Response: After Ered Luin Miner is discarded from your deck, put it into play under your control.
Tools were to be found in plenty that the miners and quarriers and builders of old had used; and at such work the dwarves were still very skilled.
–The Hobbit

Attach to a Dwarf hero.
Action: Exhaust King Under the Mountain to look at the top 2 cards of your deck. Add 1 to your hand and discard the other.
"Long ago in my grandfather Thror's time our family was driven out of the far North, and came back with all their wealth and tools to this Mountain on the map." –Thorin, The Hobbit

Response: After Hidden Cache is discarded from your deck, add 2 resources to the resource pool of a hero you control.
Action: Spend 1 resource to draw 1 card.
...there was a good deal of food jumbled carlessly on shelves and on the ground, among an untidy litter of plunder...
–The Hobbit

Action: Exhaust Zigil Miner and name a number to discard the top 2 cards of your deck. If at least one of those cards has cost equal to the named number, choose a hero you control. For each card that matches the named number, add 1 resource to that hero's resource pool.

Response: When you play Erebor Guard from your hand, discard the top 2 cards of your deck to reduce its cost by 2.
...the fortress of the dwarves could not be taken by surprise. –The Hobbit

Attach to a Dwarf character. Limit 1 per character.
Response: After a card is discarded from your deck, exhaust Dwarf Pipe to place that card on the bottom of your deck.
He held a small pipe with a wide flattened bowl...
–The Two Towers

Action: Discard 2 cards from the top of your deck to give Longbeard Sentry sentinel and +1 until the end of the phase. (Limit once per phase.)
"...many of them have had experience in the dreadful dwarf and goblin wars, of which you have no doubt heard."
–Bilbo Baggins, The Hobbit

Response: After Ered Luin Miner is discarded from your deck, put it into play under your control.
Tools were to be found in plenty that the miners and quarriers and builders of old had used; and at such work the dwarves were still very skilled.
–The Hobbit

While Dáin Ironfoot is defending, he gains,"Action: Discard the top card of your deck to give Dáin Ironfoot +1 for this attack. (Limit 3 times per phase.)"
"The time of my thought is my own to spend."
–The Fellowship of the Ring

Attach to a Dwarf hero.
Action: Exhaust Ring of Thrór and discard the top card of your deck to ready attached hero. If the discarded card is an attachment, put it into play.

Response: After Thorin Stonehelm is declared as an attacker, discard the top card of your deck to deal 1 damage to an enemy engaged with you.
Thorin III Stonehelm, Dain's son, became King under the mountain.
–The Return of the King

Action: Exhaust Zigil Miner and name a number to discard the top 2 cards of your deck. If at least one of those cards has cost equal to the named number, choose a hero you control. For each card that matches the named number, add 1 resource to that hero's resource pool.

Action: Discard the top card of your deck. If the discarded card's printed cost is equal to or higher than the number of characters you control, draw 2 cards and deal 2 damage to any enemy.

Action: Discard the top 2 cards of your deck. You may attach 1 attachment card discarded by this effect to an eligible Dwarf character in play.
Gimli the Dwarf alone wore openly a short shirt of steel–rings, for dwarves make light of burdens...
–The Fellowship of the Ring

Response: After Hidden Cache is discarded from your deck, add 2 resources to the resource pool of a hero you control.
Action: Spend 1 resource to draw 1 card.
...there was a good deal of food jumbled carlessly on shelves and on the ground, among an untidy litter of plunder...
–The Hobbit

Action: Discard 2 cards from the top of your deck to give Longbeard Sentry sentinel and +1 until the end of the phase. (Limit once per phase.)
"...many of them have had experience in the dreadful dwarf and goblin wars, of which you have no doubt heard."
–Bilbo Baggins, The Hobbit

Response: After Ered Luin Miner is discarded from your deck, put it into play under your control.
Tools were to be found in plenty that the miners and quarriers and builders of old had used; and at such work the dwarves were still very skilled.
–The Hobbit

Response: When you play Erebor Guard from your hand, discard the top 2 cards of your deck to reduce its cost by 2.
...the fortress of the dwarves could not be taken by surprise. –The Hobbit

Attach to a Dwarf character. Limit 1 per character.
Response: After a card is discarded from your deck, exhaust Dwarf Pipe to place that card on the bottom of your deck.
He held a small pipe with a wide flattened bowl...
–The Two Towers

While Dáin Ironfoot is defending, he gains,"Action: Discard the top card of your deck to give Dáin Ironfoot +1 for this attack. (Limit 3 times per phase.)"
"The time of my thought is my own to spend."
–The Fellowship of the Ring

Attach to a Dwarf hero.
Action: Exhaust Ring of Thrór and discard the top card of your deck to ready attached hero. If the discarded card is an attachment, put it into play.

Response: After Thorin Stonehelm is declared as an attacker, discard the top card of your deck to deal 1 damage to an enemy engaged with you.
Thorin III Stonehelm, Dain's son, became King under the mountain.
–The Return of the King

Response: After Thorin Stonehelm is declared as an attacker, discard the top card of your deck to deal 1 damage to an enemy engaged with you.
Thorin III Stonehelm, Dain's son, became King under the mountain.
–The Return of the King

Attach to a hero. Limit 1 per hero.
Response: After attached hero quests successfully, name a card type and discard the top card of your deck. If the discarded card is the named type, take it into your hand.

Attach to a Dwarf hero.
Action: Exhaust King Under the Mountain to look at the top 2 cards of your deck. Add 1 to your hand and discard the other.
"Long ago in my grandfather Thror's time our family was driven out of the far North, and came back with all their wealth and tools to this Mountain on the map." –Thorin, The Hobbit