Response: Exhaust Honour Guard to cancel 1 point of damage just dealt to a character.
Valour Response: Exhaust and discard Honour Guard to cancel up to 5 damage just dealt to a character.

Attach to a hero with Sentinel. Limit 1 per hero.
Response: Exhaust Raven-winged Helm to prevent 1 point of damage just dealt to attached character.
He had a small hauberk, its rings of forged of steel, maybe, yet black as jet; and a high-crowned helm with small raven-wings on either side, set with a silver star in the centre of the circlet.
–The Return of the King

Attach to a Ranger character. Limit 1 per character.
While attached character is commited to the quest, Weather-stained Cloak gains:
Response: Exhaust Weather-stained Cloak to cancel 1 point of damage just dealt to attached character.
They were clad in warm raiment and heavy cloaks...
–The Return of the King

Attach to a Warrior character. Limit 1 per character.
Attached character gets +2 hit points.
Response: When another character would be assigned any amount of damage, place 1 of that damage on attached character instead.

Attach to a hero.
Response: When attached hero is dealt any amount of damage, reduce that damage by 1.
It was of silver-steel which the Elves call mithril, and with it went a belt of pearls and crystals. –The Hobbit

Cannot have attachments.
Response: Discard Loyal Hound to cancel up to 2 damage just dealt to a hero you control.

Attach to a Gondor hero. Restricted.
Response: Spend X resources from attached hero's pool to cancel X damage just de
This was the livery of the heirs of Elendil, and none wore it now in all Gondor, save the Guards of the Citadel...
-The Return of the King

Attach to a hero.
Action: Exhaust Song of Mocking to choose another hero. Until the end of the phase, attached hero takes all damage assigned to the chosen hero.
Old fat spider spinning in a tree!
Old fat spider can't see me!
Attercop! Attercop!
Won't you stop. Stop your spinning and look for me!
-Bilbo Baggins, The Hobbit

Response: Exhaust Honour Guard to cancel 1 point of damage just dealt to a character.
Valour Response: Exhaust and discard Honour Guard to cancel up to 5 damage just dealt to a character.

Attach to a hero with Sentinel. Limit 1 per hero.
Response: Exhaust Raven-winged Helm to prevent 1 point of damage just dealt to attached character.
He had a small hauberk, its rings of forged of steel, maybe, yet black as jet; and a high-crowned helm with small raven-wings on either side, set with a silver star in the centre of the circlet.
–The Return of the King

Attach to a Ranger character. Limit 1 per character.
While attached character is commited to the quest, Weather-stained Cloak gains:
Response: Exhaust Weather-stained Cloak to cancel 1 point of damage just dealt to attached character.
They were clad in warm raiment and heavy cloaks...
–The Return of the King

Attach to a Warrior character. Limit 1 per character.
Attached character gets +2 hit points.
Response: When another character would be assigned any amount of damage, place 1 of that damage on attached character instead.

Cannot have attachments.
Response: Discard Loyal Hound to cancel up to 2 damage just dealt to a hero you control.

Attach to a hero.
Response: When attached hero is dealt any amount of damage, reduce that damage by 1.
It was of silver-steel which the Elves call mithril, and with it went a belt of pearls and crystals. –The Hobbit

Response: After a hero is assigned any amount of damage, exhaust Dori to place that damage on Dori instead.
'I can't always be carrying burglars on my back,' said Dori, 'down tunnels and up trees! What do you think I am? A porter?' –Dori, The Hobbit

Attach to Gondor hero. Restricted.
Response: Spend X resources from attached hero's pool to cancel X damage just dealt to attached hero.
This was the livery of the heirs of Elendil, and none wore it now in all Gondor, save the Guards of the Citadel...
–The Return of the King