You arrive on the island's western beach, the edge of a dense jungle looming beyond. With no map to guide you and no idea of what to expect, you venture forward, deeper into the island...
Setup: Set Shrine to Morgoth aside, out of play. Prepare the Uncharted deck. Add 2 copies of Lost Island from the top of the Uncharted deck to the staging area (3 copies instead if there are 3 or 4 players in the game). The first player takes control of Calphon. Shuffle the encounter deck.
Progress cannot be placed on Explore the Island except by quest effects.
Forced: After a location is explored, add progress to Explore the Island equal to that location's printed quest points.
Forced: When an Uncharted location becomes the active location, add 1 copy of Lost Island from the top of the Uncharted deck to the staging area.

Markings on Adûnaic suggest the existence of a grand shrine somewhere on the island. Perhaps there, you will find answers.
When Revealed: Add 2 copies of Lost Island from the top of the Uncharted deck to the staging area. Add Shrine to Morgoth to the staging area, Lost Island side faceup. Remove all progress from each Uncharted location in the staging area and shuffle them so that the players do not know which one is which.
You search for the shrine, unsure of its exact location...
Forced: After a location is explored, if it would be shuffled into the Uncharted deck, add it to the victory display instead.
The players cannot defeat this stage unless Shrine to Morgoth is in the victory display. When Shrine to Morgoth is added to the victory display, the players win the game.

While Shrine to Morgoth is the active location, players cannot draw cards or search their decks.
Forced: After Shrine to Morgoth is flipped over while active, exhaust each ally in play with printed cost 2 or less. Then, each player must search the encounter deck and discard pile for an Undead enemy and put it into play engaged with him. Shuffle the encounter deck.

Cannot have player card attachments.
Forced: After Lost Island becomes the active location, flip it over.
Action: Remove 4 progress from Lost Island to look at its facedown side.

The first player gains control of Calphon.
Action: Exhaust Calphon to look at the bottom card of your deck. Then, you may switch that card with a card in your hand.
If Calphon leaves play, the players lose the game.

Forced: When Servant of the Deceiver engages you, look at the top card of your deck. If its printed cost is 2 or less, place it on the bottom of your deck and Servant of the Deceiver gets +2 until the end of the round.

While Lush Jungle is in the staging area, characters get -1 and lose ranged.
Forced: After Lush Jungle is flipped over while active, return it to the staging area unless each player exhausts each ready hero he controls.

Cannot have player card attachments.
Forced: After Lost Island becomes the active location, flip it over.
Action: Remove 4 progress from Lost Island to look at its facedown side.

Forced: After Forbidden Coast is flipped over while active, each player may draw a card. Then, each player chooses a card from his hand and places it on the bottom of his deck.

Cannot have player card attachments.
Forced: After Lost Island becomes the active location, flip it over.
Action: Remove 4 progress from Lost Island to look at its facedown side.

Response: After Steep Plateau is explored, peek at the facedown side of an Uncharted location in the staging area.

Shadow: Discard the bottom card of the defending player's deck. If that card's printed cost is 2 or less, attacking enemy gets +2 .

When Revealed: Either each player must exhaust a character he controls, or each Lost Island in the staging area gets +1 until the end of the phase.

Shadow: Discard the bottom card of your deck. If that card's printed cost is 2 or less, exhaust a character you control.

When Revealed: The first player discards the bottom card of his deck. Then, he discards each card in his hand with a printed cost higher than that of the discarded card.

Shadow: Discard the bottom card of the defending player's deck. If that card's printed cost is 2 or less, attacking enemy gets +2 .

When Revealed: Add 1 copy of Lost Island from the top of the Uncharted deck to the staging area. Then, remove all progress from each Uncharted location in the staging area and shuffle them so that the players do not know which one is which.

While you are engaged with Soulless Cadaver, your deck cannot be searched.
Forced: When Soulless Cadaver engages you, place each card in your hand with printed cost 2 or less on the bottom of your deck.

Forced: When Throngs of Unfaithful is defeated, discard the bottom card of the engaged player's deck. If that card’s printed cost is 2 or less, return Throngs of Unfaithful to the top of the encounter deck.

When Revealed: Deal 1 damage to each non-objective ally with printed cost 2 or less. Place each ally that is destroyed by this effect on the bottom of its owner's deck.

Shadow: Discard the bottom card of your deck. If that card's printed cost is 2 or less, attacking enemy makes an additional attack after this one.

While Flooded Ruins is the active location, it contributes its to the staging area.
Númenor was thrown down and swallowed in the sea... -The Return of the King

Cannot have player card attachments.
Forced: After Lost Island becomes the active location, flip it over.
Action: Remove 4 progress from Lost Island to look at its facedown side.

Forced: After Drowned Graves is flipped to this side while active, discard the top X cards of the encounter deck. Each player adds an Undead enemy discarded from this effect to the staging area. X is 2 more than the number of players in the game.
...their years lessened as their fear of death grew, and their joy departed. -The Return of the King

Cannot have player card attachments.
Forced: After Lost Island becomes the active location, flip it over.
Action: Remove 4 progress from Lost Island to look at its facedown side.

While Cursed Temple is the active location, characters with less than 2 do not ready during the refresh phase.
It was not long before he had bewitched the King and was master of his counsel... -The Return of the King

Cannot have player card attachments.
Forced: After Lost Island becomes the active location, flip it over.
Action: Remove 4 progress from Lost Island to look at its facedown side.

You are playing Nightmare mode.
Progress cannot be placed on non-Uncharted locations in the staging area.
Forced: When the players would travel to Shrine of Morgoth, if there are 3 or fewer double-sided locations in the victory display, return Shrine to Morgoth to the staging area and flip it to its Lost Island side. Remove all progress from each Uncharted location in the staging area and shuffle them so that the players do not know which one is which. Then, choose a new location to travel to.

Begin with the standard quest deck and encounter deck for The Fate of Númenor scenario.
Remove the following cards, in the specified quantities, from the standard encounter deck:
2x Forbidden Coast
2x Cursed Temple
2x Flooded Ruins
2x Drowned Graves
2x Lush Jungle
1x Shrine of Morgoth
3x Steep Plateau
3x Aimless Wandering
1x Mysterious Fog
1x Servant of the Deceiver
1x Lingering Malevolence
1x Drowned Dead
Then shuffle the encounter cards in this Nightmare Deck into the remainder of the standard The Fate of Númenor encounter deck.
Finally, flip this setup card over and place it next to the quest deck. Its effect remains active throughout the game, which is now ready to begin.
Note: As print-on-demand cardstock does not match that in the original scenario, the Uncharted deck from the original scenario should be replaced with the Uncharted deck reprinted in this Nightmare deck. This has already been taken into account in the cards listed above.

While Shrine to Morgoth is the active location, players cannot draw cards or search their decks.
Forced: After Shrine to Morgoth is flipped over while active, exhaust each ally in play with printed cost 2 or less. Then, each player must search the encounter deck and discard pile for an Undead enemy and put it into play engaged with him. Shuffle the encounter deck.

Cannot have player card attachments.
Forced: After Lost Island becomes the active location, flip it over.
Action: Remove 4 progress from Lost Island to look at its facedown side.

While Cursed Temple is the active location, characters with less than 2 do not ready during the refresh phase.
It was not long before he had bewitched the King and was master of his counsel... -The Return of the King

Cannot have player card attachments.
Forced: After Lost Island becomes the active location, flip it over.
Action: Remove 4 progress from Lost Island to look at its facedown side.

Forced: After Drowned Graves is flipped to this side while active, discard the top X cards of the encounter deck. Each player adds an Undead enemy discarded from this effect to the staging area. X is 2 more than the number of players in the game.
...their years lessened as their fear of death grew, and their joy departed. -The Return of the King

Cannot have player card attachments.
Forced: After Lost Island becomes the active location, flip it over.
Action: Remove 4 progress from Lost Island to look at its facedown side.

While Flooded Ruins is the active location, it contributes its to the staging area.
Númenor was thrown down and swallowed in the sea... -The Return of the King

Cannot have player card attachments.
Forced: After Lost Island becomes the active location, flip it over.
Action: Remove 4 progress from Lost Island to look at its facedown side.

While Lush Jungle is in the staging area, characters get -1 and lose ranged.
Forced: After Lush Jungle is flipped over while active, return it to the staging area unless each player exhausts each ready hero he controls.

Cannot have player card attachments.
Forced: After Lost Island becomes the active location, flip it over.
Action: Remove 4 progress from Lost Island to look at its facedown side.

Each Undead enemy gets +1 and +1
Forced: After Desecrated Grounds is flipped over while active, deal 1 damage to each exhausted character.

Cannot have player card attachments.
Forced: After Lost Island becomes the active location, flip it over.
Action: Remove 4 progress from Lost Island to look at its facedown side.

Each Undead enemy gains "immune to player card effects."
Forced: After Forsaken City is flipped over while active, each engaged Undead enemy makes an immediate attack.

Cannot have player card attachments.
Forced: After Lost Island becomes the active location, flip it over.
Action: Remove 4 progress from Lost Island to look at its facedown side.

Forced: After attackers are declared during an attack against Guardian of the Golden King, look at the bottom card of the first player's deck. Choose and remove characters from the attack until only X or fewer characters are attacking, where X is the looked-at-card's printed cost (those characters do not ready).

While Overgrown Steps is in the staging area, it gains: "Each Uncharted location in the staging area gets +1
Travel: Raise each player's threat by 2 to travel here.

When Revealed: Each player discards the bottom card of his deck. Each player player chooses and removes his characters from the until only X or fewer of his characters are questing, where X is the printed cost of the card that player discarded. Deal 1 damage to each character still committed to the quest.

When Revealed: Choose an Uncharted location in the staging area and flip it over. If it has a Forced effect, resolve it as if that location were active. If it does not have a Forced effect, switch it with the active location, if able.

Shadow: Attacking enemy gets +X where X is the active location's