Forced: After Giant Centipede damages a character, treat that character's text box as if it were blank until the end of the round (except for Traits).

Shadow: Treat the defending character's text box as blank until the end of the round.

Immune to player card effects.
Damage from undefended attacks against you must be assigned to Tamed Mûmak.
If Tamed Mûmak leaves play, the controlling player is eliminated.

Cannot have attachments. Cannot take damage.
Brood Mother engages the first player.
Forced: At the end of the round, search the encounter deck and discard pile for a Spider Broodling and add it to the staging area, if able. Shuffle the encounter deck.

While On Track is in play, Hive Guardian gets +2 and -5 engagement cost.

Shadow: Attacking enemy gets +1 (+2
instead if On Track is in play).

While On Track is in play, Spider Broodling gains surge.

Shadow: If On Track is in play, put Spider Broodling into play engaged with you and deal it a shadow card.

When Revealed: Dungeon Warg makes an immediate attack against the player who controls the most allies.

Shadow: Attacking enemy gets +1

When Revealed: Either place a random enemy from the set aside Desert Creatures set into the encounter discard pile, or Desert Warg gains surge.

Shadow: Attacking enemy makes an additional attack against you after this one.

Forced: If Pack of Wargs is dealt a shadow card with no effect, Pack of Wargs makes an additional attack after this one. (Do not deal it a shadow card.)

Shadow: Return attacking enemy to the staging area after this attack.

Forced: After Ravenous Spider engages you, it makes an immediate attack.

Shadow: Attacking enemy makes an additional attack against you after this one.

Werewolf gets +1 for each damage on it.
Forced: After Werewolf is dealt a shadow card with no shadow effect, deal 1 damage to it and the defending character.

Shadow: Deal 1 damage to the defending character.

Forced: After Giant Spider attacks and damages a character, that character cannot ready until the end of the round.

Shadow: Defending character cannot ready until the end of the round.

While the active location has the Dark trait, Black Bats cannot take damage.
Shadow: If the active location has the Dark trait, attacking enemy cannot take damage this phase.

Cannot have restricted attachments.
Response: After Meneldor enters or leaves play, place 2 progress on a location.
...Meneldor young and swift. –The Return of the King

Cannot have attachments.
Planning Action: Attach Wild Stallion to an ally you control. (Counts as a Mount attachment with the text: "Restricted. Limit 1 per ally. Attached ally gets +1 +1
and +1 hit point.")

Cannot have restricted attachments.
When Revealed: The first player chooses a player to take control of Eagle of the North. The chosen player may choose and discard a non-unique enemy in the staging area.

Surge. Cannot be optionally engaged.
Forced: When the encounter phase begins, Hunting Eagle engages the first player.

Shadow: Attacking enemy gets +1 (+2
instead if attacking enemy has the Creature trait).

When Revealed: The first player must choose: either Wilderland Bear makes an immediate attack against him, or each player discards 1 random card from his hand.

Cannot have attachments.
Action: Ready Giant Bear. At the end of the phase in which you trigger this effect, shuffle Giant Bear into your deck. (Limit once per phase.)
"As a bear he ranged far and wide"
–Gandalf, The Hobbit

Forced: When Deep-dweller engages you, it makes an immediate attack.
Forced: After Deep-dweller take any amount of damage (and survives), return it to the staging area.

Cannot attack, defend, or have attachments.
Refresh Action: Return Messenger Raven to it's owner's hand and name a card type. Choose a player to look at the top card of his deck. If that card is the named type, add it to its owner's hand. If it is not, discard it.

Cannot have attachments.
Response: Discard Loyal Hound to cancel up to 2 damage just dealt to a hero you control.

Forced: After Ash Mountain Werewolf attacks you, discard the top card of your deck (top 2 cards instead if this attack destroyed a character).

Shadow: If this attack destroys a character, discard the top 2 cards of your deck.

Forced: After Spawn of Shelob engages you, either discard the top card of your deck, or Spawn of Shelob gets +2 until the end of the round.

Shadow: Exhaust a character you control.

Forced: After Guard Dogs engages you, deal 1 damage to a character you control.

Shadow: Put Guard Dogs into play engaged with you.

When Revealed: Reveal the top card of the encounter discard pile and add it to the staging area, if able.

Shadow: If this attack deals at least 1 damage, shuffle this card back into the encounter deck.

Forced: If Great Gray Wolf is dealt a shadow card with a riddle, return all Creature enemies to the staging area at the end of the combat phase.
Riddle: The first player names a card type, sphere and cost, shuffles his deck, then discards the top 3 cards. For each of those cards that matches all three items, place 1 progress token on stage 2.

Forced: If Wild Wargs is dealt a shadow card with a riddle, it gets +2.
Riddle: The first player names a card type, shuffles his deck, and discards the top 2 cards. For each of those cards that matches, place 1 progress token on stage 2.

Forced: At the end of each round, each player must give a hero he controls 1 poison.
...hairy legs waving, nippers an dspinners snapping, eyes popping, full of froth and rage. –The Hobbit

This enemy gets +3 while engaged with a player who controls at least 1 poisoned character.

Shadow: Defending character gets 1 poison. (Give 2 poison to a character you control if undefended.)

Forced: When this enemy attacks, defending player must attach 1 poison to a character he controls.

Shadow: Defending character gets 2 poison.

Forced: After Dark Bats damages a character, attach it to that character. (While attached, counts as a Condition attachment with the text: 'Attached character gets -1 , -1
, and -1

Shadow: Attach this card to the defending character.

Forced: When a location is revealed from the encounter deck, put 1 progress on Smaug the Golden.
Burgle: The first player shuffles his deck and reveals the top card. He may discard 1 card from his hand that matches the revealed card's sphere and type.

Forced: When Ravenous Warg attacks, the defending player must declare the character he controls with the most damage as the defender. (Even if exhausted.)

Shadow: Defending character gets -1 for each quest stage in play with no progress on it.

Cannot have attachments.
Lower the cost to play Bill the Pony by 2 if you control Sam Gamgee.
Each Hobbit character gets +1 hit point.
"He gave me a look as plain as Mr. Pippin could speak it: if you don't let me go with you, Sam, I'll follow on my own" –Sam Gamgee, The Fellowship of the Ring

While Evil Crow is engaged with a player, that player adds 1 to the Hide value for each Hide test he makes.

Shadow: If you have failed a Hide test this round, this attack is considered undefended

Indestructible. Immune to player card effects.
Cannot leave the staging area but is considered to be engaged with each player.
Forced: After placing the 6th damage here, the first player takes control of the Ring-bearer, exhausted with 1 damage on it.

Cannot have attachments.
Forced: After Great Warg Chief enages you, discard cards from the encounter deck until a Warg enemy is discarded. Put that enemy into play engaged with you.

Hound of Sauron gets -5 engagement cost for each enemy in the staging area.

Shadow: Attacking enemy gets +1 (+2
instead if it was engaged with round).

Forced: After Howling Warg attacks, place 1 damage on an active location.

Shadow: Attacking enemy gets +1 If this attack destroys a character, place 1 damage on an active location.

When Revealed: Either exhaust a hero you control, or engaged Crebain from Dunland.
Forced: After Crebain from Dunland engages a player, reveal the top card of the encounter deck.