X is the number of players in the game.
When Revealed: Assign X damage among characters you control.

Peril. Toughness 1. Archery 2.
When Revealed: Either assign 3 damage among characters you control, or reveal an additional encounter card.
"Seldom will Orcs journey in the open under the sun, yet these have done so." –Legolas, The Two Towers

Cannot have attachments or take more than 3 damage each round.
Forced: When War M没mak is defeated, reduce each

Forced: After Snaga Archer engages you, deal 2 damage to a c
Shadow: Attacking enemy gets +1 Attack (+2 Attack instead if the defending character is damaged).

Forced: When Umbar Assassin engages a player, that player must deal 3 damage to a hero he controls. (Discard that hero instead if Umbar Assassin was not optionally engaged.)

X is the number of players in the game.

Shadow: Return attacking enemy to the staging area after it attacks unless any player pays 1 resource.

Archery 2. Cannot have attachments.
While Siege Ship is in the staging area, it gains:"Forrced: at the end of the quest phase, if Siege Ship is not guarding an objective and there is an unguarded objective in the staging area, attach Siege Ship to that objective, guarding it."

Forced: After Southron Archer engages you, either remove 2 progress tokens from the main quest, or discard an ally you control.

Rider of Rh没n gets -10 enagement cost for each Easterling attachment it has.
When Revealed: Search the encounter deck and discard pile for an Easterling Horse and attach it to Rider of Rh没n. Shuffle the encounter deck.

When Revealed: Assign X damage among characters in play. X is the current archery total.

Shadow: Defending character cannot ready this round.

X is the number of players in the game.
When Revealed: Assign X damage among characters you control.

Peril. Toughness 1. Archery 2.
When Revealed: Either assign 3 damage among characters you control, or reveal an additional encounter card.
"Seldom will Orcs journey in the open under the sun, yet these have done so." –Legolas, The Two Towers

Cannot have attachments or take more than 3 damage each round.
Forced: When War M没mak is defeated, reduce each player's threat by 4.

Forced: After Snaga Archer engages you, deal 2 damage to a character you control.

Shadow: Attacking enemy gets +1 (+2
instead if the defending character is damaged).

Immune to player card effects.
Forced: After Host of Angmar attacks and destroys a character, either remove 2 progress from the main quest, or return Host of Angmar to the staging area.

Forced: After Amon Lanc Archer engages you, either remove 2 progress from the main quest, or deal 2 damage to an ally you control.

Shadow: Exhaust a character you control.

Archery 2. Boarding 1. Cannot have attachments.
Forced: When War Galley engages you from the staging area, either raise your threat by 4 or it gains Boarding 1.

When assigning archery damage to a character, you must continue assigning archery damage to that character until that character is destroyed or there is no more archery damage to assign.

When Revealed: Discard a randome card from your hand. Assign X damage among characters you control, where X is the cost of the discarded card.

Forced: After Isengard Archer enters the staging area, each player at this stage deals 2 damage to a character he controls.

Shadow: Deal 2 damage to an ally you control.

Forced: After Mauh煤r attacks, increase the pursuit value by 1.
"Mauh煤r and his lads are in the forest, and they should turn up any time now." –Ugl煤k, The Two Towers

When Revealed: Discard 1 random card from your hand and assign X damage among characters you control. X is the discarded card's printed cost.
"There was no answer, except arrows and stones from the walls." –Merry, The Two Towers

Forced: After Southron Warrior engages you, discard an ally you control.

Shadow: Attacking enemy gets +1 (+2
instead if the defending character is damaged.