Forced: When Orc Rabble is dealt a shadow card, it gets +2 until the end of the phase.

Shadow: Deal the attacking enemy an additional shadow card for each player in the game.

Forced: When Orc Arsonist engages a player, deal 1 shadow card to each enemy engaged with that player.

Shadow: Attacking enemy gets +1 . Deal it another shadow card.

X is the total number of hidden cards in the game.
Forced: At the end of the round, each player must raise his threat by 1 for each hiddien card in his play area.

Forced: After Orc Ambusher engages you, discard 1 non-objective ally you control, if able.

Shadow: Attacking enemy gets +1 (+3
instead if undefended.)

Forced: When Evil Crow engages a player, that player takes 1 hidden card.

Shadow: Take 1 hidden card.

X is the total number of hidden cards in the game.
Forced: When Black Númenorean engages you, turn all hidden cards in your play area faceup.
Forced: At the end of the round, each player must raise his threat by 1 for each hidden card in his play area.

Forced: After Orc Trickster is turned faceup as a hidden card, it makes an immediate attack against the engaged player.
Forced: When Orc Trickster would be damaged, a random player takes it facedown as a hidden card in his play area instead.

Forced: After Uruk Marksman is turned faceup as a hidden card, deal 3 damage to a character controlled by the engaged player and return Uruk Marksman to the staging area.