Response: After Théodred commits to a quest, choose a hero committed to that quest. Add 1 resource to that hero's resource pool.
"Not all is dark. Take courage, Lord of the Mark..."
–Gandalf, The Two Towers

Response: After Glóin suffers damage, add 1 resource to his resource pool for each point of damage he just suffered.
His beard, very long and forked, was white, nearly as white as the snow-white cloth of his garments.
–The Fellowship of the Ring

"But the Lords of Minas Tirith still fight on, defying our enemies, keeping the passage of the River from Argonath to the Sea."
–Elrond, The Fellowship of the Ring

Action: Exhaust Faramir to choose a player. Each character controlled by that player gets +1 until the end of the phase.
"He leads now in all perilous ventures. But his life is charmed, or fate spares him for some other end."
–Mablung, Ranger of Ithilien,
The Two Towers

Response: After Son of Arnor enters play, choose an enemy card in the staging area or currently engaged with another player. Engage that enemy.
...and the North-realm they made in Arnor, and the South-realm in Gondor above the mouths of Anduin.
–The Fellowship of the Ring

Response: After Snowbourn Scout enters play, choose a location. Place 1 progress token on that location.
...he saw not a shadow, nor a blur, but the small figures of horsemen, many horsemen, and the glint of morning on the tips of their spears was like the twinkle of minute stars beyond the edge of mortal sight.
–The Two Towers

"We have been keeping watch on the rivers, ever since we saw a great troop of Orcs going north towards Moria, along the skirts of the mountains, many days ago."
–Haldir of Lórien, The Fellowship of the Ring

Response: After Longbeard Orc Slayer enters play, deal 1 damage to each Orc enemy in play.
Five dead Orcs lay there. They had been hewn with many cruel strokes, and two had been beheaded. The ground was wet with their dark blood.
–The Two Towers

Response:After a Dwarf hero you control leaves play, put Brok Ironfist into play from your hand.
...there is no knowing what a Dwarf will not dare and do for revenge and the recovery of his own.
–The Hobbit

Action: Choose and ready 1 ally card.
"...no road looks toward safety any longer. Be vigilant!"
–Gandalf, The Return of the King

Action: Exhaust 1 hero you control to choose and ready a different hero.
"We will make such a chase as shall be accounted a marvel among the Three Kindreds: Elves, Dwarves, and Men."
–Aragorn, The Two Towers

Action: Until the end of the phase, all characters get +1 . All Gondor characters also get +1
until the end of the phase.
And the tree that was withered shall be renewed,
and he shall plant it in high places,
and the City shall be blessed.
–The Return of the King

Action: Put 1 ally card into play from your hand. At the end of the phase, if that ally is still in play, return it to your hand.
There is a seed of courage hidden (often deeply, it is true) in the heart of the fattest and most timid hobbit, waiting for some final and desperate danger to make it grow.
–The Fellowship of the Ring

Response: After an ally card leaves play, that card's controller draws 2 cards.
"He fell defending the Hobbits, while I was away upon the hill."
–Aragorn, The Two Towers

Action: Ready all character cards in play.
"If there is only one way, then I must take it. What comes after must come." –Frodo Baggins, The Two Towers

Attach to a hero.
Attached hero gains the Gondor trait.
Action: Exhaust Steward of Gondor to add 2 resources to attached hero's resource pool.
"It was commanded yesterday."
–Denethor, The Return of the King

Attach to a hero. Restricted.
Attached hero gains +2
If attached hero is Aragorn, he also gains a resource icon.
"You needn't," said Bilbo. "As a matter of fact it was all mine. Except that Aragorn insisted on my putting in a green stone. He seemed to think it important. I don't know why."
–The Fellowship of the Ring

While Dáin Ironfoot is ready, Dwarf characters get +1 and +1
"You have not heard of Dain and the dwarves of the Iron Hills?" –Bilbo Baggins, The Hobbit

While you control at least 5 Dwarf characters, Glóin gains:
Response: After you play Glóin from your hand, choose a hero. Add 2 resources to that hero's resource pool.
Glóin lit several more torches, and then they all crept out, one by one... – The Hobbit

Response: After Longbeard Elder commits to a quest, look at the top card of the encounter deck. If that card is a location, place 1 progress token on the current quest. Otherwise, Longbeard Elder gets -1 until the end of the phase.

Attach to a hero.
Action: Discard Cram to ready attached hero.
If you want to know what cram is, I can only say that I don't know the recipe; but it is biscuitish, keeps good indefinitely, is supposed to be sustaining, and is certainly not entertaining...
–The Hobbit

Attach to a Dwarf hero.
Action: Exhaust King Under the Mountain to look at the top 2 cards of your deck. Add 1 to your hand and discard the other.
"Long ago in my grandfather Thror's time our family was driven out of the far North, and came back with all their wealth and tools to this Mountain on the map." –Thorin, The Hobbit

Attach to a Dwarf hero.
Action: Exhaust Narvi's Belt to give attached hero a ,
icon until the end of the phase.

Action: Exhaust 2 allies you control to shuffle your deck and discard the top 5 cards. Put up to 2 allies discarded by this effect into play under your control. The total cost of the allies put into play cannot exceed the total cost of the allies exhausted to pay for this effect.
“I was coming over the mountains with a friend or two...” –Gandalf, The Hobbit

Action: Ready all Dwarf characters.
'The road that I speak of leads to the Mines of Moria,' said Gandalf. Only Gimli lifted up his head; a smouldering fire was in his eyes.
–The Fellowship of the Ring

Action: Exhaust X Dwarf heroes to add X resources to a hero's resource pool and draw 1 card.
"You should see the stone–paved roads of many colours! And the halls and cavernous streets under the earth with arches carved like trees; and the terraces and towers upon the Mountain's sides! Then you would see that we have not been idle." –Glóin, The Fellowship of the Ring

Action: Choose a Dwarf hero. That hero gets +2 +2
and +2
until the end of the round.
A king he was on carven throne
In many–pillared halls of stone
With golden roof and silver floor,
And runes of power upon the door.
–The Fellowship of the Ring

Response: After you play Fili from your hand during the planning phase, search your deck for Kili and put him into play under your control. Then, shuffle your deck.
"Fili is the youngest and still has the best sight."
–Thorin, The Hobbit

Response: After a Silvan ally enters play, that ally gets +1 +1
and +1
until the end of the round.
"...the lord of the Galadhrim is accounted wisest of the Elves of Middle–earth, and a giver of gifts beyond the power of kings." –Galadriel, The Fellowship of the Ring

Response: After Greenwood Archer enters play, ready a hero.
They dwelt most often by the edges of the woods, from which they could escape at times to hunt...
–The Hobbit

Response: After Naith Guide enters play, choose a hero. That hero does not exhaust to quest this round.
"...I shall lead you well..." -Haldir, The Fellowship of the Ring

Attach to a hero.
Action: Exhaust O Lorien! to lower the cost of the next Silvan ally played this phase by 1 (to a minimum of 1).
"I sang of leaves, of leaves of gold, and
leaves of gold there grew:
Of wind I sang, a wind there came and in the
branches blew." -Galadriel, The Fellowship of the Ring

Combat Action: Return a Silvan ally you control to your hand to choose an enemy engaged with a player. That enemy cannot attack that player this phase.
"The three of us could not challenge a hundred, so we went ahead and spoke with feigned voices, leading them on into the wood." -Haldir, The Fellowship of the Ring

Response: After a character leaves play, ready Prince Imrahil. (Limit once per round.)
But beyond, in the great fief of Belfalas, dwelt Prince Imrahil in his castle of Dol Amroth by the sea, and he was of high blood, and his fold also, tall men and proud with sea-grey eyes. –The Return of the King.

While your threat is 40 or higher, Angbor the Fearless gets +2 and does not exhaust to quest.
"Four thousands I sent marching from Pelargir through Lossarnach two days ago; and Angbor the fearless rides before them."
–Aragorn, The Return of the King

Response: After Soldier of Gondor enters play, seach the top 5 cards of your deck for a Gondor ally and add it to your hand (any number of Gondor allies instead if your threat is 40 or higher). Shuffle your deck.

Lower the cost to play Citadel Custodian by 1 for each Gondor ally in play.

Response: After Pelargir Ship Captain enters play, move 1 resource from the resource pool of a hero you control to another hero's resource pool.

Action: Exhaust Errand-rider to move 1 resource from the resource pool of a hero you control to another hero's resource pool.
For the people of the City used horses very little and they were seldom seen in their streets, save only those ridden by the errand–riders of their lord. –The Return of the King

Action: Exhaust Faramir to choose a player. Each character controlled by that player gets +1 until the end of the phase.
"He leads now in all perilous ventures. But his life is charmed, or fate spares him for some other end."
–Mablung, Ranger of Ithilien,
The Two Towers

Response: After Squire of the Citadel leaves play, add 1 resource to a Gondor hero's resource pool.
As he spoke he struck a small silver gong that stood near his footstool, and at once servants came forward.
–The Return of the King

Attach to a Noble hero.
Response: After attached hero gains any number of resources from a card effect, exhaust Heir of Mardil to ready attached hero.
"...in my turn I bore it, and so did each eldest son of our house, far back into the vanished years before the failing of the kings..."
–Denethor, The Return of the King

Attach to a hero.
Attached hero gains the Gondor trait.
Action: Exhaust Steward of Gondor to add 2 resources to attached hero's resource pool.
"It was commanded yesterday."
–Denethor, The Return of the King

Attach to a Noble hero. Limit 1 per hero.
Attached hero gets +1 (+2
if your threat is 40 or higher).
...his sword of steel was valiant...
–The Fellowship of the Ring

Action: Each player whose threat is 40 or higher readies all characters he controls.

While your threat is less than 40, reduce the cost to play Pillars of the Kings by 4.
Action: Set your threat to 40. If this effect raised your threat, draw a card (draw 4 cards instead if it raised your threat by 10 or more).
"Behold the Argonath, the Pillars of the Kings!"
–Aragorn, The Fellowship of the Ring