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Results: 51 - 100 of 146 Cards
The Blood of Gondor (x1)
1 A

Setup: Add The Crossroads and Black Númenorean to the staging area. Put the Faramir and Lord Alcaron objective allies into play. Shuffle the encounter deck and reveal 1 card from the encounter deck per player and add it to the staging area.

After the assault on Osgiliath, Lord Alcaron urges Boromi to pursue the retreating enemy. Boromir agrees and gives permission to Faramir and his rangers. Grateful for you valiant efforts in Gondor's defense, Faramir invites you to join the hunt...

1 B

At the beginning of the quest phase, each player takes 1 hidden card.

At the beginning of the combat phase, each player must either turn each of his hidden cards faceup or take 1 hidden card.

You've pursued the enemy all the way to the Crossroads when a wicked horn blares in the distance. Within minutes, a host of orcs swarms out of the trees from all sides, led by a foreboding robed figure...

The Voice of Isengard (x1)
1 A

Riding north to the Gap of Rohan, you come upon a battle at the Fords of Isen. A Small number of Rohirrim have taken a defensive position, on the islet in the river's center where a large force of wild Dunlending assails them. You must move swifty lest the river run red with blood of Rohan...

Setup: Add The Islet to the staging area and attach Gríma to that location. Each player searches the encounter deck for 1 different Dunland enemy and adds it to the staging area. Shuffle the encounter deck.

1 B

Time 5. Forced: After the last time counter is removed from this stage, discard Gríma from play.

The players cannot advance unless the first player controls Gríma.

The Voice of Isengard (x1)
1 A

Saruman has tasked you with a dangerous mission: journey up the Misty Mountains' southern peack in search of the Orc, Mugash, and capture him alive.

Setup: Each player removes the top 20 cards of his deck and places them aside, as an out-of-play deck. The first player takes Mugash plus 1 Mugash’s Guard for each other player in the game and randomly shuffles one facedown into each player's out-of-play deck. Place any remaining copies of Mugash's Guard aside, out of play.

1 B

When Revealed: Each player searches the encounter deck for a Mountain location and adds it to the staging area. Shuffle the encounter deck. Then, advance to stage 2.

Mugash and his Orcs have been raiding the surrounding coutryside from their hidden lair in Methedras, and carrying loot and captives back into the mountains. It's time to put an end to this menace...

The Voice of Isengard (x1)
1 A

You've captured the Orc captain, Mugash, in the mountains above Isengard. But as you make your way down Methedras, your captive escaped and flees east into Fangorn.

Setup: Add Edge of Fangorn to the staging area and attach Mugash to that location. Shuffle the encounter deck. Reveal X additional encounter cards where X equals the number of players in the game minus 1.

1 B

Time 4.

Forced: After the last time counter is removed from this stage, shuffle Mugash into the encounter deck and advance to stage 3.

The players cannot advance to stage 2 unless Mugash is attached to a hero.

You pursue Mugash into the ancient forest to find that the trees themselves seems to be attacking him. Without thinking, your at the tree branches to rescue your captive. That is when you first sense your own peril...

The Dunland Trap (x1)
1 A

You are following the Old South Road from Isengard to Tharbad on an errand for Saruman when you are attacked by Wild Men of Dunland.

Setup: Set Chief Turch and Munuv Dûv Ravine aside, out of play. Make Old South Road the active location. Each player searches the encounter deck for a Boar Clan enemy and puts it into play engaged with him. Shuffle the encounter deck.

1 B

Already weary from a full day of travel, you struggle to hold off the ferocious Dunlending attack. You must rally your companions and drive back the enemy, or you will be defeated.

Time 2.

Forced: After the last time counter is removed from this stage, each player discards his hand and draws 2 cards. Place 2 time counters on this stage.

The Three Trials (x1)
1 A

Setup: Set aside all 3 Guardian enemies, all 3 Key objectives, all 3 Barrow locations, and Hallowed Circle.

At the edge of a cursed forest, the Boar Shaman explains that you must undertake three trials in order to recover the Antlered Crown, or face death. Each trial will test your worthiness. Guardian spirits watch over three sacred swords, protecting them from the undeserving.

1 B

When Revealed: The players advance to a stage 2A quest of their choice.

Three ancient barrows mark the locations for the trials, each the resting place of a different guardian spirit. The Boar Clan waits at the forest's edge for any sign of your victory... or your death. Your only option is to press onward, heading towards the site of one of the three trials...

Trouble in Tharbad (x1)
1 A

Your meeting with Nalir is interrupted by a host of Orcs led by a man, Bellach. In the ensuing chaos, you manage to escape with the Dwarf but the Orcs pursue. Outnumbered, you must throw the Orcs off your trail if you hope to escape...

Setup: Set Bellach and The Crossing at Tharbad aside, out of play. Search the encounter deck for 1 copy of Spy From Mordor per player, and add them to the staging area. Make The Empty Mug the active location. The first player takes control of Nalir, as an ally. Shuffle the encounter deck.

1 B

Time 4. Forced: After the last time counter is removed from this quest, reduce each player's threat elmination level by 10 for the remainder of the game. Then, place 4 time counters on this stage.

Forced: After one or more progress is placed on this quest, cancell all progress and reduce each players threat by an equal amount.

When all players have 0 threat, immediately proceed to stage 2.

The Nîn-in-Eilph (x1)
1 A

Setup: The first player takes control of Nalir. Set the Ancient Marsh-dweller aside, out of play. Each player searches the encounter deck for a different location and adds it to the staging area. Shuffle the encounter deck.

You've entered the vast marshlands of the Nin–in–Eilph with Nalir in order to escape Bellach and his Orcs. Now, you must cross the swamp in order to reach Hollin on the other side.

1 B

When Revealed: Advance to a random stage 2A.

No traveller has entered the Nîn–in–Eilph for an age and there is no path through the shifting marshland. You must find your own way across the treacherous bog.

Celebrimbor's Secret (x1)
1 A

Time 3.

Setup: Add Bellach, The Orcs’ Search, and The Secret Chamber to the staging area. Attach Celebrimbor’s Mould to The Secret Chamber. Each player adds a different Ost-in-Edhil location to the staging area. Shuffle the encounter deck.

You have finally reached the ruins of Ost–in–Edhil, but Bellach and his Orcs have arrived before you. They appear to be searching for the hidden chamber. If you want to reach it first, you will have to move quickly and carefully...

1 B

Time 3.

Forced: After the last time counter is removed from this stage, trigger each Scour effect currently in play. Place 3 time counters on this stage.

Bellach is immune to player card effects and cannot be engaged.

The players cannot advance unless Celebrimbor’s Mould is attached to a hero.

The Antlered Crown (x1)
1 A

Setup: The first player takes control of Chief Turch. Set Raven Chief and Raven Chief’s Camp aside, out of play. Reveal 1 copy of Dunland Battlefield and make it the active location. Reveal 1 copy of Raven War-camp and add it to the staging area. Create the Raven deck (see insert) and set it next to the quest deck. Each player chooses 1 different enemy from the Raven deck and adds it to the staging area. Shuffle the encounter deck and Raven deck.

1 B

On your return journey to Isengard, you find war in Dunland. The Raven Clan has refused the Boar's claim to The Antlered Crown, and chief Turch asks you to join his Clan as they march to battle. Seeing an opportunity to earn Saruman the friendship of a unified Dunland, you agree to join forces and fight...

Time 3.

Forced: After the last time counter is removed from this stage, remove 1 time counter from each location in play. Place 3 time counters on this stage.

The Lost Realm (x1)
1 A

Rangers have sighted a large group of Orcs making its way towards Bree–land. The Dúnedain, Iârion, has asked you to help him intercept the war party before it can reach the quiet village. The Orcs are a day ahead of you and moving fast, but there is hope you can catch them with the Ranger's tracking skill...

Setup: Put Iârion into play. Add 1 Orc War Party to the staging area. Each player adds 1 different location to the staging area. Shuffle the encounter deck.

1 B

You must move swiftly to prevent the Orcs from reaching Bree–land!

Enemies do not make engagement checks.

Forced: At the end of the refresh phase, raise each player's threat by 1 for each enemy in the staging area.

The players cannot defeat this stage unless the first player controls Iârion. If the players defeat this stage, they win the game.

The Lost Realm (x1)
1 A

You've pursued the remnants of an Orc war party east from the borders of Bree–land and into the wilderness beyond. Their trail climbs out of the lowlands and into the Weather Hills.

Setup: Set Orc Ambush and Amon Forn aside, out of play. Create the Orc deck (see insert) and set it next to the quest deck. Make Exposed Ridge the active location. Add Hunting the Orcs and 1 Weather Hilltop to the staging area. Shuffle the encounter deck.

1 B

As you pursue the Orcs, the weather itself turns against you. Now you must contend with the elements while you hunt the enemy.

The first Weather treachery card revealed each round gains Surge.surge.

Forced: After the active location is explored, reveal the top card of the Orc deck and resolve it as if it was just revealed from the encounter deck (reveal the top 2 cards instead if there are 3 or more players in the game).

The Lost Realm (x1)
1 A

You've brought the prisoners you rescued from the Weather Hills to Fornost. The Rangers gathered there are shocked to hear what you discovered at Amon Forn. Before their Chieftain can decide what to do, an unnatural fog covers the ruins in darkness, and the spectres of dead warriors emerge from the mists to attack you!

Setup: Put Iârion into play. Set Thaurdir aside, out of play. Add 1 copy of Fornost Square to the staging area. Shuffle the encounter deck.

1 B

When Revealed: Each player must search the encounter deck for a Baleful Shade and put it into play engaged with him. Shuffle the encounter deck and reveal 1 encounter card per player.

Forced: At the end of the refresh phase, each player discards the top card of his deck.

If a player has no cards in his deck, he is eliminated from the game.

The Wastes of Eriador (x1)
1 A

Following the surprise attack on Fornost, you have agreed to help the Ranger, Amarthiúl, track the villains who captured his friend, Iârion.

Setup: Set Pack Leader aside, out of play. Make Shrouded Hills the active location. Add the Time objective to the staging area with Daybreak faceup. The first player takes control of Amarthiúl. Shuffle the encounter deck. Reveal 1 card from the encounter deck per player.

1 B

Your enemies' tracks lead you across the North Downs towards Angmar. In the barren lands between you and that dread realm, the nights are black and bitter cold, but it is the howling of Wargs that gives you chills.

While it is Day, each hero gets +1 Willpower.

Forced: When it becomes Night, raise each player's threat by 1.

Escape from Mount Gram (x1)
1 A

You have been captured and imprisoned by the goblins of Mount Gram.

Setup: Each player shuffles his starting hand into his deck. Each player prepares a separate captured deck (see insert). Each player adds 2 resources to his starting hero and sets his threat to that hero's threat cost. Set Southern Gate, Jailor Gornákh and the Angmar Orcs encounter set aside, out of play. Shuffle the encounter deck. Each player draws a new starting hand of 3 cards.

1 B

You have endured much during your imprisonment in Mount Gram at the hands of a cruel goblin known as Gornákh. But before you are taken north as prizes for "Lord Daechanar," Amarthiúl comes to your rescue. After he frees you, he slips off to find Iârion, whom you suspect is imprisoned nearby. Armed with only your wits and resolve, you must find the rest of your company.

When Revealed: Each player creates his own staging area and advances to a different stage 2A.

Across the Ettenmoors (x1)
1 A

Setup: Set aside each of the 3 Across the Enttenmoors side quests and each of the 4 locations with the safe keyword. Reveal 1 of those side quests at random and 1 of those safe locations at random, adding them to the staging area with the safe location guarded by the side quest. Search the encounter deck for 1 copy of Savage Trollspawn per player and add them to the staging area. Shuffle the remaining side quests and safe locations back into the encounter deck. The first player gains control of Amarthiúl.

1 B

You have escaped from the prisons of Mount Gram, but you are not safe yet.

Forced: At the beginning of the quest phase, if there are no encounter side quests in play, discard cards from the top of the encounter deck until a side quest is discarded, reveal it, and add it to the staging area.

Forced: When a side quest is defeated, place progress tokens on Into the Ettenmoors equal to that side quest's quest points.

The Treachery of Rhudaur (x1)
1 A

You have decided to explore the ruins of this ancient keep, but Thaurdir pursues you, and time is of the essence.

Setup: Make The Great Hall the active location. Set Thaurdir aside, out of play. Add the 3 Treachery of Rhudaur side quests to the staging area, quest side faceup. Search the encounter deck for 1 copy of Ancient Causeway, and add it to the staging area (2 copies instead if there are 3 or 4 players in the game). The first player gains control of Amarthiúl.

1 B

Time 5. Forced After the last time counter is removed from Secrets of Rhudaur, remove each Treachery of Rhudaur side quests from the game and immediately advance to stage_2.

During the quest phase, Secrets of Rhudaur cannot be chosen as the current quest.
If there are no Treachery of Rhudaur side quests in play, immediately advance to stage_2.

The Battle of Carn Dûm (x1)
1 A

Your company has made its way swiftly north, and finally the fortress of Carn Dûm looms before you. Unsure if you have arrived in time, you can only hope beyond hope that Iârion is still alive.

Setup: Add Thaurdir to the staging area, Captain side faceup. Add 1 copy of Carn Dûm Garrison per player to the staging area. Search the encounter deck for 1 copy of Accursed Battlefield and make it the active location. Shuffle the encounter deck.

1 B

Thaurdir has mustered the defense of Carn Dûm. There is no turning back now. "For Iârion!" the Rangers begin to shout, unsheathing their swords.

Thaurdir cannot leave the staging area and cannot take damage. At the end of the round, if Thaurdir is Champion side faceup, flip him.

Do not discard unresolved shadow cards at the end of the combat phase.

Forced: If there are 3 shadow cards dealt to Thaurdir, flip him.

The Dread Realm (x1)
1 A

As you descend into the catacombs beneath Carn Dûm, you find yourself overcome with terror. Still, you press onward, knowing that Iârion's fate–and perhaps the fate of the north–lies in your hand.

Setup: Set Daechanar and Altar of Midwinter aside, out of play. Each player reveals an encounter card from the top of the encounter deck. Each player reanimates the top card of his deck.

1 B

Daechanar's powers of sorcery and necromancy are strongest here, in the capital of the Witch–realm where the lord of the Nazgûl once resided.

Reanimated Dead are Undead enemies with 2 Threat, 2 Attack, 2 Defense and 2 hit points.

When the players advance to stage 2, all Sorcery cards attached to this stage are attached to stage 2B.

The Grey Havens (x1)
1 A

The Dream-chaser and her fleet depart from the Grey Havens, in search of the island from Calphon's dreams. Only a week out from the coast, the black sails of Corsair can be seen in pursuit!

Setup: Prepare the Corsair deck. Players prepare their fleet. Shuffle each stage 2 card in the quest deck so that their order is random, leaving stage 3 on the bottom. Search the encounter deck for 1 copy of Rolling Seas and 1 copy of Scouting Ship, and add them to the staging area. Shuffle the encounter deck.

1 B


While you are on-course (), each Ship objective gets +2 Willpower.

When this stage is defeated, if you are on course (), look at the top 2 stages of the quest deck and advance to one of your choice, placing the other on the bottom of the quest deck. Otherwise, advance to the top state of the quest deck.

The Grey Havens (x1)
1 A

You arrive on the island's western beach, the edge of a dense jungle looming beyond. With no map to guide you and no idea of what to expect, you venture forward, deeper into the island...

Setup: Set Shrine to Morgoth aside, out of play. Prepare the Uncharted deck. Add 2 copies of Lost Island from the top of the Uncharted deck to the staging area (3 copies instead if there are 3 or 4 players in the game). The first player takes control of Calphon. Shuffle the encounter deck.

1 B

Progress cannot be placed on Explore the Island except by quest effects.

Forced: After a location is explored, add progress to Explore the Island equal to that location's printed quest points.

Forced: When an Uncharted location becomes the active location, add 1 copy of Lost Island from the top of the Uncharted deck to the staging area.

The Grey Havens (x1)
1 A

Setup: Set Captain Sahír and Na’asiyah aside, out of play. Add The Havens Burn, the Dream-chaser, and 1 copy of Sahír’s Ravager to the staging area. Shuffle the encounter deck and discard cards from the top of the encounter deck until X locations with the Aflame keyword are discarded, where X is the number of players in the game. Add each discarded Aflame location to the staging area. Then, shuffle the encounter discard pile back into the encounter deck.

1 B

Corsairs are attacking the Grey Havens and burning the Elven fleet. You must defend the Havens from these fierce raiders and save as many ships as you can!

Forced: At the end of the combat phase, deal X damage to the Aflame location in play with the lowest Aflame value. X is the number of Corsair enemies in play.

Flight of the Stormcaller (x1)
1 A

Corsairs led by the treacherous Captain Sahír have stolen the black key you recovered in the ruins of Númenor. You must get it back!

Setup: Prepare the Corsair deck. Players prepare their fleet. Prepare the Stormcaller's area with a second quest deck consisting of only stages 2C, 3C, and 4C, as well as the Stormcaller (see insert). Search the encounter deck for 1 copy of Rolling Seas, and add it to the staging area (2 copies instead if there are 3 or more players in the game). Shuffle the encounter deck.

1 B

The Stormcaller has a considerable lead on your fleet, but with good fortune and skilled sailing, perhaps you can catch up to it.


Forced: At the end of the quest phase, if you are off-course (, , or ), move 2 progress from Swift Departure to the Stormcaller's quest stage.

The Thing in the Depths (x1)
1 A

Swinging across on ropes, your company boards the Stormcaller, and a fierce battle ensues!

Setup: Build the encounter deck using only The Stormcaller and Corsair Raiders encounter sets, setting The Thing in the Depths and The Stormcaller Elite encounter sets aside, out of play (enemy side faceup). Search the encounter deck for Helm of the Stormcaller and 1 copy of Umbar Raider and add them to the staging area. Shuffle the encounter deck.

1 B

Captain Sahír and Na'asiyah gain indestructible.

Forced: At the end of the round, if Captain Sahír and Na'asiyah are not in play, add 1 resource to each of them.

Progress cannot be placed on this stage unless Helm of the Stormcaller is in the victory display.

Temple of the Deceived (x1)
1 A

Setup: Prepare the Island Map (see insert). Flip over the top-left and bottom-left locations of the Island Map (without resolving their Forced effects, if any), and choose one as the player's starting active location, using a resource token to represent which location is active. The first player takes control of Captain Sahír, and the last player takes control of Na'asiyah (objective-ally side faceup). Add Temple Guardian to the staging area and attach Gate Key to it, guarded. Shuffle the encounter deck.

1 B

Sahír has led you to an uncharted isle, and has agreed to help you find a chest he claims the black key will open. First, you must find the Gate Key that opens the way to the grand temple on the eastern side of the island.


For each progress that would be placed on Searching the Island, you may place it on a location in the staging area, instead.

The Drowned Ruins (x1)
1 A

In the sunken ruins of the temple, you find a grotto leading deep below the sea level. Much of the grotto is submerged underwater.

Setup: Set Shrine to Morgoth aside, out of play. Prepare the Grotto deck. Add the top 2 locations from the Grotto deck to the staging area, Grotto side faceup (the top 3 instead if there are 3 or more players in the game). The first player takes control of Captain Sahír, and the last player takes control of Na'asiyah (objective-ally sides faceup).

1 B

While an underwater location is the active location, players cannot play attachments or allies.

Forced: After a double-sided location is explored, add the top location from the Grotto deck to the staging area, Grotto side faceup.

You cannot advance unless there are at least 3 Underwater locations in the victory display.

A Storm on Cobas Haven (x1)
1 A

Corsairs are attacking Dol Amroth to cover Sahír's escape to Umbar!

Setup: Prepare the Corsair deck. Players prepare their fleet. Set each copy of Dol Amroth Warship aside, out of play. Search the encounter deck for Raider Flagship and 1 copy of Scouting Ship and add them to the staging area. Search the encounter deck for a Dol Amroth objective of your choice and add it to the staging area. Then, shuffle the encounter deck and resolve the Guarded keyword on that objective.

1 B


Forced: When a Ship enemy engages you, if you are off-course (Cloudy, Rainy or Stormy), deal 2 damage to a Ship objective you control. If you are on-course (Sunny), deal 2 damage to that Ship enemy instead.

If your current heading is at the worst setting (Stormy), Raider Flagship gets -50 engagement cost.

The City of Corsairs (x1)
1 A

Setup: Shuffle the Coast of Umbar , Corsair Raiders, Stormy Weather , Umbar Fleet, and Voyage Across Belegaer encounter sets into one encounter deck and make it the active encounter deck. Set The City of Corsairs encounter set aside, as an inactive second encounter deck. Prepare the Corsair deck. Players prepare their fleet. Add the Stormcaller to the staging area. Add 1 copy of Southern Belfalas to the staging area (2 instead if there are 3 or 4 players in the game). Shuffle the encounter deck.

1 B

Deep in enemy waters, you must recover the artifact from the Stormcaller.


Progress cannot be placed on The Coast of Umbar if the players are off-course (, , or ).

If the Stormcaller is destroyed (or if this stage has 15 or more progress on it), advance to stage 2.

The Sands of Harad (x1)
1 A

At the end of a long sea–voyage, you have reached the port of Umbar but your ship was dashed upon the rocks. Though you completed the quest that brought you to Harad, it has left you stranded in enemy territory, far from help.

Setup: Add "Seize them!" to the staging area. Each player adds 1 different location to the staging area and puts 1 copy of Umbar Sentry into play engaged with him. Shuffle the encounter deck.

1 B

Alarm bells ring from high watchtowers and the city guard shouts for you to lay down your arms and surrender. You must run or be captured!

This stage cannot have more than 15 progress tokens on it.

While at least 1 player is engaged with an enemy, the players cannot defeat this stage.

The Sands of Harad (x1)
1 A

You have escaped from Umbar and thrown off your pursuers by fleeing into the desert, but many barren miles lie between you and the other side. To turn back is to walk into the arms of the Haradrim, so you set out on a dangerous desert crossing.

Setup: Each player searches the encounter deck for a copy of Burnt Sands and adds it to the staging area. Shuffle the encounter deck. Place the heat tracker next to the quest deck and set the temperature to 10.

1 B

As the sun climbs into the sky, you can feel the rising heat begin to take its toll on you...

Forced: After an ally enters play, either exhaust it, or deal 1 damage to it.

Forced: At the end of the round, increase the temperature by 4.

If the temperature is 60 or higher, the players lose the game.

The Sands of Harad (x1)
1 A

A tribe of Haradrim has rescued you, but their village is attacked by Orcs!

Setup: Set Uruk Chieftain aside, out of play. Each player adds 1 copy of Sauron's Enforcers to the staging area. Move each hero to the staging area. Each player takes control of an objective-hero and adds 2 resources to its resource pool. Remove each remaining objective-hero from the game. For the remainder of the game, heroes in the staging area are in play but under no player's control, immune to player card effects, and their text boxes are considered to be blank.

1 B

Damage from undefended attacks must be dealt to a hero in the staging area, if able.

The first card each player plays each phase does not require a resource match.

Forced: After placing progress from questing successfully, each player chooses a hero he owns in the staging area and, takes control of that hero, and exhausts it. Advance to stage 2A.

The Mûmakil (x1)
1 A

After seeing his village destroyed by Sauron's Orcs, Kahliel has decided to travel north with you to Gondor. But it is a long road, and you will need mounts to ride. So your Haradrim allies have led you into the great jungle of Harad in search of the might Mumakil.

Setup: Set each copy of Wild Mûmak and each Capture objective aside, out of play. Each player adds 1 different location to the staging area. Shuffle the encounter deck.

1 B

The jungle is full of danger. The Haradrim warn you to stay alert lest the hunters become the hunted.

Forced: After the active location leaves play as an explored location, shuffle 1 set aside Wild Mûmak into the encounter deck.

The players cannot advance unless the number of Wild Mûmak in play is equal to the number of players.

Race Across Harad (x1)
1 A

Emerging from your hunt in the great jungle of the south, you set out across the vast desert of Harad on your long journey north to Gondor.

Setup: Set Ford of Harnen and 1 copy of Uruk Warg-rider aside, out of play. Each player takes control of a Tamed Mumak. Remove each remaining Tamed Mumak from the game. Create the Orc's area with a second quest deck consisting of stage 1C, 2C, 3C, and 4C as well as Uruk Chieftain.

1 B

Riding atop the Oliphaunts that you captured in the jungle, you set an easy pace.

When Revealed: Each player searches the encounter deck for 1 different location and adds it to the staging area. Shuffle the encounter deck. Advance to stage 2A.

Beneath the Sands (x1)
1 A

Several members of your group were seized by spiders in the night and dragged away from camp. When the sun came up, you followed their trail to a large cavern entrance and entered in.

Setup: Set Brood Mother aside, out of play. Add the Search objective to the staging area (Off Track face up).

1 B

Inside the cavern entrance you find a large maze of tunnels criss–crossed with all manner of prints. It is impossible to discern which are the tracks you seek, so you begin to search all around.

When Revealed: Discard cards from the encounter deck until X locations are discarded, where X is the number of players. Add each location discarded by this effect to the staging area.

The Black Serpent (x1)
1 A

The Black Serpent's caravan has taken shelter in a dilapidated desert fortress on their way to Mordor. Their wagons are loaded with tribute for the Dark Lord. Your plan is to seize the wagons and use the caravan to infiltrate Cirith Gurat.

Setup: Set each Harad objective aside, out of play. Add The Black Serpent to the staging area. Shuffle the encounter deck. The first player randomly selects 1 set aside Harad objective, reveals it, and adds it to the staging area.

1 B

In order for your plan to work, you must capture several important tokens from the Serpent's Camp.

If a Harad objective is not attached, the first player claims it and attaches it to a hero he controls.

This stage cannot be defeated unless each Harad objective in play is attached to a hero.

The Dungeons of Cirith Gurat (x1)
1 A

Setup: Set Uruk Chieftain aside, out of play. Add The Captives of Cirith Gurat and 1 copy of Dungeon Cell to the staging area. Attach Abaan to Dungeon Cell. Each player searches the encounter deck for a different Orc enemy and adds it to the staging area. Shuffle the encounter deck. Starting with the first player, each player discards cards from the top of his deck until an ally that is not in play is discarded and attaches that ally to an unattached enemy in the staging area.

1 B

Posing as The Black Serpent's men, you have infiltrated the Orc stronghold of Cirith Gurat in order to rescue the prisoners there.

Each enemy and location in the staging area that is guarding an objective is immune to player card effects.

Forced: After any number of characters are rescued, reveal an encounter card.

This stage cannot be defeated while a guarded objective is in play.

The Crossings of Poros (x1)
1 A

You have escaped the dungeons of Cirith Gurat with the rescued members of Kahliel's tribe, but it's still a long way to Gondor.

Setup: Set Poros Garrison and each of the following encounter sets aside, out of play: Mountains of Shadow, Desert Sands, Desert Creatures, Harad Soldiers, and Mordor Orcs. The first player adds The Black Serpent to the staging area and shuffles the encounter deck. Each other player reveals an encounter card.

1 B

By now the Orcs will be searching for their escaped prisoners, and The Black Serpent will be seeking revenge against the outlaws who ambushed his caravan. You cannot hope to outrun your enemies with the exhausted refugees in your care, so you consult with Kahliel to decide the safest way north.

Allies enter play exhausted.

Forced: At the end of the planning phase, advance to a random stage 2.

The Wilds of Rhovanion (x1)
1 A

While traveling north through the Vales of Anduin on your way to Dale, you are alarmed by the number of dangerous creatures that you encounter.

Setup: Set Woodmen Village and The Old Ford aside, out of play. Create the Evil Creatures deck (see insert) and place it next to the quest deck. Shuffle the encounter deck and discard cards from the top until X locations are discarded, where X is the number of players. Add each discarded location to the staging area.

1 B

Forced: After placing progress here from questing successfully, place 1 resource here.

Forced: At the beginning of the encounter phase, remove 1 resource from this stage. Then, add the top card of the Evil Creatures deck to the staging area.

This stage cannot be defeated while an enemy from the Evil Creatures deck in play.

The Wilds of Rhovanion (x1)
1 A

After several days of traveling through Mirkwood, you awaken suddenly in the night to see dozens of hungry eyes glaring at you from the darkness.

Setup: Set the Spiders of Mirkwood and Dol Guldur Orcs encounter sets aside, out of play. The first player takes control of Haldan and adds Searching for a Way Out to the staging area. Each player adds 1 Forest Spider to the staging area. Shuffle the encounter deck.

1 B

There is a bitter fight not only to drive back the spiders but to avoid being separated in the pitch black. When the first light of dawn rises to reveal your surroundings, you see only endless trees and no sign of your path. You begin searching about for some type of landmark to point you in the right direction.

Each player's threat cannot be reduced by player card effect.

Forced: After an enemy engages a player, raise that player's threat by 1.

The Wilds of Rhovanion (x1)
1 A

You have tracked the beast that attacked the village on the border of Brand's realm to the mines beneath the Iron Hills. The Dwarves there have been driven from the lower depths by a new terror, and the mines have become a haunt for evil creatures.

Setup: Build the Caves deck (see insert) and set it next to the quest deck. Set Fire-drake, Dragon Hoard, and the Dragon Might encounter sets aside, out of play. Shuffle the encounter deck. Each player discards cards from the top of the encounter deck until he discards an enemy or location and adds that card to the staging area.

1 B

Forced: At the beginning of the quest phase, discard cards from the top of the encounter deck until a location is discarded. Either add that location to the staging area, or raise each player's threat by X, where X is that location's printedThreat

This stage cannot be defeated unless there are 3 locations with victory points in the victory display.

The Withered Heath (x1)
1 A

You have journeyed to the Withered Heath in search of a giant Dragon. There you discover tracks that lead you to the cold heights of the Grey Mountains.

Setup: Set Cold-Drake and all four copies of Dragon Sign aside, out of play. Create the Caves deck (see insert) and set it next to the quest deck. Shuffle 2 set aside Dragon Sign objectives into the Caves deck. Shuffle the encounter deck and discard cards from the top until X locations are discarded, where X is the number of players. Add each discarded location to the staging area.

1 B

The Grey Mountains are a cold and untamed wilderness where nothing friendly dwells, and the weather is as real a danger to you as Dragons.

Forced: After the active location is explored, look at the top 3 cards of the encounter deck. Reveal 1 of those cards and discard the rest.

The players cannot defeat this stage unless at least 1 Dragon Sign is in the victory display.

Roam Across Rhovanion (x1)
1 A

The Goblin, Urdug, has agreed to show you a secret entrance to Mount Gundabad, but only if you help him recover some things he lost in Rhovanion.

Setup: The first player takes control of Urdug, objective side face-up. Set each other objective and objective-ally aside, out of play. Shuffle the encounter deck and discard cards from the top until X locations are discarded, where X is the number of players. Add each discarded location to the staging area.

1 B

You have agreed to help the Goblin in return for his assistance, but you keep a wary eye on him all the same.

Progress cannot be placed on locations in the staging area.

Forced: When the active location is explored, if the first player controls Urdug, advance to a random stage 2A.

Fire in the Night (x1)
1 A

The Woodmen of Hrogar's Hill have agreed to help you in your quest, but shortly after they welcome you to their town it is attacked by the very Dragon you seek: Dagnir has come to take vengeance on Wilderland!

Setup: Search the encounter deck for all 8 encounter side quests, shuffle them together, and place them facedown next to the quest deck. This is the side quest deck. The first player adds Dagnir to the staging area and shuffles the encounter deck. Each other player reveals an encounter card.

1 B

Forced: At the end of the planning phase, reveal the top card of the side quest deck and add it to the staging area. Dagnir makes an attack against Hrogar's Hill. Do not deal a shadow card for this attack. The first player may declare a defender for this attack. Excess damage must be dealt to Hrogar's Hill.

This stage cannot be defeated while Dagnir has hit points remaining. If Dagnir has no hit points remaining, the players win the game. If this stage has damage equal to its quest points, the players lose the game.

The Ghost of Framsburg (x1)
1 A

The search for the legendary sword of Fram has led you to the long–forgotten city of Framsburg. There is an evil air inside the keep, and you wonder what dangers wait for you in the darkness within.

Setup: Set The Cursed Tomb aside, out of play. Each player searches the encounter deck for a different location and adds it to the staging area. Shuffle the encounter deck.

1 B

A curse lays on the keep and foul creatures prowl through the night, but you will not be deterred from your search.

This stage cannot be defeated unless the players control at least 1 Loot objective.

Mount Gundabad (x1)
1 A

Mount Gundabad rises before you, and the Dragon, Dagnir, waits within.

Setup: Add Dagnir to the staging area and set The First Forge aside, out of play. Create the Caves deck and the quest deck (see insert). Attach Wormsbane to a hero, Broken side face-up. Shuffle the encounter deck and discard cards from the top until X locations have been discarded, where X is 1 less than the number of players in the game. Add those locations to the staging area.

1 B

It doesn't take you long to discover Urdug's secret entrance, and with a turn from Durin's Key the way into Mount Gundabad lies open before you. You must find Durin's Forge, repair Wormsbane, and use it to kill Dagnir.

Forced: At the end of the planning phase, the first player looks at the top 2 cards of the quest deck and chooses 1 to place on the bottom of the quest deck. Then, add The Side Door to the victory display and advance to the top stage 2A of the quest deck.

The Fate of Wilderland (x1)
1 A

Dagnir is dead. In a move long–planned, Urdug has returned with an army of Goblins to lay claim to Gundabad and the Dragon's Wealth.

Setup: Add The Goblins' Assault, The Heroes' Defense, and Urdug to the staging area. Shuffle the encounter deck and discard cards from the top until X enemies are discarded, where X is the number of players in the game. Add those enemies to the staging area.

1 B

Goblins swarm up the mountain slopes and you fight to keep them back.

Forced: At the end of the round, place 1 progress on The Goblins' Assault for each enemy in the staging area. Then, if there is X or more progress on The Goblins' Assault, advance. X is equal to 2, plus 2 per player.

A Shadow in the East (x1)
1 A

You are traveling south along the River Running on your way to Dorwinion when you are attacked by Easterling raiders in the night. The raiders set fire to your boat, trapping you on the east side of the river, and you are forced to flee south on foot.

Setup: Set Warriors of the East aside, out of play. Add Easterling Pursuit and 1 copy of River Running to the staging area. Each player adds 1 different Easterling enemy to the staging area. Shuffle the encounter deck.

1 B

Your only hope is to reach the safety of Dorwinion by the Crossing of Araw before your Easterling pursuers overtake you.

This stage gets +5 quest points per player.

Add +1 Threat to the total threat in the staging area for each resource token on Easterling Pursuit.

A Shadow in the East (x1)
1 A

A shadow hangs over the capital of Dorwinion. Fear grips the heart of the city on the Sea of Rh–n. People have been disappearing, and it is rumored that a cult of Sauron worshippers are responsible.

Setup: Set each plot objective and each Cultist enemy aside, out of play. Each player searches the encounter deck for a different location and adds it to the staging area. One of those locations must be Side Street. Shuffle the encounter deck.

1 B

The people you came to help beg you to uncover the truth of these rumors and rescue their lost loved ones if you can.

Forced: After the active location leaves play as an explored location, place 1 resource here.

This stage cannot be defeated unless there are at least 2 resources here.

A Shadow in the East (x1)
1 A

Your search for the missing Dorwinions has led you up the mountains of Rh–n. There you discover the remains of an ancient temple built to honor Sauron during the dark years of Middle–earth.

Setup: Shuffle each of the stage 2 quest cards together and place them facedown under this stage. Create The Power of Mordor deck (see insert) and set it next to the quest deck. Add Thane Ulchor and Tribute to Mordor to the staging area. Shuffle the encounter deck.

1 B

The journey to reach this place has been difficult and you take a moment to prepare yourself before entering the dark temple.

Skip the quest phase.

Forced: At the end of the planning phase, place 1 resource token here. Then, if there are 2 resource tokens here, add this stage to the victory display and advance to the topmost stage 2A.

Wrath and Ruin (x1)
1 A

Thane Ulchor has returned to Dorwinion at night with an army of Easterlings. His agents within the city slew the guards and opened the gate to let them in. You wake to find battle already raging in the streets.

Setup: Add Thane Ulchor and Gate of Dorwinion to the staging area. Each player adds a different location to the staging area. Make a copy of Makeshift Fortification the active location. Shuffle the enocounter deck.

1 B

The stage gets +4 quest points per player. Progess cannot be placed on locations in the staging area by player card effects.

Forced: When a location is explored, the first player takes control of it.

The stage cannot be defeated unless there are more locations under the players' control than in the staging area at the end of the round.