Reveal 1 additional card from the encounter deck each quest phase. Do not make engagement checks during the encounter phase. (Each player may still optionally engage 1 enemy each encounter phase.)
After defeating the Troll, you are able to board the raft and embark upon a river voyage. As you depart, your enemies pursue, harassing the small vessel as you attempt to navigate the river...
As your enemies harass the raft, it is difficult to maintain balance and effectively fight them off.

"Now, Sam," said Frodo, "don't hinder me! The others will be coming back at any minute. If they catch me here, I shall have to argue and explain, and I shall never have the heart of the chance to get off. But I must go at once. It's the only way." –The Fellowship of the Ring
When Revealed: Add Parth Galen to the staging area. If it is your quest phase, end the phase (do not resolve the quest).
During the quest phase, reveal 1 additional encounter card for each player in the game.
Response: After an enemy is revealed at this stage, raise your threat by X to engage that enemy. X is that enemy's Each player (at any stage) may trigger this ability once per round.
When this stage is defeated, the players win the game.

For a moment the water below him looked like some window, glazed with grimy glass, through which he was peering. Wrenching his hands out of the bog, he sprang back with a cry. "There are dead things, dead faces in the water," he said with horror. -The Two Towers
When Revealed: Each player searches the encounter deck and discard pile for an Undeadenemy and puts it into play engaged with him. Shuffle all locations in the victory display into the encounter deck.
While any player is engaged with an Undead enemy, progress cannot be placed on this stage.
The players cannot defeat this stage unless the first player controls Sméagol. If the players defeat this stage, they win the game.
Gollum laughed. "The Dead Marshes, yes, yes: that is their names," he cackled. "You should not look in when the candles are lit." —The Two Towers

"These cursed Southrons come now marching up the ancient roads to swell the hosts of the Dark Tower. Yea, up the very roads that craft of Gondor made." -Mablung, The Two Towers
Setup: Add The Black Gate and The Cross-roads to the staging area. Shuffle the Harad encounter set and place it facedown under The Cross-roads. Each player, except for the first player, searches the encounter deck for a different non-unique location and adds it to the staging area. Shuffle the encounter deck.
Forced: At the beginning of the quest phase, reveal the top facedown card from under The Cross-roads and add it to the staging area.
The players cannot defeat this stage while The Cross-roads is in play. When The Cross-roads is explored, the players win the game.
"The road may pass, but they shall not!"
—Mablung, The Two Towers

Presently they were under the shadow, and there in the midst of it they saw the opening of a cave. "This is the way in," said Gollum softly. "This is the entrance to the tunnel." He did not speak its name: Torech Ungol, Shelob's Lair. -The Two Towers
When Revealed: Add Shelob to the staging area and shuffle all cards from The Great Spider encounter set and the encounter discard pile into the encounter deck.
Shelob cannot leave the staging area and Sméagol cannot attack or defend.
Each player cannot play, or put into play, more than 1 ally each round.
No more than 4 progress can be placed on this stage each round.
They had not gone more than a few yards when from behind them came a sound, startling and horrible in the heavy padded silence: a gurgling, bubbling noise, and a long venomous hiss. —The Two Towers

"There at Pelargir lay the main fleet of Umbar, fifty great ships and smaller vessels beyond count. Many of those that we pursued had reached the havens before us..."
-Gimli, The Return of the King
Setup: Add The ~Corsair Fleet (Corsair side faceup) and Great Corsair Ship to the staging area. Each player searches the encounter deck for a Ship location and adds it to the staging area. Shuffl
Each Ship location in the staging area is immune to player card effects.
The players cannot defeat this stage while Great Corsair Ship is in play. When this stage is defeated, the

And now the fighting waxed furious on the fields of the Pelennor; and the din of arms rose upon high, with the crying of men and the neighing of horses.
-The Return of the King
When Revealed: The first player adds The Witch-king to the staging area (Sorcerer side faceup). Then, he searches the encounter deck and discard pile for a Fell Beast and attaches it to The Witch-king, if able. Shuffle the encounter deck. Each other player revea
The Witch-king and shadow cards deal to The Witch-king are immune to player card effects.
Forced: When an enemy attacks and destroys a character, deal 1 damage to Minas Tirith.
This stage cannot be defeated unless Aragorn is in play and The Witch-king is in the victory display. If the players defeat this stag

There could not be much doubt: there was fighting in the tower, the orcs must be at war among themselves, Shagrat and Gorbag had come to blows.
-The Return of the King
When Revealed: Shuffle the encounter discard pile into the encounter deck and discard cards from the top until X enemies are discarded, where X is the number of players in the game. Add each enemy discarded by this effect
Forced: At the beginning of the quest phase, discard cards from the top of the encounter deck until an enemy is discarded. If there is a copy of that enemy in the staging area, discard that copy as well. If there is not, add the discarded enemy to the staging area.
This stage cannot be defeated unless Topmost Chamber is in the victory display. When the Ring-bearer is free of encounters, this first player

The last stage of their journey to Orodruin came, and it was a torment greater than Sam had ever thought he could bear. He was in pain, and so parched that he could no longer swallow even a mouthful of food.
-The Return of the King
When Revealed: Shuffle the encounter discard pile into the encounter deck and discard cards from the top until X locations are discarded, where X is the number of players in the game. Add each location discarded this way
Dire. The first treachery revealed each quest phase is immune to player card effects and gains surge.
Forced: At the beginning of the quest phase, the first player makes a Fortitude test. If the first player fails this test, no more than 5 progress can be placed here this round.
This stage cannot be defeated unless Mount Doom is

Reveal 1 additional card from the encounter deck each quest phase. Do not make engagement checks during the encounter phase. (Each player may still optionally engage 1 enemy each encounter phase.)
After defeating the Troll, you are able to board the raft and embark upon a river voyage. As you depart, your enemies pursue, harassing the small vessel as you attempt to navigate the river...
As your enemies harass the raft, it is difficult to maintain balance and effectively fight them off.

You have discovered the Chamber. Before you lies the resting place of Balin, last lord of Moria. The final portion of the book tells the grim tale-Balin was slain in the Dimrill Dale, and the Dwarves were then trapped in the mines. It seems as if there are no survivors. You stand silently by his tomb, but cannot tarry. Orc war cries and horns sound close. You leave the cumbersome book as a testament to the Dwarves' valor, and prepare to fight your way out, lest Balin's fate become your own...
When Revealed: Remove Book of Mazarbul from the game.
Forced: At the end of the staging step, reveal the top X cards of the encounter deck, adding all enemies to the staging area. Discard the other revealed cards without resolving them. X is the number of players.
If the players defeat this stage, they win the game.

Your party has braved the snows of the pass, but now must travel North along the Misty Mountains for league upon league as you escort Arwen to her father's house.
Setup: Put Arwen Undómiel into play under the control of the first player. Shuffle the encounter deck. Reveal 1 card from the encounter deck per player, and add them to the staging area.
This is a wild and perilous country, and it is dangerous to follow the roads. The mountains rise up on the right, impassively watching your slow trek among the foothills.

Time carries no weight in the darkness, and the hours creep by with no end in sight. The number of Orcs in the mines increase as you head toward the East–gate, but there appears to be little real organization within their ranks. You press onward!
When Revealed: The first player makes a locate test. If this test is failed, reveal cards from the encounter deck equal to the number of players in the game and add them to the staging area. Then, trigger all "Lost:" effects in play.
If the players quest unsuccessfully, trigger all "Lost:" effects in play.
If the players defeat this stage, they have won the game.

The river has deposited you at...
When Revealed: Create your own staging area. Discard all resources from your heroes.
Forced: After the 17th progress token is placed on Below the Mines, join another player at the beginning of the travel phase. If you cannot join another player, all players continue on to stage 5 together.

The fire-demon is Durin's Bane, doom of the Dwarves and the new Lord of Moria. It cannot be destroyed by mere strength of arms. You must find another way to deal with this Balrog as it relentlessly attacks, sword and whip weaving a deadly pattern of flame.
Forced: If at least 1 hero committed to the quest this round, place 4 progress tokens on The Rear Guard (bypassing the active location) at the end of the quest phase.
If Durin's Bane has 0 hit points, advance to the next stage of the scenario immediately.

As you move deeper into the forest, the wilderness quickly swallows all trace of civilization. Pushing through a dense patch of undergrowth, you came upon a dark and tangled grove. The scent of death strikes you.
Archery damage must be assigned to allies, if able.
In the grove, the fleeing traitors lie slain, pierced by poisoned arrows. As you search the pain–wracked corpses for the body of their leader, the ominous echo of drums begins to sound among the trees. You desperately begin to retrace your steps from the woods, lest the fate of the traitors becomes your own.

The Dunlendings' assault is relentless and your arms grow weary. "Take me to Isengard!" Gríma pleads, but you will not abandon the defense. You will either break the will of the enemy, or give your life in a heroic last stand...
When Revealed: Each player searches the encounter deck and discard pile for 1 different Dunland enemy and adds it to the staging area. Shuffle the encounter deck.
Forced: After the last time counter is removed from this stage, discard the top X cards from the encounter deck. X is the number of cards in the first player's hand. Add each enemy discarded this way to the staging area. Put 3 time counters on this stage.
While there is at least 1 enemy in play, the players cannot defeat this stage. If the players defeat this stage, they win the game.

You are following the Old South Road from Isengard to Tharbad on an errand for Saruman when you are attacked by Wild Men of Dunland.
Setup: Set Chief Turch and Munuv Dûv Ravine aside, out of play. Make Old South Road the active location. Each player searches the encounter deck for a Boar Clan enemy and puts it into play engaged with him. Shuffle the encounter deck.
Already weary from a full day of travel, you struggle to hold off the ferocious Dunlending attack. You must rally your companions and drive back the enemy, or you will be defeated.
Forced: After the last time counter is removed from this stage, each player discards his hand and draws 2 cards. Place 2 time counters on this stage.

When Revealed: Raise each player's threat by 1. Add Ancient Marsh-dweller to the staging area (from out of play or engaged with a player) and heal all damage from it.
Lost as you are, your presence in the marsh has not gone unnoticed. An ancient and foul swamp creature stalks your company...
Forced: After the last time counter is removed from this stage, advance to a different stage 3A at random. Return this stage to the quest deck.
Each location in play gets +1 .
Despite the size of the creatures hunting you, the swamp itself is your worst enemy. The ground sinks down beneath you and the mud pulls the boots off your feet. Every step forward is a struggle...

When Revealed: Raise each player's threat by 1. Add Ancient Marsh-dweller to the staging area (from out of play or engaged with a player) and heal all damage from it.
Lost as you are, your presence in the marsh has not gone unnoticed. An ancient and foul swamp creature stalks your company...
Forced: After the last time counter is removed from this stage, advance to a different stage 3A at random. Return this stage to the quest deck.
Each player cannot ready more than 5 characters during the refresh phase.
After wandering aimlessly for so long, harried by foul creatues, your resolve begins to waver and your companions collapse from exhaustion. If you cannot find a way across, the swamp will erase all evidence of your passage...

When Revealed: Raise each player's threat by 1. Add Ancient Marsh-dweller to the staging area (from out of play or engaged with a player) and heal all damage from it.
Lost as you are, your presence in the marsh has not gone unnoticed. An ancient and foul swamp creature stalks your company...
Forced: After the last time counter is removed from this stage, advance to a different stage 3A at random. Return this stage to the quest deck.
Each enemy in the staging area gets -20 engagement cost.
As if the swamp itself was not bad enough, its foul denizens swarm around you, their serpentine forms slithering through the murky water that rises to your waist...

Rangers have sighted a large group of Orcs making its way towards Bree–land. The Dúnedain, Iârion, has asked you to help him intercept the war party before it can reach the quiet village. The Orcs are a day ahead of you and moving fast, but there is hope you can catch them with the Ranger's tracking skill...
Setup: Put Iârion into play. Add 1 Orc War Party to the staging area. Each player adds 1 different location to the staging area. Shuffle the encounter deck.
You must move swiftly to prevent the Orcs from reaching Bree–land!
Enemies do not make engagement checks.
Forced: At the end of the refresh phase, raise each player's threat by 1 for each enemy in the staging area.
The players cannot defeat this stage unless the first player controls Iârion. If the players defeat this stage, they win the game.

When Revealed: End the current phase. Shuffle the encounter discard pile and the Orc deck into the encounter deck. Reveal Orc Ambush and Amon Forn and add them to the staging area.
You've hunted the Orcs to their secret gathering place on the northern edge of the Weather Hills: the old Dúnedain border fort of Amon Forn. With nowhere left to run, the Orcs turn and fight with desperate savagery.
Already weary from days of travel through harsh weather, you are hard pressed to match the Orcs' ferocity. You must rally your men or see them fall!
Each damaged character gets -1 .
Forced: At the beginning of the quest phase, either discard 1 resource token from Savage Counter-attack, or reveal an additional encounter card this phase.
If the players defeat this stage, they win the game.

Following the surprise attack on Fornost, you have agreed to help the Ranger, Amarthiúl, track the villains who captured his friend, Iârion.
Setup: Set Pack Leader aside, out of play. Make Shrouded Hills the active location. Add the Time objective to the staging area with Daybreak faceup. The first player takes control of Amarthiúl. Shuffle the encounter deck. Reveal 1 card from the encounter deck per player.
Your enemies' tracks lead you across the North Downs towards Angmar. In the barren lands between you and that dread realm, the nights are black and bitter cold, but it is the howling of Wargs that gives you chills.
While it is Day, each hero gets +1 .
Forced: When it becomes Night, raise each player's threat by 1.

Having rescued as many of your companions as you can find, you begin to make your way towards the dungeon's hidden exit. By now Gornákh is surely aware of your escape, and the orcs that were with Thaurdir are now searching for you, as well.
When Revealed: Add Southern Gate and Jailor Gornákh to the staging area. Shuffle the Angmar Orcs encounter set into the encounter deck. Then, reveal 1 encounter card per player from the top of the encounter deck.
Orcs and Goblins rush to find you before you can make your escape. You must make haste if you wish to make it out of Mount Gram alive!
The player cannot travel to Southern Gate unless there is at least 16 progress on this stage.
The players cannot defeat this stage while Souther Gate is in play. If the players defeat this stage, they have escaped Mount Gram and win the game.

Your trek through the Ettenmoors only gets worse as your injured company is pursued by hungry trolls and bettered by cold and rain.
When Revealed: Shuffle the encounter discard pile into the encounter deck. Discard cards from the top of the encounter deck until a side quest is discarded. Reveal that side quest and add it to the staging area, if able.
This land is barren and untamed. Food is scarce, and you must take care to avoid the Trolls and other creatures that roam the moors. If you are lucky, you may find a safe place to hide and rest for a short time before your journey continues.
Reveal 1 additional encounter card during the quest phase unless there is an active location with the safe keyword.

You are getting closer to the edge of the Troll–fells, but exhaustion has taken its toll. One way or another, this journey is nearing its end...
When Revealed: Shuffle the encounter discard pile into the encounter deck. Discard cards from the top of the encounter deck until a side quest is discarded. Reveal that side quest and add it to the staging area, if able.
Your wounded companions only slow your progress. With Trolls on your heels and foul weather overhead, you press onward.
Each damaged character gets -2 unless there is an active location with the safe keyword.
If the players defeat this stage, they have escaped the Ettenmoors with their lives, and win the game.

As you study the clues that you've found, you feel a chill wind flow through the keep. "You will not leave this place alive," a sinister voice echoes throughout the halls. "My master Daechanar will it so."
"Thaurdir!" Amarthiúl exclaims, unsheathing his blades.
When Revealed: Add Thaurdir to the staging area. Each player searches the encounter deck and discard pile for an Undead enemy and adds it to the staging area. Shuffle the encounter deck.
The wraith you fought in Fornost has followed you since your flight from Mount Gram. Your only hope is to escape with the clues you've found.
Thaurdir's Pursuit has -5 quest points for each Clue objective attached to a character.
This stage cannot be defeated while Thaurdir has any hit point remaining. If this stage is defeated, the players win the game.

As you descend into the catacombs beneath Carn Dûm, you find yourself overcome with terror. Still, you press onward, knowing that Iârion's fate–and perhaps the fate of the north–lies in your hand.
Setup: Set Daechanar and Altar of Midwinter aside, out of play. Each player reveals an encounter card from the top of the encounter deck. Each player reanimates the top card of his deck.
Daechanar's powers of sorcery and necromancy are strongest here, in the capital of the Witch–realm where the lord of the Nazgûl once resided.
Reanimated Dead are Undead enemies with 2 , 2
, 2
and 2 hit points.
When the players advance to stage 2, all Sorcery cards attached to this stage are attached to stage 2B.

You arrive on the island's western beach, the edge of a dense jungle looming beyond. With no map to guide you and no idea of what to expect, you venture forward, deeper into the island...
Setup: Set Shrine to Morgoth aside, out of play. Prepare the Uncharted deck. Add 2 copies of Lost Island from the top of the Uncharted deck to the staging area (3 copies instead if there are 3 or 4 players in the game). The first player takes control of Calphon. Shuffle the encounter deck.
Progress cannot be placed on Explore the Island except by quest effects.
Forced: After a location is explored, add progress to Explore the Island equal to that location's printed quest points.
Forced: When an Uncharted location becomes the active location, add 1 copy of Lost Island from the top of the Uncharted deck to the staging area.

Setup: Set Captain Sahír and Na’asiyah aside, out of play. Add The Havens Burn, the Dream-chaser, and 1 copy of Sahír’s Ravager to the staging area. Shuffle the encounter deck and discard cards from the top of the encounter deck until X locations with the Aflame keyword are discarded, where X is the number of players in the game. Add each discarded Aflame location to the staging area. Then, shuffle the encounter discard pile back into the encounter deck.
Corsairs are attacking the Grey Havens and burning the Elven fleet. You must defend the Havens from these fierce raiders and save as many ships as you can!
Forced: At the end of the combat phase, deal X damage to the Aflame location in play with the lowest Aflame value. X is the number of Corsair enemies in play.

As your voyage continues, the skies darken and the rain becomes relentless. Storm clouds on the horizon flash with lightning, and unpredictable wind makes setting a course difficult.
Forced: At the end of the staging step, if you are off-course (,
, or
), reveal an additional encounter card from the top of the encounter deck.
When you defeat this stage, if the Stormcaller is still at stage 3, you have caught up to the Stormcaller and win the game. Otherwise, advance to the next stage.

You’ve pursued the Stormcaller all the way to the deadly Cape of Andrast, where terrible winds and sharp jetties threaten to tear apart your entire fleet.
When Revealed: Discard cards from the top of the encounter deck until a Weather treachery is discarded. Resolve that card’s “when revealed” effect. That effect cannot be canceled.
Forced: After a Weather treachery is revealed, deal 1 damage to each Ship objective and Ship enemy at this stage.
If you defeat this stage, you have caught up to the Stormcaller and win the game.

Aided by other Corsair ships, the Stormcaller slips out of sight, heading into the dark clouds on the southern horizon.
When Revealed: Search the encounter deck and discard pile for 1 copy of Sahír’s Escort and add it to the Stormcaller's area. Shuffle the encounter deck.
If the players are off-course (,
, or
), the Stormcaller gets +2
No more than 4 damage may be placed on the Stormcaller each round.
Forced: At the end of the round, discard the top card of the encounter deck. The Stormcaller places progress on this stage equal to its plus the
of the discarded card.

The Stormcaller once again slips out of your grasp, rounding the Cape of Andrast to the south.
Forced: At the end of the round, discard the top card of the encounter deck. the Stormcaller places progress on this stage equal to its plus the
of the discarded card.
If the Stormcaller defeats this stage, Captain Sahír has gotten away with the key, and the players lose the game.

The Corsair fleet seems to be attacking multiple key locations simultaneously. To stop the attack, you must defend Dol Amroth from the Corsair ships.
When Revealed: Search the encounter deck and discard pile for a Ship enemy and add it to the staging area (2 Ship enemies instead if there are 3 or 4 players in the game). Shuffle the encounter deck. For each unguarded objective in the staging area, attach a non-unique Ship enemy in the staging area to that objective, guarding it.
If your current heading is at the worst setting (Stormy), Raider Flagship gets -50 engagement cost.
You cannot advance while at least 1 objective is guarded by an encounter.

The Dream–chaser and her fleet have met their ultimate fate, but you still have your mission to complete. Sahír is somewhere within the city.
When Revealed: Search the encounter deck for The Shattered Monument and Captain Sahír, and set them aside, out of play. Each player searches the encounter deck for 1 enemy and 1 location, and adds them to the staging area. If the Stormcaller was not destroyed at stage 1, add 1 resource to each Raider enemy in play.
"Find them!" You can here shouting throughout the city. Sahír has raised the alarm. Set upon on all sides by Corsairs, you must fight your way through and stop the captain.

You have wandered through the trackless desert and discovered the legendary nesting grounds of the wild Were–worms. The beasts rear up and circle to attack. You must drive them off or meet your end upon the desert sands.
When Revealed: Increase the temperature by 2. Each player searches the encounter deck, discard pile, and victory display for a Were-worm and adds it to the staging area, if able. Shuffle the encounter deck.
During the quest phase, add X to the total
in the staging area, where X is the tens digit of the temperature.
Forced: At the end of the round, increase the temperature by 4.
While at least 1 Were-worm is in play, the players cannot defeat this stage. If the players defeat this stage, they win the game. If the temperature is 60 or higher, the players lose the game.

The hounds of Mordor have caught your scent and they close in on you from the south. Even riding on the tall Mumakil you are not safe from the barbed arrows of the Warg–riders. Your only hope is to reach the River Harnen before you are cut off.
When Revealed: Shuffle the encounter discard pile into the encounter deck and discard cards from the top until an Orc enemy is discarded. Add that enemy to the Orc's area.
Uruk Chieftain cannot take damage.
Reveal an additional encounter card during the quest phase if Uruk Chieftain is at stage 2D.
Forced: After characters are committed to quest, no more than 5 progress can be placed here this round (10 progress instead if each Tamed Mumak in play is committed to the quest).

You can see the river on the horizon. Your pursuers won't dare to cross the water where it's deep, but the large Mumakil can manage easily. If only you can reach the river in time...
When Revealed: Add River Harnen to the staging area. Shuffle the encounter discard pile into the encounter deck and discard cards from the top until an Orc enemy is discarded. Add that enemy to the Orc's area.
Forced: After characters are committed to quest, no more than 5 progress can be placed here this round (10 progress instead if each Tamed Mumak in play is committed to the quest).
Forced: After an enemy attacks and destroys a character, place 1 progress on the Orc's stage.
If you defeat this stage, you have escaped the Orcs and win the game.

The Orcs and their mounts move with great speed across the sandy waste. They can smell their prey on the air as they narrow the distance between them.
When Revealed: If the players have already defeated stage 3B, discard cards from the top of the encounter deck until an Orc enemy is discarded. Add that enemy to the Orc's area.
While the players are at stage 4B, Uruk Chieftain cannot leave the Orc's area and each enemy at this stage gets +1
Forced: At the end of the quest phase, return Uruk Chieftain to the Orc's area and discard the top card of the encounter deck. Place X progress on this stage, where X is the total of the discarded card plus the total
in the Orc's area.
If you are at stage 3B when this stage is defeated, you lose the game.

The Harnen cuts a line across the horizon and the Wargs race to reach its shore ahead of their prey. Their Orc riders urge them on with shouts and savage kicks. If they let their quarry cross the river, they will not be able to pursue, so they set a frenzied pace and tear across the sand.
Uruk Chieftain cannot take damage while River Harnen is in the staging area.
Forced: At the end of the quest phase, discard the top card of the encounter deck. Place X progress on this stage, where X is the discarded card's plus the total
of each engaged enemy.
If the Orcs defeat this stage, the Orcs have caught you and you lose the game.

You've reached the Crossings of Poros, but the enemy is hot on your heels. Desperate, you blow a loud note on your horn. From the northern shore you hear horns answer, and the soldiers of Gondor rush to your aid.
When Revealed: The first player takes control of Poros Garrison. Search the encounter deck and discard pile for each enemy that belongs to an encounter set denoted by the first icon on each set aside stage 3 and add them to the staging area. Shuffle the encounter deck.
The Back Serpent leads your pursuers in a final, savage attack. You must hold the crossings against them or fail at the last leg of your journey.
Forced: After an enemy attacks and destroys a character, remove X progress from this stage. X is the attcking enemy's printed
This stage cannot be defeated except at the end of the combat phase. If the players defeat this stage, they win the game.

You can see light ahead from what must be the forest's edge and it looks as if you will reach the other side, but then you hear the cry of enemies all around you. It seems that you will have to fight once more to escape from Mirkwood.
When Revealed: Remove Searching for a Way Out from the game. Starting with the first player, each player discards cards from the top of the encounter deck until he discards an enemy and puts that enemy into play engaged with him.
Forced: At the end of the round, raise each player's threat by 1 for each enemy engaged with him.
This stage cannot be defeated while a player is engaged with an enemy. When this stage is defeated, the players win the game.

The Woodmen of Hrogar's Hill have agreed to help you in your quest, but shortly after they welcome you to their town it is attacked by the very Dragon you seek: Dagnir has come to take vengeance on Wilderland!
Setup: Search the encounter deck for all 8 encounter side quests, shuffle them together, and place them facedown next to the quest deck. This is the side quest deck. The first player adds Dagnir to the staging area and shuffles the encounter deck. Each other player reveals an encounter card.
Forced: At the end of the planning phase, reveal the top card of the side quest deck and add it to the staging area. Dagnir makes an attack against Hrogar's Hill. Do not deal a shadow card for this attack. The first player may declare a defender for this attack. Excess damage must be dealt to Hrogar's Hill.
This stage cannot be defeated while Dagnir has hit points remaining. If Dagnir has no hit points remaining, the players win the game. If this stage has damage equal to its quest points, the players lose the game.

A blood–stained altar to the Dark Lord of Mordor looks to have been used recently. Though the carved stone is ancient, the blood and cloth you find on it are fresh. You search about frantically to find the captive Dorwinions before more are slaughtered.
When Revealed: Reveal 1 encounter card per player.
Forced: At the beginning of the quest phase, each player discards the top X cards of his deck, where X is 1 more than the number of quest stages in the victory display. Each player examines the cards he controls and the cards in his hand. If any of these cards are copies of the cards he just discarded from the top of his deck, he must discard those copies as well.
While there are 4 quest stages in the victory display, progress cannot be placed here.

You have reached the King's palace only to discover the city guard waiting for you. Ulchor must have warned the King that you were coming and urged him to lay this trap for you. It will be a bitter fight if you are to escape.
When Revealed: Shuffle the encounter discard pile into the encounter deck and discard cards from the top until X enemies are discarded. X is the number of players. Add each enemy discarded this way to the staging area.
You must escape the notice of the city guard if you hope to reach Ulchor.
City Guard cannot have more than 20 damage, and it gets -5 engagement cost for each resource here.
Forced: At the end of the round, place 1 resource here.
This stage cannot be defeated while City Guardhas hit points remaining. When this stage is defeated, the players win the game.

The tunnels of Torech Gorgor run beneath the Ash Mountains into Mordor.
Setup: Each player with more than 40 cards in his deck discards cards from the top of his deck until he has 40 cards left. The first player adds a copy of Torech Gorgor Patrol to the staging area. Each other player adds 1 different location to the staging area. Shuffle the encounter deck and discard cards from the top until a side quest is discarded. Reveal that side quest. Shuffle the encounter discard pile into the encounter deck.
The dark passage offers you a way into Mordor, but only if you can navigate the intersecting maze of tunnels before running out of provisions.
Event cards cannot shuffle cards from a player's discard pile into his deck.
Forced: At the end of the round, each player discards X cards from the top of his deck, where X is 1 more than the number of quest cards in play. If a player has no cards left in his deck, he is eliminated from the game.

Hope and supplies begin to run low the longer you wander through the oppresive dark of Torch Gordor. You need to find the exit before it's too late.
When Revealed: Search the encounter deck and discard pile for an encounter side quest and reveal it. Shuffle the encounter discard pile into the encounter deck and discard cards from the top until X enemies are discarded, where X is the number of players. Add each enemy discarded this way to the staging area.
Event cards cannot shuffle cards from a player's discard pile into his deck.
Forced: At the end of the round, each player discards X cards from the top of his deck, where X is 1 more than the number of quest cards in play. If a player has no cards left in his deck, he is eliminated from the game.
If the player defeat this stage, they win the game.

When he peeped out in the lightning–flashes, he saw that across the valley the stone–giants were out and were hurling rocks at one another for a game, and catching them, and tossing them down into the darkness where they smashed the trees far below, or splintered into little bits with a bang. – The Hobbit
When Revealed: Search the encounter deck for 1 copy of Stone-giant and add it to the staging area. Then, shuffle the encounter deck. Reveal 1 card per player from the encounter deck and add it to the staging area.