If an Orc enemy is in play, progress tokens cannot be placed on Orc War Camp while it is in the staging area.

Shadow: attacking enemy gets +1 for each shadow card dealt to it.

Action: If there is no active location, search the encounter deck and discard pile for an Osgiliath location, reveal it and add it to the staging area. Then, make West Gate the active location. Shuffle the encounter deck.
Forced: After the player who controls West Gate lets an attack go undefended, return West Gate to the staging area.

Travel: Reveal the top card of the encounter deck and add it to the staging area to travel here.
Forced: After the player who controls The King’s Library lets an attack go undefended, return The King’s Library to the staging area.
"For that is the ruin of Osgiliath on either side of Anduin, which our enemies took and burned long ago."
–Beregond, The Return of the King

The players cannot travel here.
Combat Action: Exhaust a hero to place 1 progress token on Ancient Harbor.
Forced: After the player who controls Ancient Harbor lets an attack go undefended, return Ancient Harbor to the staging area.

The players cannot travel here.
Planning Action: Spend 2 resources to place 1 progress token on The Old Bridge. (1 resource instead if there is another Osgiliath location in the staging area.)
Forced: After the player who controls The Old Bridge lets an attack go undefended, return The Old Bridge to the staging area.

While West Quarter is the active location, the current quest gains Siege.

Shadow: If this attack destroys a character, that character's controller must return a location he controls with the highest to the staging area.

While East Quarter is the active location, the current quest gains Battle.

Shadow: If this attack destroys a character, that character's controller must return a location he controls with the highest to the staging area.

Immune to player card effects. Palace Remains gets +1 for each resource token on it.
The players cannot travel here unless there are at least 5 resource tokens on Palace Remains.
While Palace Remains is in the staging area, it gains"Forced: After a player takes control of a location, place 1 resource token here."

Forced: When you take control of Crumbled Battlements, shuffle the encounter discard pile into the encounter deck and discard cards from the encounter deck until an enemy is discarded. Put the discarded enemy into play engaged with you.
"Here they come pouring through the breaches!" –Man of Gondor, The Return of the King

Forced: When you take control of Eastern Quarter, discard each event card in your hand.
While a player controls Eastern Quarter it gains:"Forced: After the 'when revealed' effect of a treachery is canceled, return Easter Quarter to the staging area."

Forced: When you take control of Western Quarter, discard the highest cost attachment you control.
While a player controls Western Quarter it gains:"Forced: After the 'when revealed' effect of a treachery is canceled, return Western Quarter to the staging area."