: After resolving the quest, if the encounter deck did not place at least 1 progress on this stage as the result of questing, the first player reveals 1 encounter card.
Hundreds of long ladders were lifted up. Many were cast down in ruin, but many more replaced them... –The Two Towers