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Resource Threat Engagement
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Quest Points
Trait Keyword Victory
Player Encounter Quest
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Results: 201 - 221 of 221 Cards
The Black Riders (x3)
Item. Pipe.

Attach to a Hobbit character. Limit 1 per character.

Response: After your threat is reduced by an event card effect, exhaust Hobbit Pipe to draw a card.

But even the Dúnedain of Gondor allow us this credit: Hobbits first put it into pipes. Not even the Wizards first thought of that before we did. –The Fellowship of the Ring

The Black Riders (x3)
Artifact. Item.

Attach to the active location. Attached location gets +1 quest point.

Response: After attached location leaves play as an explored location, the first player puts 1 ally into play from his hand.

"It is a beryl, an elf–stone. Whether it was set there, or let fall by chance, I cannot say, but it brings hope to me"
–Aragorn, The Fellowship of the Ring

The Road Darkens (x3)
Artifact. Item. Staff.

Attach to Gandalf. Restricted.

Action: Exhaust Gandalf’s Staff to (choose one):

  • choose a player to draw 1 card
  • add 1 resource to a hero's resource pool
  • discard a shadow card from a non-unique enemy.

...he held his staff aloft, and from its tip there came a feint radiance. –The Fellowship of the Ring

The Road Darkens (x3)
Item. Pipe.

Attach to an Istari character. Limit 1 per character.

Action: Exhaust Wizard Pipe to exchange a card in your hand with the top card of your deck.

...there was a long silence, broken only by the soft puffs of Gandalf's pipe, as he blew white smoke–rings out of the window. –The Fellowship of the Ring

The Road Darkens (x1)
Artifact. Item. Weapon.


Attach to a Hobbit hero.

Attached hero gets +1 Willpower +1 Attack and +1 Defense.

Response: After attached hero exhausts to defend an attack, discard the top card of the encounter deck. Deal damage to the attacking enemy equal to the discarded card's Threat.

The Road Darkens (x1)
Artifact. Item. Armor.

Attach to the Ring-bearer.

Attached hero gets +1 Defense and +1 hit point.

"I should feel happier if I knew you were wearing it. I have a fancy it would turn even the knives of the Black Riders..." –Bilbo, The Fellowship of the Ring

The Road Darkens (x1)
Artifact. Item. Weapon.

Attach to a Warrior hero or Gandalf. Restricted.

Attached character gets +2 Attack.

Response: After attached character destroys an Orc enemy, draw 1 card.

" his side was the elven–sword Glamdring, the mate of Orcrist that lay now upon the breast of Thorin under the Lonely Mountain." –The Fellowship of the Ring

The Road Darkens (x1)
Artifact. Item. Weapon.

Attach to a Noble hero or Aragorn. Restricted.

Attached hero gets +1 Willpower +1 Attack and +1 Defense.

Response: After an attack in which the attached hero defended resolves, exhaust Andúril to target the enemy that just attacked. Declare attached hero as an attacker against that enemy (and resolve the attack).

The Road Darkens (x1)
Item. Gift.

Setup: Attach to a hero in play.

Add Phial of Galadriel to the victory display and remove it from the campaign pool, to give each enemy engaged with you -4 Attack until the end of the round.

"May it be a light to you in dark places, when all other lights go out." –Galadriel, The Fellowship of the Ring

The Road Darkens (x1)
Item. Gift.

Setup: Attach to a hero in play.

Action: Add Three Golden Hairs to the victory display and remove it from the campaign pool, to lower each player's threat by 3. Then, each player draws 3 cards.

"...your hands shall flow with gold, and yet over you gold shall have no dominion." –Galadriel, The Fellowship of the Ring

The Road Darkens (x1)
Item. Gift.

Setup: Attach to a hero in play.

Action: Add Lórien Rope to the victory display, and remove it from the campaign pool to give each location in the staging area -2 Threat until the end of the phase.

"What a piece of luck you had that rope!" –Frodo, The Two Towers

The Road Darkens (x1)
Item. Gift.

Setup: Attach to a hero in play.

Action: Add Leaf-wrapped Lembas to the victory display, and remove it from the campaign pool, to ready all heroes in play.

Often in their hearts they thanked the lady of Lórien for the gift of lembas, for they could eat of it and find new strength even as they ran. –The Two Towers

The Treason of Saruman (x3)
Item. Ent.

Play only if you control at least 1 Ent character.

Attach to a character. Limit 1 per character.

Attached character gets +2 hit points.

The effect of the draught began at the toes, and rose steadily through every limb, bringing refreshment and vigour as it coursed upwards, right to the tips of the hair. –The Two Towers

The Treason of Saruman (x3)
Item. Weapon.

Attach to a Rohan hero. Restricted.

Reduce the cost to play Herugrim on Théoden by 1.

Response: After attached hero is declared as an attacker, exhaust Herugrim to add attached hero's Willpower to its Attack for this attack.

"Here, lord, is Herugrim, your ancient blade." –Háma, The Two Towers

The Treason of Saruman (x1)
Artifact. Item.

Attach to Aragorn.

Quest Action: Exhaust Aragorn and Palantír of Orthanc to discard the top card of the encounter deck. If Aragorn'sWillpower is greater than the discarded card'sThreat you may add Palantír of Orthanc to the victory display and remove it from the campaign pool to choose a player. That player reveals 1 fewer encounter card this phase (to a minimum of 0).

The Land of Shadow (x3)

Attach to a Gondor or Hobbit hero. Restricted.

Response: After attached hero exhausts to defend an attack from an enemy with engagement cost higher than your threat, exhaust Staff of Lebethron to discard a shadow card from that enemy.

"They are made of the fair tree lebethron, beloved of the woodwrights of Gondor..." –Faramir, The Two Towers

The Flame of the West (x3)
Item. Armor.

Attach to a Rohan hero. Restricted.

Response: After attached hero is declared as a defender, exhaust Golden Shield to add attached hero's Willpower to its Defense for this attack.

His golden shield was uncovered, and lo! it shone like an image of the Sun...
–The Return of the King

The Flame of the West (x3)
Item. Armor.

Attach to Gondor hero. Restricted.

Response: Spend X resources from attached hero's pool to cancel X damage just dealt to attached hero.

This was the livery of the heirs of Elendil, and none wore it now in all Gondor, save the Guards of the Citadel...
–The Return of the King

The Flame of the West (x3)
Artifact. Item.

Attach to Aragorn.

While Aragorn is questing, each other questing character you control gets +1 Willpower

While Aragorn is attacking, each other attacking character you control gets +1 Attack

Seven stars were about it, and a high crown above it, the signs of Elendil that no lord had borne for years beyond count.
–The Return of the King

The Mountain of Fire (x3)
Item. Weapon.

Attach to a Rohan hero. Restricted.

Response: After attached hero is declared as an attacker, exhaust Gúthwinë to give that hero +2 Attack for this attack. If this attack destroys an enemy, return a Rohan ally from your discard pile to your hand.

“Gúthwinë!” cried Éomer. “Gúthwinë for the Mark!”
–The Two Towers

The Mountain of Fire (x3)
Item. Armor.

Attach to the Ring-bearer. Limit 1 per hero.

While an Orc is making an enagement check with you, it gets +5 engagement cost.

Response: After an Orc engages you, discard Orc Disguise. Until the end of the round, that enemy cannot attack you.