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Resource Threat Engagement
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Quest Points
Trait Keyword Victory
Player Encounter Quest
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Results: 1 - 50 of 890 Cards
Revised Core Set (x2)
20 2 3 1 3
Creature. Spider.

When Revealed: Each player must choose and exhaust 1 character he controls.

Shadow: Defending player must choose and exhaust 1 character he controls. (2 characters instead if this attack is undefended.)

Revised Core Set (x1/x0)
40 1 2 0 3
Creature. Insect.

Forced: After Hummerhorns engages you, deal 5 damage to a single hero you control.

Shadow: Deal 1 damage to each character the defending player controls. (2 damage instead if this attack is undefended.)

Revised Core Set (x1)
32 3 5 2 9
Creature. Spider.

When Revealed: Each character currently committed to a quest gets -1 Willpower until the end of the phase.

Shadow: Raise defending player's threat by 4. (Raise defending player's threat by 8 instead if this attack is undefended.)

Revised Core Set (x1)
10 1 2 0 2
Goblin. Orc.


Shadow: Wolf Rider attacks the defending player. That player may declare 1 character as a defender. Deal Wolf Rider its own Shadow card. After combat, return Wolf Rider to the top of the encounter deck.

Revised Core Set (x2/x1)
30 1 6 3 9

Excess combat damage dealt by Hill Troll (damage that is dealt beyond the remaining hit points of the character damaged by its attack) must be assigned as an increase to your threat.

"Mutton yesterday, mutton today, and blimey, if it don't look like mutton again tomorrow."
–Troll, The Hobbit

Revised Core Set (x2)
48 2 2 0 2
Goblin. Orc.

During the encounter phase, players cannot optionally engage Goblin Sniper if there are other enemies in the staging area.

Forced: If Goblin Sniper is in the staging area at the end of the combat phase, each player deals 1 point of damage to 1 character he controls.

Revised Core Set (x1/x0)
40 3 4 1 7

Forced: Each time Marsh Adder attacks you, raise your threat by 1.

Under the boughs of Mirkwood there was deadly strife of Elves and Men and fell beasts.
–The Fellowship of the Ring

Revised Core Set (x2)
20 2 3 1 3

Forced: If Wargs is dealt a shadow card with no effect, return Wargs to the staging area after it attacks.

Shadow: attacking enemy gets +1 Attack (+2 Attack instead if this attack is undefended.)

Revised Core Set (x3)
10 2 2 0 3
Dol Guldur. Orc.

When Revealed: The first player chooses 1 character currently committed to a quest. Deal 2 damage to that character.

Shadow: Attacking enemy gets +1 Attack (+3 Attack instead if this attack is undefended.)

Revised Core Set (x1/x0)
35 2 3 3 6
Dol Guldur. Orc.

Chieftain Ufthak get +2 Attack for each resource token on him.

Forced: After Chieftain Ufthak attacks, place 1 resource token on him.

Revised Core Set (x2/x1)
35 2 3 1 5
Dol Guldur. Orc.

Forced: When Dol Guldur Beastmaster attacks, deal it 1 additional shadow card.

Revised Core Set (x4)
25 2 2 1 4
Creature. Spider.

Forced: After Forest Spider engages a player, it gets +1 Attack until the end of the round.

Shadow: Defending player must choose and discard 1 attachment he controls.

Revised Core Set (x1)
5 3 3 1 2
Goblin. Orc.

Shadow: attacking enemy gets +1 Attack (If this attack is undefended, also raise your threat by 3.)

Revised Core Set (x1)
15 1 1 0 2

When Revealed: Each player must choose 1 character currently committed to a quest, and remove that character from the quest. (The chosen character does not ready.)

They could not stand that, nor the huge bats, black as a top–hat, either...
–The Hobbit

Revised Core Set (x2/x0)
38 1 2 3 5
Dol Guldur. Orc.

Forced: If Dungeon Jailor is in the staging area after the players have just quested unsuccessfully, shuffle 1 unclaimed objective card from the staging area back into the encounter deck.

Revised Core Set (x1)
40 5 4 3 9

No attachments can be played on Nazgûl of Dol Guldur.

Forced: When the prisoner is 'rescued', move Nazgûl of Dol Guldur into the staging area.

Forced: After a shadow effect dealt to Nazgûl of Dol Guldur resolves, the engaged player must choose and discard 1 character he controls.

Revised Core Set (x2)
8 2 2 1 2

Doomed 1.

Shadow: Choose and discard 1 attachment you control. Discarded objective cards are returned to the staging area. (If this attack is undefended, discard all attachments you control.)

Revised Core Set (x3)
15 2 2 1 3
Goblin. Orc.

Forced: After Misty Mountain Goblins attacks, remove 1 progress token from the current quest.

Shadow: Remove 1 progress token from the current quest. (3 progress tokens instead if this attack is undefended.)

Revised Core Set (x3/x1)
30 1 1 0 1


Forced: After Eastern Crows is defeated, shuffle it back into the encounter deck.

Shadow: attacking enemy gets +1 Attack (+2 Attack instead if defending player's threat is 35 or higher.)

Revised Core Set (x1)
33 3 2 2 5 1 
Creature. Spider.

Forced: After Ungoliant's Swarm engages a player, that player must choose and exhaust 2 characters they control.

Shadow: Put Ungoliant's Swarm into play engaged with you.

The Dark of Mirkwood (x2/x0)
18 3 2 2 4 5 

While it is engaged with you, Spiders of Mirkwood gets +1 Attack for each exhausted character you control.

Shadow: Choose and exhaust 1 character you control. If this attack was undefended, also deal that character 2 damage.

The Dark of Mirkwood (x2)
34 2 3 1 3 3 

Forced: After Gret Spider engages you, exhaust a character you control.

Shadow: Deal 1 damage to an exhausted character you control.

The Dark of Mirkwood (x1)
35 3 5 3 6
Goblin. Orc.

Cannot have attachments.

While Goblin Troop is engaged with you, each other Goblin enemy engaged with you gets +1 Attack and +1 Defense

Shadow: Attacking enemy gets +2 Attack

The Dark of Mirkwood (x2)
48 2 2 0 2
Goblin. Orc.

During the encounter phase, players cannot optionally engage Goblin Sniper if there are other enemies in the staging area.

Forced: If Goblin Sniper is in the staging area at the end of the combat phase, each player deals 1 point of damage to 1 character he controls.

The Dark of Mirkwood (x2/x0)
20 1 3 1 2
Goblin. Orc.


Shadow: Attacking enemy makes an additional attack immediately after this one. (Deal a new shadow card for that attack.)

The Dark of Mirkwood (x2)
12 1 1 0 3
Goblin. Orc.

When Revealed: Discard the top card of each player's deck. Until the end of the phase, increase Goblintown Savengers'Threat by the total printed cost of all cards discarded in this way.

The Dark of Mirkwood (x1)
28 2 2 1 3
Creature. Warg.

Forced: After Wild Wargs engages you, discard the top card of the encounter deck. If that card is a Goblin enemy, put it into play engaged with you.

“Where the Warg howls, there the Orc prowls.”

The Dark of Mirkwood (x1)
40 X X X 8 2 
Goblin. Orc.

X is the stage number of the quest.

Cannot take damage. Cannot have attachments.

Forced: After Goblin Chieftain attacks, either remove X progress from the quest, or return it to the staging area.

The Dark of Mirkwood (x2/x0)
36 3 6 4 6 6 

Cannot have attachments.

For each point of excess combat damage dealt by Great Cave-troll (damage that is dealt beyond the remaining hit points of the character damaged by its attack) remove 1 progress from the current quest.

The Dark of Mirkwood (x2)
33 2 3 2 3 1 
Creature. Warg.

Response: When Cavern Warg attacks you, exhaust Cave Torch to cancel the attack and return Cavern Warg to the staging area.

Shadow: If this attack destroys a character, return attacking enemy to the staging area after this attack.

The Dark of Mirkwood (x1)
10 2 2 2 2
Goblin. Orc.

Forced: After Stalking Goblin engages you, search the encounter deck, discard pile, and your collection (in that order) for a Goblin Sniper and add it to the staging area. Shuffle the encounter deck.

Shadow: Add Stalking Goblin to the staging area.

Dream-chaser Campaign Expansion (x1)
50 2 5 - 8 1 

Immune to player card effects. Cannot be engaged.

The Thing in the Depths gets +3 hit points per player.

Forced: When a Creature enemy is destroyed, deal damage to The Thing in the Depths equal to that enemy'sThreat

Dream-chaser Campaign Expansion (x1)
50 3 6 - 4 1 

Campaign Mode only.

Immune to player card effects. Cannot be engaged.

The Thing in the Depths gets +3 hit points per player.

Forced: When a Creature enemy is destroyed, deal 2 damage to The Thing in the Depths.

Dream-chaser Campaign Expansion (x1)
50 X 6 4 10

X is the number of players in the game.

Immune to player card effects. Cannot be optionally engaged.

Temple Guardian gets -50 engagement cost while Cursed Temple is the active location.

Dream-chaser Campaign Expansion (x1)
50 X 5 X 10

Campaign Mode only.

Archery X. X is the number of players in the game.

Immune to player card effects. Cannot be optionally engaged.

Temple Guardian gets -50 engagement cost while Cursed Temple is the active location.

Dream-chaser Campaign Expansion (x1)
35 2 2 2 2
Corsair. Raider.

For each resource on Crowley, he gets +1 Threat, +1 Attack, +1 Defense, and +1 hit point. If Crowley has 3 or more resources on him, he gains victory 3.

Forced: When Crowley engages you, place 1 resource on him. At the end of the combat phase, return him to the staging area.

Dream-chaser Campaign Expansion (x1)
43 3 3 3 3

Immune to player card effects. Revenant gets +2Attack and +2Defense for each resource on the campaign card.

Forced: When 3 or more damage would be placed on Revenant, place 2 damage instead.

Forced: After Revenant is destroyed, shuffle it into the encounter deck. Place 1 resource on the campaign card.

Dream-chaser Campaign Expansion (x1)
47 3 3 0 10
Corsair. Raider.

Immune to player card effects. No more than 1 character can attack Graxar each round.

Graxar gets +1Attack for each damage on him and +1Defense for each resource on him.

Forced: When Graxar is dealt a shadow card, place 1 resource on him.

Dream-chaser Campaign Expansion (x1)
40 X 6 X 6
Creature. Menacing.

Immune to player card effects. X is the number of players in the game.

Forced: After Sea Serpent attacks and destroys an ally, the defending player deals X damage divided among characters they control.

Forced: After Sea Serpent is destroyed, flip it over and put it into play in the staging area.

Dream-chaser Campaign Expansion (x1)
0 X 8 X 8
Creature. Enraged.

Immune to player card effects. X is twice the number of players in the game.

Forced: After Sea Serpent attacks and destroys an ally, the defending player deals X damage divided among characters they control.

Forced: At the end of the round, Sea Serpent makes an attack against the first player.

Dream-chaser Campaign Expansion (x2)
35 3 5 X 6

X is the number of players in the game.

When Recurring Nightmare leaves play, shuffle it into any player's deck.

Forced: When Recurring Nightmare enters your hand, add it to the staging area.

Ered Mithrin Campaign Expansion (x1)
40 X 6 X 12

Cannot have non-Dragon attachments. X is the campaign card’s part number.

When Revealed: Each player may distribute X damage among characters they control. If they do, shuffle Dagnir’s Spawn into the encounter deck.

Ered Mithrin Campaign Expansion (x1)
20 2 5 4 3
Orc. Goblin. Hazard.

When Revealed: Choose a player that is engaged with a unique enemy, if able. Gundabad Hunter makes an immediate attack against that player.

Shadow: If attacking enemy is unique, it makes an additional attack after this one.

Ered Mithrin Campaign Expansion (x1)
40 4 3 2 5
Orc. Goblin. Hazard.

Gundabad Stalker cannot be optionally engaged except by a player who is engaged with a unique enemy.

Shadow: If attacking enemy is unique, return it to the staging area after this attack.

The Fellowship of the Ring (x5/x3)
35 4 5 4 6

Hide 2. Cannot have non-Morgul attachments.

Forced: After engaged player fails a Hide test, Black Rider makes an immediate attack.

The riding figure sat quite still with its head bowed, as if listening. From inside the hood came a noise as of someone sniffing...
–The Fellowship of the Ring

The Fellowship of the Ring (x3)
25 2 0 1 2

While Evil Crow is engaged with a player, that player adds 1 to the Hide value for each Hide test he makes.

Shadow: If you have failed a Hide test this round, this attack is considered undefended

The Fellowship of the Ring (x2/x0)
35 4 4 3 5

Cannot have non-Morgul attachments.

While Rider of Mordor is engaged with a player, characters that player controls get -1 Willpower.

While The One Ring is exhausted, Rider of Mordor gets -10 engagement cost.

The Fellowship of the Ring (x1)
38 3 1 3 5
Bree. Spy.

Players cannot optionally engage Bill Ferny.

Forced: At the beginning of the staging step, either shuffle 1 out of play Ringwraith into the encounter deck or each player raises their threat by 1 for each non- hero he committed to the quest.

The Fellowship of the Ring (x4)
28 2 3 1 4
Bree. Spy.

While The One Ring is exhausted, Shady Bree-lander gains: "Cannot be optionally engaged."

Shadow: Defending character get -1 Defense (-2Defense instead if The One Ring is exhausted).

The Fellowship of the Ring (x3/x2)
33 2 2 2 3

When Revealed: You must either shuffle an out of play Ringwraith into the encounter deck or reveal an additional encounter card.

Presently he slipped out of the door, followed by the squint–eyed southerner: the two had been whispering together a good deal during the evening.
–The Fellowship of the Ring