Cannot have restricted attachments.
Response: After Meneldor enters or leaves play, place 2 progress on a location.
...Meneldor young and swift. –The Return of the King

Cannot have restricted attachments.
When Revealed: The first player chooses a player to take control of Eagle of the North. The chosen player may choose and discard a non-unique enemy in the staging area.

Sentinel. Landroval cannot have restricted attachments.
Response: After a hero card is destroyed, return Landroval to his owner's hand to put that hero back into play, with 1 damage token on it. (Limit once per game.)

Descendant of Thorondor cannot have restricted attachments.
Response: After Descendant of Thorondor enters or leaves play, deal 2 damage to any 1 enemy in the staging area.

Ranged.Vassal of the Windlord cannot have restricted attachments.
Forced: After an attack in which Vassal of the Windlord attacked resolves, discard Vassal of the Windlord from play.

Eagles of the Misty Mountains cannot have restricted attachments. Eagles of the Misty Mountains gets +1 and +1
for each facedown attachment it has.
Response: After another Eagle character leaves play, you may attach that card facedown to Eagles of the Misty Mountains.

Cannot have restricted attachments.
Response: After Gwaihir enters play, search your discard pile for an Eagle ally and put it into play under your control. At the end of the round, if that ally is still in play, add it to your hand.
"The North Wind blows, but we shall outfly it." –Gwaihir, The Return of the King

Cannot have restricted attachments.
Response: After Meneldor enters or leaves play, place 2 progress on a location.
...Meneldor young and swift. –The Return of the King

Cannot have restricted attachments.
When Revealed: The first player chooses a player to take control of Eagle of the North. The chosen player may choose and discard a non-unique enemy in the staging area.