When Revealed: Deal 1 damage to a questing c
Shadow: After this attack, attacking enemy engages the next player then makes an attack.

When Revealed: Choose a questing character you control and remo
Shadow: Defending character cannot ready until the end of the round.

Forced: After Easterling Outrider engages a player, either place 1 resource on Easterling Pursuit, or Easterling Outrider makes an immediate attack.

Shadow: Discard an attachment you control.

Forced: When Easterling Captain enters play, discard cards from the encounter deck until an Easterling treachery is discarded. Attach that treachery to Easterling Captain.
Forced: When Easterling Captain would take any amount of damage, discard an Easterling attachment from him. Then, cancel the damage.

Rider of Rhûn gets -10 enagement cost for each Easterling attachment it has.
When Revealed: Search the encounter deck and discard pile for an Easterling Horse and attach it to Rider of Rhûn. Shuffle the encounter deck.

While attached to an enemy, counts as a Mount attachment with the text: "Attached enemy gets +2 Forced: At the end of the round, return attached enemy to the staging area."
When Revealed: Attach to the lowest engagement cost Easterling enemy without an Easterling Horse and return it to the staging area. Otherwise, Easterling Horse gains surge.

Easterling Raider gets +1 and +1
for each Easterling attachment on it.

Shadow: Attacking enemy gets +1 (+2
instead if it has an Easterling attachment).

Forced: When Warrior of Rh–n attacks, attach the top Easterling treachery in the discard pile to it.

Shadow: Attach the top Easterling treachery in the discard pile to attacking enemy.

Forced: After Rh–n Backstabber engages you, either raise your threat by 2, or discard an ally you control with printed cost 2 or higher.

Shadow: Raise your threat by 1 for each enemy engaged with you.

Treacherous Easterlings gets +1 and +1
for each resource token on it (Limit +3
and +3
Forced: After the engaged player raises his threat, place 1 resource token on Treacherous Easterling.

While Thane of Ulchor is engaged with a player, Ulchor's Guard engages that player.

Shadow: Attacking enemy gets +2 until the end of the phase.

While attached to an enemy, counts as a Condition attachment with the text: "Attached enemy gets +1 +1
and is immune to player card effects."
When Revealed: Attach to the Easterling enemy with the lowest without a copy of Fanaticism. Otherwise, Fanaticism gains surge.

Immune to player card effects.
Kham–l the Easterling engages the first player.
Only the engaged player can declare attackers or defenders against Kham–l the Easterling.

Forced: After Champion of Rh–n engages you, either return a location you control to the staging area, or Champion of Rh–n makes an attack.

Shadow: Deal 1 damage to defending character.

Forced: After Easterling Skirmisher attacks and destroys a character, that character's controller must return the location he controls with the highest to the staging area.

Immune to player card effects.Indestructible.
X is 1 more than the number of resources on the main quest.
City Guard cannot leave the staging area but is considered to be engaged with each player whose threat is equal to or higher than its engagement cost.

X is 1 more than the number of resources on the main quest.
Forced: After Ulfast Sentry engages you, either place 1 resource on the main quest or Ulfast Sentry makes an attack.

Cannot have player card attachments.
Forced: When The King's Elite attacks, place 1 resource on the main quest.

Shadow: Attacking enemy makes an additional attack after this one.

X is 2 per player.Indestructible.
Immune to player card effects. Cannot leave the staging area.
While The Challengers is at the same stage as The Wainriders, Wainrider Champion is considered to be engaged with each player.

While The Challengers is ahead of the The Wainriders, Aggressive Racer gains surge.
Forced: After Aggressive Racer attacks and destroys a character, place 2 damage on The Wainriders' stage.

When Revealed: Either place 3 damage on The Wainriders' stage, or Chariot Driver makes an attack against the first player.

Shadow: If this attack destroys a character, return attacking enemy to the the staging area.

While The Challengers is ahead of The Wainriders, Veteran Wainrider gets +2 and cannot leave the staging area.

Shadow: Attacking enemy gets +2 if The Challengers is ahead of the Wainriders.

When Revealed: Assign X damage among characters in play. X is the current archery total.

Shadow: Defending character cannot ready this round.

While the number of Camp locations in the staging area is less than the number of players, Nurn Slavers gains surge.

Shadow: Attacking enemy gets +1 for each Camp location in the victory display.

When Revealed: Either reveal an additional encounter card, or no progress can be placed on the current quest this phase.

Shadow: Attacking enemy gets +1 for each Castle side quest in the victory display.

When Revealed: Deal 1 damage to a questing character you control.

Shadow: After this attack, attacking enemy engages the next player then makes an attack.

When Revealed: Choose a questing character you control and remove it from the quest.

Shadow: Defending character cannot ready until the end of the round.

Each damage dealt by Wainriders raises the defending player's threat by 1.