When Revealed: Each player must choose 1 character currently committed to a quest, and remove that character from the quest. (The chosen character does not ready.)
They could not stand that, nor the huge bats, black as a top–hat, either...
–The Hobbit

When Revealed: Remove a character you control from the quest and discard the top card of the encounter deck. If that character's printed is less than the discarded card's
discard that character.
...it was long before Pippin could summon enough courage to leap... –The Fellowship of the Ring

When Revealed: Remove a hero from the quest and attach Saruman’s Voice to that hero. (Counts as a Condition attachment with the text:"Forced: When attached hero commits to a quest, is declared and attacker or defender, or triggers its ability, its controller must discard 1 card from his hand.")

When Revealed: Remove a hero you control from the quest and attach Black Dart to that hero. Limit 1 per hero. (Counts as a Condition attachment with the text: "Forced: At the end of the round, deal 1 damag
Shadow: If this attack damages a hero, attach Black Dart to that hero.

When Revealed: Each player must choose 1 character currently committed to a quest, and remove that character from the quest. (The chosen character does not ready.)
They could not stand that, nor the huge bats, black as a top–hat, either...
–The Hobbit

When Revealed: Each player removes 1 character he controls from the quest, if able. Then, if any player has no characters committed to the quest, remove all characters from the quest.
"Seven companions we had: one we lost at Moria, the others we left at Parth Galen above Rauros..." –Frodo Baggins, The Two Towers

When Revealed: The first player deals 2 damage to a questing hero and removes that hero from the quest.

Shadow: Defending player raises his threat by X where X is the attacking enemy's .

When Revealed: Remove a hero from the quest and attach In Need of Rest to that hero. Counts as a Condition attachment with the text:
Limit 1 per hero. Forced: After a time counter is removed from the current quest, attached hero takes 1 damage.
I have just about enough strength left to find some hole away up there. And then I must rest a little.
–Frodo, The Return of the King

When Revealed: Each player must remove a character from the quest. If the active location is Underwater deal 2 damage to each character removed from the quest by this effect.

Shadow: Discard an attachment you control.

When Revealed: Remove a hero from the quest and attach Terrible Fever to that hero. (Counts as a Condition attachment with the text:"Forced: At the end of the round, deal 1 damage to attached character.")

Shadow: Defending character cannot ready until the end of the round.

When Revealed: Each player removes a character he controls from the quest and discards the top card of the encounter deck. If the discarded card's printed is greater than the removed character's
discard that character.

Shadow: Attacking enemy gets +2 and +2
if it is guarding a card.

When Revealed: Remove a character you control from the quest and discard the top card of the encounter deck. If that character's printed is less than the discarded card's
discard that character.
...it was long before Pippin could summon enough courage to leap... –The Fellowship of the Ring

When Revealed: Remove a hero from the quest and attach Saruman’s Voice to that hero. (Counts as a Condition attachment with the text:"Forced: When attached hero commits to a quest, is declared and attacker or defender, or triggers its ability, its controller must discard 1 card from his hand.")

When Revealed: Remove a hero you control from the quest and attach Black Dart to that hero. Limit 1 per hero. (Counts as a Condition attachment with the text:"Forced: At the end of the round, deal 1 damage to attached hero.")

Shadow: If this attack damages a hero, attach Black Dart to that hero.

When Revealed: Each player removes a character he controls from the quest and deals 2 damage to that character (3 damage instead if that character is an ally).

Shadow: Attacking enemy gets +1 (+2
instead if the defending character is an ally.)

When Revealed: The opposing team chooses a questing character. Remove that character from the quest.

Shadow: Shuffle Black Forest Bats into the encounter deck.

When Revealed: Each player deals 1 damage to a questing character he controls and removes that character from the quest.

Shadow: Deal 1 damage to a character you control.

When Revealed: Each player must either remove a hero he controls from the quest or engage an enemy in the staging area. Each enemy engaged by this effect makes an immediate attack.

Shadow: Attacking enemy gets +2

When Revealed: Each player removes a character he controls from the quest and exhausts that character. Until the end of the round, characters cannot be readied by player card effects.

Shadow: Exhaust a character you control. Until the end of the round, that character cannot ready.