Forced: When Fang of Sahír engages you, either deal 3 damage to a Ship objective you control, or Fang of Sahír makes an immediate attack.

Forced: After you shift your heading on-course, Patrol Ship gets -40 engagement cost this round.
*Forced: After Patrol Ship is discarded from the encounter deck during a Sailing test, cancel all Wheel symbols found unless you add it to the staging area.

While Corsair Loyalist has 4 or more resources on it, its attacks are considered to be undefended.

Shadow: If attacking enemy is a Raider either add 2 resources to attacking enemy, or attacking enemy makes an additional attack after this one.

Forced: At the end of the encounter phase, if Umbar Patrol is in the staging area, add 2 resources to the Raider enemy with the most resources on it.

Shadow: Add 1 resource to each Raider enemy engaged with you.

When Revealed: Reveal a random card from the encounter discard pile and add it to the staging area, if able.
Forced: If A Murder of Crows would be destroyed, shuffle it back into the encounter deck instead.

Progress cannot be placed on the current quest.
Forced: When The Great Goblin attacks, discard the top card of the encounter deck. If it is a Goblin enemy, put it into play engaged with the defending player and deal it a shadow card.

Goblin Prowler gets -30 engagement cost if The Great Goblin is in the victory display.
Forced: When Goblin Prowler engages you, discard a character you control.
...neither Bilbo, nor the dwarves, nor even Gandalf heard them coming. –The Hobbit

Forced: If Wicked Wolf is dealt a shadow card with a riddle, the defending player must exhaust a character he controls.

Shadow: Return attacking enemy to the staging area after this attack.

Bilbo's Magic Ring does not ready during the refresh phase.

Shadow: Attacking enemy gets +1 (+3
instead if Bilbo's Magic Ring is exhausted.)

Forced: After a character is declared as a defender against Venomous Spider give it 1 poison.

Shadow: Give 2 poison to the defending character.

Foced: When Erebor Bats attacks, the defending player discards 1 random card from his hand.
Burgle: The first player shuffles his deck and reveals the top card. He may discard 2 cards from his hand that match the card's cost and type.

Forced: After Great Warg attacks and destroys a character, remove all progress from the current quest.

Shadow: Defending player discards 1 attachment he controls.

Forced: When Frenzied Warg-Rider attacks, remove 1 progress from each quest stage.

Shadow: Deal 1 damage to the defending character (2 damage instead if the current quest has no progress on it).

Cannot be optionally engaged.
Forced: At the end of the round, if Gundabad Elite is in the staging area, either remove 2 progress from the current quest, or Gundabad Elite makes an attack against the first player.

Cannot have non-Morgul attachments.
Kham–l the Easterling gets -30 engagement cost while The One Ring is exhausted.
Forced: At the beginning of the refresh phase, the engaged player makes a Hide 2 test. If the engaged player fails the hide test, Kham–l the Easterling makes an immediate attack.

Cannot have non-Morgul attachments.
Forced: After The One Ring is exhausted, Menacing Weath engages the first player and makes an immediate attack.
"Open, in the name of Mordor!" said a voice thin and menacing, –The Fellowship of the Ring

When Revealed: Either shuffle an out of play Ringwraith into the encounter deck, or Southern Spy makes an immediate attack against you.

Shadow: Defending character gets -1 (-3
instead if The One Ring is exhausted).

Cannot have non-Morgul attachments.
Forced: After Fell Rider attacks and destroys a character, reduce the Ring-bearer's life by 1.

Shadow: Attacking enemy gets +1 (+2
instead if The One Ring is exhausted).

Cannot have attachments.
Watcher in the Water Cannot take damage.
Forced: After Pale-green Tentacle attacks and destroys a character, return Pale-green Tentacle to the staging area.

Cannot have attachments or be optionally engaged.
While Hunting Hawk is in the staging area it gains,"Forced: After a player plays an ally, he must either exhaust it, or place 1 damage on an active location."

When Revealed: Misty Mountain Warg makes an immediate attack against you. If it destroys a character, place 2 damage on each active location.

Shadow: If this attack destroys a character, place 1 damage on an active location.

Cannot have attachments.
Forced: When Slab-bearer is destroyed, discard the top card of the encounter deck. If the discarded card is an enemy, add it to the staging area.
...they bore great slabs of stone, and flung them down to serve as gangways over the fire.
–The Fellowship of the Ring

When Revealed: Discard a randome card from your hand. Assign X damage among characters you control, where X is the cost of the discarded card.

Forced: After Isengard Archer enters the staging area, each player at this stage deals 2 damage to a character he controls.

Shadow: Deal 2 damage to an ally you control.

Forced: After Isengard Tracker destroys a character, move it to the first player's staging area.

Shadow: After this attack, move attacking enemy to the first player's staging area.

Forced: After Mauhúr attacks, increase the pursuit value by 1.
"Mauhúr and his lads are in the forest, and they should turn up any time now." –Uglúk, The Two Towers

While Lugdush is engaged with a player, each other enemy cannot take damage.

Shadow: If attacking enemy is unique, it cannot take damage until the end of the round.

Forced: After Orc of the White Hand attacks and destroy a character, increase the pursuit value by 1.

Shadow: If this attack destroys a character, increase the pursuit value by 1.

Cannot have attachments.
While Host of Isengard is in the staging area, it gains:"Forced: At the end of the round, place 1 progress on the current quest (bypassing any active location)."

Forced: When Bloodied Berserker is dealt a shadow card with no effect, either place 2 progress on the active location, or Bloodied Berserker makes an additional attack against you.

Shadow: Attacking enemy gets +1

When Revealed: Discard 1 random card from your hand and assign X damage among characters you control. X is the discarded card's printed cost.
"There was no answer, except arrows and stones from the walls." –Merry, The Two Towers

Forced: When Half-orc of Isengard attacks, either discard 1 random card from your hand, or Half-orc of Isengard gets +3 for this attack.

Shadow: If this attack destroys a character, discard 1 random card from your hand.

The engaged player cannot reduce his threat.
Forced: When Pale Faces attacks, raise your threat by 4.

Shadow: Attacking enemy get +X where X is the Mire X value of the active location.

Cannot have attachments.
The engaged player cannot reduce his threat.
Forced: After Rotting Thing attacks and destroys a character, place 1 mire token on the active location for each excess point of damage.

Forced: After Southron Warrior engages you, discard an ally you control.

Shadow: Attacking enemy gets +1 (+2
instead if the defending character is damaged.

Cannot have attachments or be placed under The Black Gate.
Southron Rearguard gets -1 engagement cost for each progress token on stage 1B.

Shadow: Return attacking enemy to the staging area.

When Revealed: Either discard a random card from your hand, or engage Orc of Minas Morgul and reveal an additional encounter card.

Shadow: Attacking enemy gets +2

Forced: After Under-gate Sentry attacks and destroys a character you control, discard a random card from your hand.

Shadow: Either discard a random card from your hand, or exhaust a character you control.