Cannot have restricted attachments.
When Revealed: The first player chooses a player to take control of Eagle of the North. The chosen player may choose and discard a non-unique enemy in the staging area.

When Revealed: Ready each hero committed to the quest and remove Wind from the Sea from the game.

Shadow: Ready the defending character.

Cannot have restricted attachments.
When Revealed: The first player chooses a player to take control of Eagle of the North. The chosen player may choose and discard a non-unique enemy in the staging area.

When Revealed: Choose a player. That player gains control of Tom Bombadil, ready and committed to the quest. At the end of the round, remove Tom Bombadil and a copy of Tom Bombadillo! in the victory display from the game. This effect cannot be cancelled.

When Revealed: Choose a player. That player gains control of Tom Bombadil, ready and committed to the quest. At the end of the round, remove Tom Bombadil and a copy of Tom Bombadillo! in the victory display from the game. This effect cannot be cancelled.