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Results: 40 Cards
Ered Mithrin Campaign Expansion (x1)

You are playing campaign mode.

Setup: Any player gains control of Turayn. Shuffle A Growing Threat into the encounter deck.

Response: After you explore a non-unique location, put a resource here. Then, if there are X resources here, the players look at 3 random undiscovered treasures and choose 1 to attach to an eligible character. X is 3 more than the number of players in the game.

Resolution: The heroes’ selfless valor in protecting the refugees from Harad has inspired Turayn. If the heroes choose to accept his aid, add Turayn to the campaign pool (any player may add him to their deck). Otherwise, mark in the campaign log that “Turayn has taken an oath of vigilance” (he will follow the heroes’ example and continue to protect the free folk of Wilderland).

The players discover each treasure they control.

Add A Growing Threat and each Evil Creatures enemy in play to the campaign pool.

It didn;t feel like one of their raids. It was more like an act of desperation than an attack. They've been a fair few of these Goblins and other creatures trying to sneak across the Ford recently. It's as if they're trying to get away from something up north.

"But what could be driving the Goblins and Trolls from their holes in the mountains?"

-Grimbeorn and Haldan the Woodsman

Ered Mithrin Campaign Expansion (x1)
2 1 2 3 3 5 ★
Harad. Warrior.


Response: After Turayn exhausts, choose another character. The next time that character would be dealt damage this round, cancel 1 of that damage.

Ered Mithrin Campaign Expansion (x1)


When Revealed: Set aside the topmost non-unique, non-objective, non-burden encounter card in the encounter discard pile. During quest resolution, add a copy of that card to the campaign pool, if able. Remove A Growing Threat from the game.

Ered Mithrin Campaign Expansion (x1)

You are playing campaign mode.

Setup: Any player gains control of Melanwar. The first player may search the encounter deck for a copy of Twilight Hall and add it to the staging area. If they do, the players look at 3 random undiscovered treasures and attach 1 of them to Twilight Hall as a guarded objective. When free of encounters, the players claim the treasure and attach it to any character.

To wander off the trail in either direction was to risk becoming lost forever, and it was a long way to the other side of the forest.

Resolution: At the edge of the forest, Melanwar pledged his friendship to the heroes, moved by their altruism and their willingness to trust a stranger. If the heroes choose to invite him to join their quest, add Melanwar to the campaign pool (any player may add him to their deck). Otherwise, mark in the campaign log that “Melanwar has given you guidance on traversing Wilderland” (you can more safely navigate the mountains).

The players discover each treasure they control.

Discard cards from the encounter deck until X cards from either the Spiders of Mirkwood or Dol Guldur Orcs encounter set have been discarded and add those cards to the campaign pool. X is equal to the number of players in the game.

“This is where we part ways,” said Haladan. “The river will carry you north to Lake-town and then to Dale, but my home lies back west.”

One of the heroes clasped hands with the Woodman and said, “Thank you for your help. You are a brave man, Haldan. I wish you safe travel on your return journey.”

Ered Mithrin Campaign Expansion (x1)
1 2 2 0 3 4 ★
Silvan. Ranger.


Response: After the travel phase begins, exhaust Melanwar to place 1 progress on the active location. If you quested unsuccessfully this round, place 3 progress on the active location instead.

Ered Mithrin Campaign Expansion (x1)

You are playing campaign mode.

Setup: Each player may change hero cards without incurring the +1 threat penalty, and Haldan may be included among a player’s heroes. Any player gains control of Isolde. Add The Threat to Wilderland to the staging area, shuffle Dagnir’s Spawn into the encounter deck, and shuffle Abandoned Ruin into the Caves deck. If “Turayn has taken an oath of vigilance,” search the encounter deck for 3 treacheries and remove them from the game.

Resolution: While the Fire-drake has been vanquished, it was not the beast the heroes were sent to defeat. With the Fire-drake’s mother still at large, Isolde has resolved to continue the hunt. If the heroes choose to fight alongside her, add Isolde to the campaign pool (any player may add her to their deck). Otherwise, mark in the campaign log that “Isolde is on the hunt” (the dragon’s minions will pose less of a threat on your quest).

The players discover each treasure they control.

Add Abandoned Ruin to the campaign pool. The first player chooses either Threat to Wilderland or Dagnir’s Spawn and add it to the campaign pool.

The Fire-drake coughed and cackled, “Fools! When my mother learns of my death, she will set all Wilderland ablaze!”

There was a long silven as each member of the company reeled at the dragon's words.

“If that is true, then we must seek the mother before she hears of what has happened here, or else the Bardings and many more will pay the price for our victory,” said one of the companions at last.

Ered Mithrin Campaign Expansion (x1)
2 1 3 1 3 5 ★
Dale. Warrior.

Isolde gets +2 Willpower while she has an Item attachment.

Response: After you engage an enemy, ready Isolde.

Ered Mithrin Campaign Expansion (x1)

Setup: Add The Threat to Wilderland to the staging area with X resources on it. X is the campaign card’s part number.

Forced: At the beginning of the quest phase, remove a resource from The Threat to Wilderland. Then, either raise each player’s threat by 2 or all encounter cards are immune to player card effects until the end of the phase.

Ered Mithrin Campaign Expansion (x1)
40 X 6 X 12

Cannot have non-Dragon attachments. X is the campaign card’s part number.

When Revealed: Each player may distribute X damage among characters they control. If they do, shuffle Dagnir’s Spawn into the encounter deck.

Ered Mithrin Campaign Expansion (x1)
Underground. Dark.

Setup: Shuffle Abandoned Ruin into the Caves deck, if able. Otherwise, remove it from the game.

Response: After Abandoned Ruin becomes the active location, look at 3 random undiscovered treasures and attach 1 of them to Abandoned Ruin as a guarded objective. When that treasure is free of encounters, the players claim it and attach it to an eligible character. Limit once per game for the group.

Ered Mithrin Campaign Expansion (x1)

You are playing campaign mode.

Setup: A player may search their deck for a unique boon ally and add it to their hand. If “Melanwar has given you guidance on traversing Wilderland,” search the encounter deck for 2 non-unique locations and the Caves deck for 1 location and remove them from the game. If “Isolde is on the hunt,” search the encounter deck for 3 non-unique enemies and remove them from the game. Flip this card over.

Forced: After a main quest stage is defeated, any player who does not control an Accolade boon may attach one of the following boons to one of their heroes and memorialize their valorous deeds, based on which quest stage was defeated:

Stage 1: Attach Master of the Hunt to a hero.
Stage 2: Attach Unbroken to a hero.
Stage 3: Attach The Steadfast to a hero.
Stage 4: Attach Dragon-slayer to a hero.

Resolution: Add each Accolade boon in play to the campaign pool. Each player may choose one of the following boons and add it to the campaign pool: The Canny Huntsman, A Tale of Victories, Lay of Courage, Rhyme of the Slayer.

If there are 4 Dragon Sign objectives in the victory display, the players also look at 3 random undiscovered treasures and choose 1 to attach to an eligible character.

The players discover each treasure they control.

Ered Mithrin Campaign Expansion (x1)
Accolade. Title.


Setup: Attach to a hero.

Attached hero gets +1 hit point.

Response: After attached hero commits to the quest, choose a player to look at the top 3 cards of their deck. They put 1 of those cards on the top of their deck and put the rest on the bottom of their deck in any order.

Ered Mithrin Campaign Expansion (x1)
Accolade. Title.


Setup: Attach to a hero.

Attached hero gets +1 Defense.

Action: Discard a card from your hand to heal 1 damage from attached hero. This ability may be triggered by each player once each round.

Ered Mithrin Campaign Expansion (x1)
Accolade. Title.


Setup: Attach to a hero.

Attached hero gets +1 Willpower.

Response: After attached hero commits to the quest, if your threat is 40 or higher, place 1 progress on the current quest.

Ered Mithrin Campaign Expansion (x1)
Accolade. Title.


Setup: Attach to a hero.

Attached hero gets +1 Attack.

Response: After a non-unique enemy is added to the staging area, exhaust Dragon-slayer to engage that enemy. It makes an immediate attack against you.

Ered Mithrin Campaign Expansion (x1)

Quest Action: Look at the top 5 cards of the encounter deck. Put any number of those cards on top of the encounter deck and the rest on the bottom in any order. The hero with Master of the Hunt attached gets +3 Willpower until the end of the phase.

Soft is the grass, and let foot be like feather!
–The Hobbit

Ered Mithrin Campaign Expansion (x1)

Combat Action: Draw a card for each enemy engaged with you. Heal 3 damage from the hero with Unbroken attached. The next time that hero would be dealt damage this phase, cancel 3 of that damage.

His shining helm afar was seen;
the countless stars of heaven's field
were mirrored in his silver shield.
–The Fellowship of the Ring

Ered Mithrin Campaign Expansion (x1)

Quest Response: Cancel the “when revealed” effects of a card that was just revealed from the encounter deck. Ready the hero with The Steadfast attached. Add Lay of Courage to the victory display.

I will not say the Day is done,
nor bid the Stars farewell.
–The Return of the King

Ered Mithrin Campaign Expansion (x1)

Combat Action: Choose an enemy. That enemy gets –4 Attack until the end of the phase. The hero with Dragon-slayer attached gets +4 Attack while attacking that enemy this phase.

Grey now as tears, gleaming silver;
red then it rolled, roaring river:
foam dyed with blood flamed at sunset;
as beacons mountains burned at evening
–The Return of the King

Ered Mithrin Campaign Expansion (x1)

You are playing campaign mode.

Setup: A player may search their deck for a unique boon ally and add it to their hand. If “Melanwar has given you guidance on traversing Wilderland,” search the encounter deck for 3 non-unique enemies not named Grey Mountain Giant and remove them from the game. The first player may put their trust in Urdug by placing a resource on him (from the token pool). If they don’t, shuffle a copy of the Urdug’s Cunning burden into the encounter deck. Flip this card over.

Forced: After the first player claims an objective, they may put their trust in Urdug by placing a resource on him (from the token pool). If they don’t, shuffle a copy of the Urdug’s Cunning burden into the encounter deck.

Ignore the deep keyword. Urdug gets +1 Willpower, +1 Threat, +1 Attack, and +1 Defense for each resource on him.

Resolution: If there are 3 or more resources on Urdug, each player adds a copy of Misplaced Trust to the campaign pool (and their deck). Otherwise, each player adds a copy of Urdug’s Cunning to the campaign pool.

Each player chooses a location in the staging area and adds a copy of it to the campaign pool. Players must choose different locations, if able.

“We have the key to the Goblin's door but it is still a long way to Mount Gundabad, and we are ill supplied for a such a journey,” said one of the heroes.

Ered Mithrin Campaign Expansion (x4)

Doomed 1. Surge.

When Revealed: Discard the top 5 cards of the encounter deck. For each enemy discarded this way, each player must deal 1 damage to a character they control.

Shadow: Attacking enemy gets +2 Defense this phase.

Ered Mithrin Campaign Expansion (x4)

Setup: Shuffle Misplaced Trust into your deck. (Do this after drawing your starting hand.)

Forced: After you draw this card, attach it to a hero you control. (Counts as a Condition attachment with the text: “Attached character cannot have player card attachments and is immune to player card effects.”)

Ered Mithrin Campaign Expansion (x1)

You are playing campaign mode.

Setup: The first player gains control of Beldis. If “Turayn has taken an oath of vigilance,” search the encounter deck for 3 non-unique locations and remove them from the game. If “Isolde is on the hunt,” search the encounter deck for 3 non-unique enemies and remove them from the game.

Ignore the deep keyword.

(Note: If you make 5 or more progress on the main quest, you will earn a treasure during quest resolution.)

Resolution: While repairs begin on Hrogar’s Hill, Beldis attends to the wounded heroes. If the heroes choose to accept her offer to join their quest, add Beldis to the campaign pool (any player may add her to their deck). Otherwise, mark in the campaign log that “Beldis’s care has bolstered the heroes’ spirits” (fear will have less of a hold on them).

If there is at least 5 progress on Hrogar’s Hill, the players look at 3 random undiscovered treasures and and choose 1 to attach to an eligible character.

The players discover each treasure they control.

Each player may remove a non-burden card from the campaign pool.

The heroes had driven back the Dragon, but only after she had grown tired of hundreds of stining arrows and sword strokes. No weapon had been able to pierce Dagnir's thick armor enough to do her any real harm. When she retreated into the night, it was only because she had grown tired of smashing homes, and her fires burned low.

Ered Mithrin Campaign Expansion (x1)
1 2 1 1 3 4 ★
Woodsman. Healer.

Action: Spend 1 resource and mark a use in the campaign log to heal 3 damage from a character. Any player may trigger this ability. (Each player has 4 uses for the campaign.)

“Walk no more in the shadows, awake!”
–Aragorn, The Return of the King

Ered Mithrin Campaign Expansion (x1)

You are playing campaign mode.

Setup: Each player may change hero cards without incurring the +1 threat penalty. Shuffle Ashen Brazier, Gundabad Hunter, and Gundabad Stalker into the encounter deck. A player may search their deck for a unique boon ally and add it to their hand. If “Isolde is on the hunt,” search the encounter deck for 3 treacheries and remove them from the game. If “Beldis’s care has bolstered the heroes’ spirits,” search the encounter deck for 3 non-unique locations and remove them from the game. Flip this card.

Ignore the deep keyword.

Response: After Fram’s Shade engages a player while the players are at stage 1B or 2B, look at 3 random undiscovered treasures and attach 1 of them to Fram’s Shade as a guarded objective. When the treasure is free of encounters, the players claim it and attach it to an eligible character. (Group limit once per game.)

Action: Raise each player’s threat by 1 to shuffle the encounter discard pile into the encounter deck. (Any player may trigger this ability.)

Resolution: The players discover each treasure they control.

Add either Gundabad Hunter or Gundabad Stalker to the campaign pool.

Shuffle the encounter discard pile into the encounter deck and discard cards from the top until 2 Hazard cards are discarded. The players, as a group, must choose 1 of those cards and add it to the campaign pool.

Ered Mithrin Campaign Expansion (x1)
Artifact. Item.


If unattached, the first player claims Ashen Brazier and attaches it to a hero they control.

Action: Exhaust Ashen Brazier to look at a facedown shadow card.

Ered Mithrin Campaign Expansion (x1)
20 2 5 4 3
Orc. Goblin. Hazard.

When Revealed: Choose a player that is engaged with a unique enemy, if able. Gundabad Hunter makes an immediate attack against that player.

Shadow: If attacking enemy is unique, it makes an additional attack after this one.

Ered Mithrin Campaign Expansion (x1)
40 4 3 2 5
Orc. Goblin. Hazard.

Gundabad Stalker cannot be optionally engaged except by a player who is engaged with a unique enemy.

Shadow: If attacking enemy is unique, return it to the staging area after this attack.

Ered Mithrin Campaign Expansion (x1)

You are playing campaign mode.

Setup: If there are 6 or more treasures recorded in the campaign log, shuffle Dragon-sickness into the encounter deck. A player may search their deck for a unique boon ally and add it to their hand. If “Melanwar has given you guidance on traversing Wilderland,” search the encounter deck for 2 non-unique locations and the Caves deck for 1 location and remove them from the game. If “Beldis’s care has bolstered the heroes’ spirits,” search the encounter deck for 3 treacheries and remove them from the game. Flip this card.

Ignore the discover keyword. Unique locations cannot be discarded from play by encounter card effects.

Resolution: The players may, as a group, look at 3 random undiscovered treasures and choose 1 to attach to an eligible character.

The players discover each treasure they control.

Remove A Growing Threat from the campaign pool.

If there are 6 or more treasures recorded in the campaign log, add Dragon-sickness to the campaign pool.

The blade of Fram son of Frumgar bit deep into Dagnir's chest and the Dragon bellowed in pain. Her roars shook the walls of the great hall, and her mighty tail smashed against a tall pillar, toppling it. As she trashed about in her death throes, Wormsbane was wrested from the hero who dealt the final blow. Then, the giant Dragon toppled over the edge of a deep chasm and disappeared into utter darkness. Dagnir the Terrible was dead and Wormsbane lost to the world forever, but all about the heroes lay the glittering treasure of Gundabad.

Ered Mithrin Campaign Expansion (x1)


When Revealed: Attach to a character with 1 or more treasures attached, then attach all unguarded treasures in play to that character. (Counts as a Condition attachment with the text: “Forced: After attached character exhausts, raise your threat by 1 for each treasure attached to it.”)

Ered Mithrin Campaign Expansion (x1)

You are playing campaign mode.

Setup: Each player may search their deck for a boon or treasure card and add it to their hand. If “Turayn has taken an oath of vigilance,” search the encounter deck for 3 non-unique enemies and remove them from the game. If “Beldis’s care has bolstered the heroes’ spirits,” search the encounter deck for 3 treacheries and remove them from the game.

Ignore the deep and discover keywords.

“Har, har! I told you lads! Just like I promised: Dagnir is dead and Gundabad is ours!” –Urdug

Resolution: The players win the campaign!

King Brand stood and greeted the heroes, “Well met once again, my friends. All Wilderland sings of your deeds. Honored shall you ever be among my people. Come, sit at my table and enjoy the celebration.”

The heroes bowed, and one spoke, “Thank you, my lord. You give us great honor, but there is one thing that remains unsettled in Rhovanion.”

“Yes, indded,” said Brand, “Your friends, the Haradrim.”

He lifted his cup and spoke, “I swear to you, but this time next year they will be safely settled within my realm as honored friends.”

The heroes enjoyed the greatest meal of their lives, sweetened with the success of their quest. They regaled the king's court with the details of their journey: the Withered Heath, the cold-drake, Urdug, Dagnir's attack on Hrogar's Hill, the ghost of Fram, Wormsbane, the Dragon's death, and the battle of Mount Gundabad.

“My friends,” said King Brand, “You have journeyed far and done much. Wilderland is in your debt. These deeds of yours will live forever in the songs of Dale.”

Ered Mithrin Campaign Expansion (x1)
Artifact. Item.

Attach to a character.

Response: After you claim or play Anvil of Gundabad, search the top 5 cards of your deck for any number of Item attachments and add them to your hand. Shuffle your deck.

Action: Exhaust Anvil of Gundabad and attached character to play an Item attachment from your hand, reducing its cost by 1.

Ered Mithrin Campaign Expansion (x1)
Artifact. Item. Weapon.

Attach to a character. Restricted.

Attached character gets +2 Attack.

Response: After you play Axe of the Edain, deal 2 damage to a non-unique enemy engaged with you.

Ered Mithrin Campaign Expansion (x1)
Artifact. Item. Weapon.

Attach to a character.

Attached character gets +1 Attack.

You may play Durin’s Dagger from your discard pile.

Now the dwarves took down mail and weapons from the walls, and armed themselves.
–The Hobbit

Ered Mithrin Campaign Expansion (x1)
Artifact. Item.

Attach to a hero.

Action: Exhaust Dwarf-Lord’s Crown to give each ally that shares a Trait with attached hero +1 Willpower, +1 Attack, and +1 Defense until the end of the phase.

The King has come into his hall!
His foe is dead, the Worm of Dread,
And ever so his foes shall fall.
–The Hobbit

Ered Mithrin Campaign Expansion (x1)
Artifact. Item.

Attach to a character. Restricted.

Attached character gets +2 Willpower.

Response: After you play Glittering Lute, each player may discard a card from their hand. Each player who does so reduces their threat by 2.

Ered Mithrin Campaign Expansion (x1)
Artifact. Item. Armor.

Attach to a character. Restricted.

Attached character gets +1 Defense and gains sentinel.

Response: Exhaust Gondolin Shield and spend 1 resource to cancel a shadow effect just triggered during an attack that attached character is defending. Then, deal the attacking enemy another shadow card.

Ered Mithrin Campaign Expansion (x1)
Artifact. Item. Armor.

Attach to a character. Restricted.

Attached character gets +2 Defense.

Response: After attached character takes 1 or more damage from an enemy’s attack, add 1 resource to any hero’s resource pool.

Ered Mithrin Campaign Expansion (x1)
Artifact. Item.

Attach to a character.

Attached character gets +1 Willpower.

Action: Exhaust Jewels of Wilderland and discard a card from your hand to draw a card.

To say that Bilbo's breath was taken away is no description at all. There are no words left to express his staggerment...
–The Hobbit

Ered Mithrin Campaign Expansion (x1)
Artifact. Item. Weapon.

Attach to a character. Restricted.

Attached character gets +1 Attack and gains ranged.

Response: After attached character attacks and defeats an enemy, place 1 progress on a location in the staging area.