Attach to a hero.
Attached hero gains the Gondor trait.
Action: Exhaust Steward of Gondor to add 2 resources to attached hero's resource pool.
"It was commanded yesterday."
–Denethor, The Return of the King

Attach to a hero. Restricted.
Attached hero gains +2
If attached hero is Aragorn, he also gains a resource icon.
"You needn't," said Bilbo. "As a matter of fact it was all mine. Except that Aragorn insisted on my putting in a green stone. He seemed to think it important. I don't know why."
–The Fellowship of the Ring

Attach to a Ranger hero.
Response: After attached hero commits to a quest, name enemy, location or treachery. If a card of the named type is revealed during this quest phase, exhaust Wingfoot to ready attached hero.
"Wingfoot I name you. This deed of the three friends should be sung in many a hall. Forty leagues and five you have measured ere the forth day is ended!"
-Ăomer, The Two Towers

Attach to a Noble hero.
Response: After attached hero gains any number of resources from a card effect, exhaust Heir of Mardil to ready attached hero.
"...in my turn I bore it, and so did each eldest son of our house, far back into the vanished years before the failing of the kings..."
–Denethor, The Return of the King

Attach to a hero.
Attached hero gains the Gondor trait.
Action: Exhaust Steward of Gondor to add 2 resources to attached hero's resource pool.
"It was commanded yesterday."
–Denethor, The Return of the King

Each enemy engaged with you gets -1 .
Response: After Aragorn participates in an attack that destroys an enemy, choose an enemy not engaged with you and engage that enemy.
"I serve no man," said Aragorn; "but the servants of Sauron I pursue into whatever land they may go." –The Two Towers

Action: Discard a card from your hand to add 1 resource to a Noldor's resource pool, or to Aragorn's resource pool. (Limit once per round.)
...the light of stars was in her bright eyes, grey as a cloudless night; yet queenly she looked, and thought and knowledge were in her glance, as of one who has known many things that the years bring.
–The Fellowship of the Ring

Attach to a DĂșnedain or Gondor hero. Restricted.
Attached hero gets +1 .
Response: After attached hero participates in an attack that destroys an enemy with 5 or more printed hit points, exhaust Sword of NĂșmenor to add 1 resource to attached hero's resource pool.
...the flowing characters of NĂșmenor glinted like fire upon the blade.
–The Fellowship of the Ring

Attach to a DĂșnedain hero.
If the attached hero is Aragorn, he gains a Tactics icon.
Response: After you optionally engage an enemy, exhaust Roheryn and attached hero to declare attached hero as an attacker (and resolve its attack
"Aragorn's own horse that they had brought from the North; Roheryn was his name."
-The Return of the King

Attach to a hero.
Attached hero gains the Gondor trait.
Action: Exhaust Steward of Gondor to add 2 resources to attached hero's resource pool.
"It was commanded yesterday."
–Denethor, The Return of the King

Attach to a hero. Restricted.
Attached hero gains +2
If attached hero is Aragorn, he also gains a resource icon.
"You needn't," said Bilbo. "As a matter of fact it was all mine. Except that Aragorn insisted on my putting in a green stone. He seemed to think it important. I don't know why."
–The Fellowship of the Ring

Response: After Aragorn commits to a quest, spend 1 resource from his resource pool to ready him.
"I am Aragorn son of Arathorn; and if by life or death I can save you, I will."
–The Fellowship of the Ring

Attach to a hero.
Attached hero gains the Gondor trait.
Action: Exhaust Steward of Gondor to add 2 resources to attached hero's resource pool.

Attach to a Noldor or Silvan character, or to Aragorn. Limit 1 per character.
Attached character gains ranged.
If attached character has the printed ranged keyword, it gets +1 during a ranged attack.

Attach to a Gondor or DĂșnedain hero.
Action: Spend 1 resource from attached hero's resource pool to give attached hero +1 for each resource in its resource pool until the end of the phase. (Limit once per phase.)
"Believe not that in the land of Gondor the blood of Numenor is spent, nor all its pride and dignity forgotten." –Boromir, The Fellowship of the Ring

Attach to a Ranger hero.
Response: After attached hero commits to a quest, name enemy, location or treachery. If a card of the named type is revealed during this quest phase, exhaust Wingfoot to ready attached hero.
"Wingfoot I name you. This deed of the three friends should be sung in many a hall. Forty leagues and five you have measured ere the forth day is ended!"
–Ăomer, The Two Towers

Attach to a Noble hero.
Response: After attached hero gains any number of resources from a card effect, exhaust Heir of Mardil to ready attached hero.
"...in my turn I bore it, and so did each eldest son of our house, far back into the vanished years before the failing of the kings..."
–Denethor, The Return of the King

Each enemy engaged with you gets -1 .
Response: After Aragorn participates in an attack that destroys an enemy, choose an enemy not engaged with you and engage that enemy.
"I serve no man," said Aragorn; "but the servants of Sauron I pursue into whatever land they may go." –The Two Towers

Action: Discard a card from your hand to add 1 resource to a Noldor's resource pool, or to Aragorn's resource pool. (Limit once per round.)
...the light of stars was in her bright eyes, grey as a cloudless night; yet queenly she looked, and thought and knowledge were in her glance, as of one who has known many things that the years bring.
–The Fellowship of the Ring

Attach to a DĂșnedain or Gondor hero. Restricted.
Attached hero gets +1 .
Response: After attached hero participates in an attack that destroys an enemy with 5 or more printed hit points, exhaust Sword of NĂșmenor to add 1 resource to attached hero's resource pool.
...the flowing characters of NĂșmenor glinted like fire upon the blade.
–The Fellowship of the Ring

Attach to a DĂșnedain or Ranger hero. Restricted.
Response: After you engage an enemy, exhaust Steed of the North to ready attached hero.
Their horses were strong and of proud bearing, but rough-haired...
–The Return of the King

Action: Exhaust Aragorn to choose a location in the staging area. Until the end of the phase, that location gets -X where X is Aragorn's
If this effect reduces the location's
to 0, place 1 progress on it. (Limit once per round.)

Action: Exhaust Aragorn to choose a location in the staging area. Until the end of the phase, that location gets -X where X is Aragorn's
If this effect reduces the location's
to 0, place 1 progress on it. (Limit once per round.)

Attach to a DĂșnedain hero.
If the attached hero is Aragorn, he gains a icon.
Response: After you optionally engage an enemy, exhaust Roheryn and attached hero to declare attached hero as an attacker (and resolve its attack) against that eneny.
"Aragorn's own horse that they had brought from the North; Roheryn was his name."
–The Return of the King

Action: Discard a card from your hand to add 1 resource to a Noldor hero's resource pool, or to Aragorn's resource pool. (Limit once per round.)