You are playing Campaign Mode.
Response: After an ememy is declared as an attacker, shuffle the top card of the burden deck into the encounter deck to cancel that attack. (Any player may trigger this ability.)
"They have drawn off for the time being. But not far, I fear. They will come again another night, if we cannot escape. They are only waiting, because they think that their purpose is almost accomplished, and that the Ring cannot fly much further."
-Aragorn, The Fellowship of the Ring

Resolution: Add each burder card in play, in the encounter deck, and in the discard pile to the Campaign Pool. The added cards have been earned by the players.

The players cannot advance unless The Last Bridge is in the victory display.
Forced: At the end of the round, reduce the Ring-bearer's life by 1.

...black horses leaped down the hill in pursuit, and from the Riders came a terrible cry, such as Frodo had heard filling the woods with horror in the Eastfarthing far away. It was answered; and to the dismay of Frodo and his friends out from the trees and rocks away on the left four other Riders came flying. Two rode towards Frodo: two galloping madly towards the Ford to cut off his escape.
–The Fellowship of the Ring
When Revealed: Add Ford of Bruinen and The Witch-king to the staging area.
While at least 1 Nazg没l enemy is in play, Race to Rivendell gets +15 quest points.
Forced: At the end of the round, reduce the Ring-bearer's life by 1.
If the players defeat this stage, they have won the game.

Attach to the Ring-bearer. Attached hero cannot be healed.
When attached hero would take any amount of damage, reduce the Ring-bearer's life by an equal amount instead.
If the Ring-bearer's life reaches zero, the players lose the game.

Immune to player card effects.
X is the number of players in the game.
Travel: The first player must reveal the top card of the burden deck and resolve that card as if it were just revealed from the encounter deck to travel here.

Immune to player card effects.
Response: After Ford of Bruinen leaves play as an explored location, all engaged enemies are discarded.
Travel: The first player must reveal the top card of the encounter deck to travel here.

While The Troll's Camp is the active location, each hero gets +1 +1
and +1
"We are forgetting our family history! These must be the very three that were caught by Gandalf, quarrelling over the right way to cook thirteen dwarves and one hobbit."
–Frodo, The Fellowship of the Ring

While Ettenmoors is the active location, do not deal Nazg没l enemies a shadow card during the combat phase.
Forced: After any amount of progress is placed on Ettenmoors reduce the Ring-bearer's life by 1.
Before long Frodo was obliged to dismount and stuggle along on foot. –The Fellowship of the Ring

Action: Place the top card of the burden deck on top of the encounter deck to place 4 progress on The Old Road. (Use this action only if you are playing campaign mode.)
"The Road is watched, be we should have to cross it, if we tried to take cover in the thickets away to the south."
–Aragorn, The Fellowship of the Ring

Cannot have non-Morgul attachments.
While Fell Rider is in the staging area, it gains:"Forced: At the beginning of the encounter phase, the first player must either reduce the Ring-bearer's life by 1 or engage Fell Rider."

When Revealed: You must either shuffle the top card of the burden deck into the encounter deck and reveal an additional encounter card, or raise each player's threat by 3 and immediately end the quest phase (do not resolve the quest).
Then the leader, who was now half across the Ford, stood up menacing in his stirrups, and raised up his hand.
–The Fellowship of the Ring

When Revealed: Each engaged enemy makes an immediate attack. If no attack is made this way, The Enemy is Upon Us! gains surge

Shadow: If this attack destroys a character, remove all progress from the current quest.

When Revealed: Reduce the Ring-bearer's life by 1. Then, reduce the Ring-bearer's ,
, and
to 0 until the end of the round.

Shadow: If this attack destroys a character, reduce the Ring-bearer's life by 1.

When Revealed: Attach to the Ring-bearer. (Counts as a Condition attachment with the text:"Forced: At the beginning of each quest phase, either exhaust The One Ring or reveal and additional encounter card this phase.")
Once more the desire to slip on the Ring came over Frodo... –The Fellowship of the Ring

When Revealed: The first player must either exhaust the Ring-bearer or reveal and additional encounter card

Shadow: Defending player raises his threat by 3.

When Revealed: The first player must deal X damage divided among heroes he controls where X is the number of players in the game.

Shadow: Deal 1 damage to defending character.

When Revealed: The first player must exhaust The One Ring. If The One Ring is already exhausted, the first player must discard 2 cards at random from his hand.

Shadow: Defending player discards 1 card at random from his hand.

Frodo has been gravely injured in the attack on Weathertop and will perish if his companions cannot bring him to Rivendell in time. Strider leads the Hobbits towards the hidden valley, anxiously listening for the sound of Black Riders...
Setup: Shuffle each burden card from the Flight to the Ford burden set into a Burden deck. Attach An Evil Wound to the Ring-bearer. Set Ford of Bruinen and The Witch-king aside, out of play. Add The Last Bridge and 1 Fell Rider per player to the staging area. Set the Ring-bearer's life at 15. Shuffle the encounter deck.
The players cannot advance unless The Last Bridge is in the victory display.
Forced: At the end of the round, reduce the Ring-bearer's life by 1.

...black horses leaped down the hill in pursuit, and from the Riders came a terrible cry, such as Frodo had heard filling the woods with horror in the Eastfarthing far away. It was answered; and to the dismay of Frodo and his friends out from the trees and rocks away on the left four other Riders came flying. Two rode towards Frodo: two galloping madly towards the Ford to cut off his escape. 鈥揟he Fellowship of the Ring
When Revealed: Add Ford of Bruinen and The Witch-king to the staging area.
While at least 1 Nazg没l enemy is in play, Race to Rivendell gets +15 quest points.
If the players defeat this stage, they have won the game.

You are playing Campaign Mode.
Response: After an ememy is declared as an attacker, shuffle the top card of the burden deck into the encounter deck to cancel that attack. (Any player may trigger this ability.)
"They have drawn off for the time being. But not far, I fear. They will come again another night, if we cannot escape. They are only waiting, because they think that their purpose is almost accomplished, and that the Ring cannot fly much further."
-Aragorn, The Fellowship of the Ring

Resolution: Add each burder card in play, in the encounter deck, and in the discard pile to the Campaign Pool. The added cards have been earned by the players.

Attach to the Ring-bearer. Attached hero cannot be healed.
When attached hero would take any amount of damage, reduce the Ring-bearer's life by an equal amount instead.
If the Ring-bearer's life reaches zero, the players lose the game.

Immune to player card effects.
X is the number of players in the game.
Travel: The first player must reveal the top card of the burden deck and resolve that card as if it were just revealed from the encounter deck to travel here.

Immune to player card effects.
Response: After Ford of Bruinen leaves play as an explored location, all engaged enemies are discarded.
Travel: The first player must reveal the top card of the encounter deck to travel here.

While The Troll's Camp is the active location, each hero gets +1 +1
and +1
"We are forgetting our family history! These must be the very three that were caught by Gandalf, quarrelling over the right way to cook thirteen dwarves and one hobbit."
–Frodo, The Fellowship of the Ring

While Ettenmoors is the active location, do not deal Nazg没l enemies a shadow card during the combat phase.
Forced: After any amount of progress is placed on Ettenmoors reduce the Ring-bearer's life by 1.
Before long Frodo was obliged to dismount and stuggle along on foot. –The Fellowship of the Ring

Action: Place the top card of the burden deck on top of the encounter deck to place 4 progress on The Old Road. (Use this action only if you are playing campaign mode.)
"The Road is watched, be we should have to cross it, if we tried to take cover in the thickets away to the south."
–Aragorn, The Fellowship of the Ring

Cannot have non-Morgul attachments.
While Fell Rider is in the staging area, it gains:"Forced: At the beginning of the encounter phase, the first player must either reduce the Ring-bearer's life by 1 or engage Fell Rider."

When Revealed: You must either shuffle the top card of the burden deck into the encounter deck and reveal an additional encounter card, or raise each player's threat by 3 and immediately end the quest phase (do not resolve the quest).
Then the leader, who was now half across the Ford, stood up menacing in his stirrups, and raised up his hand.
-The Fellowship of the Ring

When Revealed: Each engaged enemy makes an immediate attack. If no attack is made this way, The Enemy is Upon Us! gains surge

Shadow: If this attack destroys a character, remove all progress from the current quest.

When Revealed: Reduce the Ring-bearer's life by 1. Then, reduce the Ring-bearer's ,
, and
to 0 until the end of the round.

Shadow: If this attack destroys a character, reduce the Ring-bearer's life by 1.

When Revealed: Attach to the Ring-bearer. (Counts as a Condition attachment with the text:"Forced: At the beginning of each quest phase, either exhaust The One Ring or reveal and additional encounter card this phase.")
Once more the desire to slip on the Ring came over Frodo... –The Fellowship of the Ring

When Revealed: The first player must either exhaust the Ring-bearer or reveal and additional encounter card

Shadow: Defending player raises his threat by 3.

When Revealed: The first player must deal X damage divided among heroes he controls where X is the number of players in the game.

Shadow: Deal 1 damage to defending character.

When Revealed: The first player must exhaust The One Ring. If The One Ring is already exhausted, the first player must discard 2 cards at random from his hand.

Shadow: Defending player discards 1 card at random from his hand.