Each Dale character you control with a player attachment gets +1
Response: After you play an attachment on a Dale character without an attachment, draw a card.
"He is a strong king, and his realm now reaches south and east of Esgaroth."
–Glóin, The Fellowship of the Ring

North Realm Lookout gets +1 and does not exhaust to quest while it has an Item attachment.
There were people on the look–out on the banks.
–The Hobbit

Action: Exhaust Long Lake Trader to move an Item attachment from a character you control to another eligible character.
"Nowhere are there any men so friendly to us as the Men of Dale."
–Glóin, The Fellowship of the Ring

Attach to a Dale or Warrior character. Limit 1 per character.
Attached character gets +1 (and +1 hit point if attached character has the sentinel keyword).
Each one of his folk was clad in hauberk of steel mail that hung to his knees...
–The Hobbit

Attach to a Dale or Esgaroth hero.
Planning Action: Exhaust King of Dale to reduce the cost of the next Dale ally you play this phase by 1 for each different player attachment on attached hero. That ally does not require a resource match.
Then Bard II, Brand's son, became King of Dale..
–The Return of the King

Attach to a Dale or Warrior character. Restricted.
Response: After attached character is declared as an attacker, exhaust Bow of Yew to deal 1 damage to the defending enemy.
“They would shoot at us with their great bows of yew...”
–The Lord of the Eagles, The Hobbit

Attach to a Dale or Scout character. Limit 1 per character.
Response: After attached character commits to the quest, place 1 progress on the active location.
"You are come to the very edge of the Wild..."
–Gandalf, The Hobbit

Attach to a hero.
Attached hero gets +2 and collects an additional resource during the resource phase.
...the necklace of Girion, Lord of Dale, made of five hundred emeralds green as grass, which he gave for the arming of his eldest son...–The Hobbit

Planning Action: Choose a Dale hero you control. Add 1 resource to its pool for each character you control with a player attachment. You can only play 1 copy of Traffic from Dale each round.
The talk was all of the trade that came and went on the waterways and the growth of the traffic on the river...
The Hobbit

Action: Choose an ally with a player attachment. Ready that ally.
...the grim–voiced fellow ran hotfoot to the Master. "The dragon is coming or I am a fool!" he cried. "Cut the bridges! To arms! To arms!"
–The Hobbit

Response: After a character is declared as an attacker or defender against an enemy with an attachment, that character gets +3 and +3
until the end of this attack.
"Dwarf–mail may be good, but they will soon be hard put to it."
–Bard the Bowman, The Hobbit

Planning Action: Choose a ready player attachment on a character you control. Return that attachment to its owner's hand to reduce the cost of the next attachment played this phase by X, where X is the chosen attachment's cost.

Immune to player card effects.
The Old Ford gets +5 quest points for each enemy in play.
Forced: After The Old Ford becomes the active location, each enemy in the staging area makes an immediate attack against the first player.

Forced: When Wooded Riverbank is explored, put the top card of the Evil Creatures deck into play engaged with the first player.

Shadow: Deal 1 damage to the defending character.

When Revealed: Add the top card of the Evil Creatures deck to the staging area and attach Frenzied Creature to it. (Counts as a Condition attachment with the text: "Attached enemy gets +1 +1
and is immune to player card effects")

Shadow: Attach this card to attacking enemy.

When Revealed: Each player assigns X damage among characters he controls, where X is the total of the active location. If X is less than 3, Treacherous Crossing gains surge.

Shadow: Attacking enemy gets +1 (+2
instead if the defending character is damaged).

Cannot have player card attachments.
While Goblin Troop is engaged with you, each other Goblin enemy engaged with you gets +1 and +1

Shadow: Attacking enemy gets +2

Surge. Cannot be optionally engaged.
While Stray Goblin is in the staging area, it gains:"Forced: After a player engages an enemy, Stray Goblin engages that player."

Shadow: Add Stray Goblin to staging area.

Forced: If Pack of Wargs is dealt a shadow card with no effect, Pack of Wargs makes an additional attack after this one. (Do not deal it a shadow card.)

Shadow: Return attacking enemy to the staging area after this attack.

X is the number of characters controlled by the player with the most characters.
Quest Action: Exhaust a character to reduce Hills of Wilderland by 1 until the end of the phase. Only the first player can trigger this effect.

Lonely Lands gets +2 for each facedown card under it.
While Lonely Lands is in the staging area, it gains:"Forced: After an event is played during the quest phase, place it facedown under Lonely Lands."

When Revealed: Each player must choose: either raise your threat by 1 for each ally you control, or deal 1 damage to each ally you control.

Shadow: Raise your threat by 1 for each enemy engaged with you.

When Revealed: The player with the most cards in his hand without a copy of Lost in the Wilderness adds Lost in the Wild to his hand. (While in a player's hand, Lost in the Wild gains: "Cannot be discarded by player card effect.Forced: After you play a card, discard each card in your hand.")

When Revealed: Attach to the hero with the most attachments without Weighed Down attached. Then, exhaust attached hero. (Counts as a Condition attachment with the text:"Forced: After attached hero readies, choose and discard an attachment from it. You cannot choose Weighed Down unless attached hero has no other non-objective attachments.")

Each objective-location, and each card guarding one, is immune to player card effects.
Forced: When progress would be placed on the main quest, if there are no objective-locations in play, discard an equal number of cards from the encounter deck instead. Then, put the topmost objective-location in the encounter discard pile into play.

Travel: Shuffle the encounter discard pile into the encounter deck. Each player discards the top card of the encounter deck and assigns X damage among characters he controls, where X is that card's
Forced: After the players travel here, advance to the next stage A, if able.

Travel: Shuffle the encounter discard pile into the encounter deck. Each player discards the top card of the encounter deck. Add each enemy discarded this way to the staging area.
Forced: After the players travel here, advance to the next stage C, if able.

Travel: Shuffle the encounter discard pile into the encounter deck. Each player discards the top card of the encounter deck. Add each location discarded this way to the staging area.
Forced: After the players travel here, advance to the next stage A, if able.

Travel: Shuffle the encounter discard pile into the encounter deck. Each player discards the top card of the encounter deck and raises his threat by X, where X is that card's
Forced: After the players travel here, advance to the next stage C, if able.

Twilight Hall gets +2 for each resource on it.
Forced: After a Forest location is explored, place 1 resource here.
Travel: Raise each player's threat by 1 for each resource here. If there are no resources on Twilight Hall, the players cannot travel here.

Forced: At the end of the encounter phase, if Mirkwood Patrol is in the staging area with an unguarded objective-location, attach that objective-location to Mirkwood Patrol, guarding it.

Shadow: The defender cannot ready this round.

Forced: After Ravenous Spider engages you, it makes an immediate attack.

Shadow: Attacking enemy makes an additional attack against you after this one.

When Revealed: Each player removes a character he controls from the quest and discards the top card of the encounter deck. If the discarded card's printed is greater than the removed character's
discard that character.

Shadow: Attacking enemy gets +2 and +2
if it is guarding a card.

When Revealed: Until the end of the phase, each non-objective location in the staging area gets +1 (+2
instead if it has at least 1 progress token on it). If the number of non-objective locations in the staging area is less than the number of players, Vastness of Mirkwood gains surge.

While Accursed Forest is in the staging area, "when revealed" effects cannot be canceled.
Travel: Reveal the top card of the encounter deck.
There was a breath of air and a noise of wind, but it had a sad sound.
–The Hobbit

While Dark Black Woods is in the staging area, no more than 1 progress can be placed on each Forest location in the staging area each round.
Travel: Each player discards the top card of the encounter deck. Add each enemy discarded this way to the staging area.

When Revealed: Each player must choose: either raise your threat by 1 for each ally you control, or reveal an encounter card.

Shadow: Attacking enemy gets +1 If this attack destroys a character, discard an ally you control.

When Revealed: Each player discards each resource from each of his hero's resource pools and raises his threat by 1 for each resource he discarded this way. If no resources were discarded this way, Swarm of Bats gains surge.

Shadow: Attacking enemy gets +1 (+2
instead if the defending character has an attachment).

Cannot have non-Dragon attachments.
X is 1 more than the number of players.
Forced: After the active location is explored, Fire-drake returns to the staging area and makes an immediate attack against each player in turn order.

Immune to player card effects.
Fire-drake cannot take damage.
Response: After Dragon Hoard becomes the active location, the first player chooses a player to attach an Artifact attachment from his hand to Dragon Hoard. That attachment gains the guarded (location) keyword. If that attachment has the printed guarded keyword, do not resolve it when the attachment enters play.

While Iron Hills Mine is the active location, it gains:"Response: When Iron Hills Mine is explored, each player may return 1 card from his discard pile to his hand."
Travel: Each player discards the top 4 cards of his deck to travel here.

Contested Depths gets +1 for each location in the victory display.
Forced: After the players travel to Contested Depths, either raise each player's threat by 1 for each location in the victory display, or discard Contested Depths and replace it with the top card of the Caves deck.

When faced with the option to travel, the players must travel to Deep Chasm if there is no active location.
The chasm was long and dark, and filled with the noise of wind and rushing water and echoing stone.
–The Fellowship of the Ring

When Revealed: The highest enemy in the staging area makes an immediate attack against the first player. If no attack is made this way, Denizen of the Deep gains surge.

Shadow: Attacking enemy makes an additional attack against you after this one.

When Revealed: Attach to a questing hero and remove it from the quest. (Counts as a Condition attachment with the text: "Limit 1 per hero. While the active location has the Dark trait, reduce attached hero's to 0 and treat its text box as if it were blank, except for Traits.")

Cannot have non-objective attachments.
Forced: After Stone-troll attacks and destroys a character you control, discard 1 card from your hand for each excess point of damage dealt.

Shadow: Discard an attachment you control.

While Hobgoblin is guarding a card, it gets +X +X
and +X
where X is that card's cost.
Forced: After Hobgoblin enters play, the first player attaches the top card of his deck to Hobgoblin faceup as a guarded attachment. When Hobgoblin leaves play, return the card it was guarding to its owner's hand.