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Results: 501 - 550 of 3044 Cards
Core Set (x2)

When Revealed: Each location in the staging area gets +1 Threat until the end of the phase. Then, each player with a threat of 35 or higher chooses and discards 1 card from his hand.

"But it will be hard to find the path unless the fog lifts a little later on."
–Aragorn, The Fellowship of the Ring

Two-Player Limited Edition Starter (x2/x0)
18 3 2 2 4

While it is engaged with you, Spiders of Mirkwood gets +1 Attack for each exhausted character you control.

Shadow: Choose and exhaust 1 character you control. If this attack was undefended, also deal that character 2 damage.

Two-Player Limited Edition Starter (x2)
34 2 3 1 3

Forced: After Gret Spider engages you, exhaust a character you control.

Shadow: Deal 1 damage to an exhausted character you control.

Two-Player Limited Edition Starter (x2)

While The Eaves of Mirkwood is the active location, encounter card effects cannot be canceled.

By the afternoon they had reached the eaves of Mirkwood, and were resting almost beneath the great overhanging boughs of its outer trees.
–The Hobbit

Two-Player Limited Edition Starter (x2/x0)

X is the number of locations in the staging area.

Travel: Each player must discard 1 random card from his hand to travel here.

Two-Player Limited Edition Starter (x2)

Response: After you travel to Forest Gate the first player draws 2 cards.

Soon the light in the gate was like a little bright hole far behind, and the quiet was so deep that their feet seemed to thump along while the trees leaned over them and listened.
–The Hobbit

Two-Player Limited Edition Starter (x2)

Quest Action: Search the encounter deck and discard pile for a Spider enemy and put it into play engaged with you to discard Spider Den. (Any player may trigger this effect.)

Two-Player Limited Edition Starter (x2)

Travel: Reveal the top card of the encounter deck to travel here.

Response: When Goblin Trail leaves play as an explored location, place 6 progress on the current quest.

Two-Player Limited Edition Starter (x2)

When Revealed: Each enemy and each location currently in the staging area gets +1 Threat until the end of the phase. If there are no cards in the staging area, Driven by Shadow gains surge.

Shadow: Choose and discard 1 attachment from the defending character. (If this attack is undefended, discard all attachments you control.)

Two-Player Limited Edition Starter (x2)

When Revealed: Each player returns 1 enemy engaged with him to the staging area. If no enemy was returned to the staging area this way, Surprising Speed gains surge and doomed 1.

Shadow: Attacking enemy gets +1 Attack Return attacking enemy to the staging area after this attack.

Two-Player Limited Edition Starter (x1/x0)

When Revealed: The player with the highest threat level attached this card to one of his heroes. (Counts as a Condition attachment with the text: "Attached hero does not ready during the refresh phase unless you pay 2 resources from that hero's pool.")

Two-Player Limited Edition Starter (x1)
35 3 5 3 6
Goblin. Orc.

Cannot have attachments.

While Goblin Troop is engaged with you, each other Goblin enemy engaged with you gets +1 Attack and +1 Defense

Shadow: Attacking enemy gets +2 Attack

Two-Player Limited Edition Starter (x2)
48 2 2 0 2
Goblin. Orc.

During the encounter phase, players cannot optionally engage Goblin Sniper if there are other enemies in the staging area.

Forced: If Goblin Sniper is in the staging area at the end of the combat phase, each player deals 1 point of damage to 1 character he controls.

Two-Player Limited Edition Starter (x2/x0)
20 1 3 1 2
Goblin. Orc.


Shadow: Attacking enemy makes an additional attack immediately after this one. (Deal a new shadow card for that attack.)

Two-Player Limited Edition Starter (x2)
12 1 1 0 3
Goblin. Orc.

When Revealed: Discard the top card of each player's deck. Until the end of the phase, increase Goblintown Savengers'Threat by the total printed cost of all cards discarded in this way.

Two-Player Limited Edition Starter (x1/x0)

When Revealed: Each player must search the encounter deck and discard pile for a Goblin enemy and put it into play, engaged with him. Then, shuffle the encounter deck. (This effect cannot be canceled.)

Shadow: Attacking enemy gets +1 Attack for each Goblin enemy engaged with you.

Two-Player Limited Edition Starter (x2)

Doomed 1.

When Revealed: Each player must choose: Either raise your threat by 1 for each questing character you control, or discard a questing character you control.

Shadow: If this attack is undefended, discard an ally you control.

Two-Player Limited Edition Starter (x1)
40 X X X 8
Goblin. Orc.

X is the stage number of the quest.

Cannot take damage. Cannot have attachments.

Forced: After Goblin Chieftain attacks, either remove X progress from the quest, or return it to the staging area.

Two-Player Limited Edition Starter (x1)

While Cracked Pillar is in the staging area, it gains: "The first player may declare an attack against Cracked Pillar during the combat phase as if it was an enemy engaged with him. Use Cracked Pillar'sThreat as itsDefense during this attack."

Travel: Remove 4 damage from Cracked Pillar to travel here.

Two-Player Limited Edition Starter (x1)

Attach to a hero. Restricted.

Action: Exhause Cave Torch to place up to 3 progress tokens on a Dark location.

Forced: After Cave Torch exhausts, discard the top card of the encounter deck. If that card is an enemy, add it to the staging area.

Two-Player Limited Edition Starter (x2/x0)
36 3 6 4 6

Cannot have attachments.

For each point of excess combat damage dealt by Great Cave-troll (damage that is dealt beyond the remaining hit points of the character damaged by its attack) remove 1 progress from the current quest.

Two-Player Limited Edition Starter (x2)
33 2 3 2 3
Creature. Warg.

Response: When Cavern Warg attacks you, exhaust Cave Torch to cancel the attack and return Cavern Warg to the staging area.

Shadow: If this attack destroys a character, return attacking enemy to the staging area after this attack.

Two-Player Limited Edition Starter (x2)
Underground. Dark.

While Goblin Tunnels is in the staging area, it gains:"Forced: After a Goblin is revealed from the encounter deck, remove a progress token from the current quest card."

Shadow: Attacking enemy gets +1 Attack (+3Attack instead if attacking enemy is a Goblin.)

Two-Player Limited Edition Starter (x2)
Underground. Dark.

Travel: Players must exhaust a Cave Torch to travel here.

Shadow: Cancel all combat damage dealt to attacking enemy.

Two-Player Limited Edition Starter (x2/x0)
Underground. Dark.

While Branching Paths is in the staging area, each Dark location gets +1 Threat

Forced: After Branching Paths leaves play as an explored location, look at the top 3 cards of the encounter deck. Players must choose 1 of those to reveal and add to the staging area, moving the other 2 to the bottom of the deck.

Two-Player Limited Edition Starter (x2)
Underground. Dark.

While Collapsed Mine is in the staging area, no more than 4 progress can be placed on the quest each round.

Shadow: Raise your threat by 1 for each point of damage dealt by this attack.

Two-Player Limited Edition Starter (x2)

Travel: Reveal the top card of the encounter deck to travel here.

Response: After Goblin Dungeon leaves play as an explored location, the first player searches the top 5 cards of his deck for an ally and puts it into play under his control. Shuffle the rest of the searched cards back into his deck.

Two-Player Limited Edition Starter (x2)

When Revealed: Each player must exhaust a character and discard the top card of his deck, if able. If the printed cost of the discarded card is equal to or higher than the remaining hit points of the exhausted character, discard the exhausted character.

Two-Player Limited Edition Starter (x2)

When Revealed: The player who controls Cave Torch must choose: Either exhaust Cave Torch, or progress cannot be placed on the quest until the end of the phase. (Progress can still be placed on the active location.)

Shadow: Deal 1 damage to the defending character.

Two-Player Limited Edition Starter (x1/x0)

When Revealed: The first player attaches Watchful Eyes to one of his heroes. (Counts as a Condition attachment with the text: "Limit 1 per hero.Forced: If attached hero is exhausted at the end of the combat phase, reveal 1 card from the encounter deck and add it to the staging area.")

The Hunt for Gollum (x4)


Response: After the players quest successfully, the players may claim Signs of Gollum if it has no attached encounters. When claimed, attach Signs of Gollum to any hero committed to the quest. Counts as a Condition attachment with:

Forced: After attached hero is damaged or leaves play, return this card to the top of the encounter deck.
The Hunt for Gollum (x2/x0)

X is the number of ally cards in play.

Shadow: Discard from play all allies with a printed cost lower than the number of Riverland locations in play.

The Hunt for Gollum (x3)

While The Eaves of Mirkwood is the active location, encounter card effects cannot be canceled.

By the afternoon they had reached the eaves of Mirkwood, and were resting almost beneath the great overhanging boughs of its outer trees. –The Hobbit

The Hunt for Gollum (x2)

While River Ninglor is the active location, remove 1 progress token from it and from the current quest at the end of each round.

Shadow: Remove 1 progress token from the current quest. (2 progress tokens instead if this attack is undefended.)

The Hunt for Gollum (x2)

While The East Bank is the active location, ally cards cost 1 additional matching resource to play from hand.

Shadow: If you do not control at least 1 hero with a Clue card attached, return this enemy to the staging area after its attack resolves.

The Hunt for Gollum (x2)

While The West Bank is the active location, attachment and event cards cost 1 additional matching resource to play from hand.

Shadow: If you do not control at least 1 hero with a Clue card attached, double this enemy's base Attack for this attack.

The Hunt for Gollum (x2/x1)
12 1 1 0 3
Goblin. Orc.

When Revealed: Discard the top card of each player's deck. Until the end of the phase, increase Goblintown Scavenger'sThreat by the total printed cost of all cards discarded in this way.

The Hunt for Gollum (x5/x2)
34 2 2 2 6

Hunters from Mordor get +2 Attack and +2 Threat for each Clue card in play.

Shadow: Deal 1 damage to each hero with a Clue card attached. (3 damage instead if this attack is undefended.)

The Hunt for Gollum (x2)

When Revealed: The first player chooses and shuffles a card with the printed Clue trait back into the encounter deck. If there are no Clue cards in play, False Lead gains Surge.

The Hunt for Gollum (x2)

Doomed 1. Surge.

When Revealed: Remove all progress tokens from all Riverland locations.

Shadow: Resolve the 'when revealed' effect of this card.

The Hunt for Gollum (x3/x1)

When Revealed: Discard 1 resource from each hero's resource pool, if able. Exhaust any hero that could not discard a resource from its pool.

Conflict at the Carrock (x1)
2 4 3 10

Grimbeorn the Old does not exhaust to defend against Troll enemies.

If Grimbeorn the Old has 8 or more resource tokens on him, he joins the first player as an ally.

Action: Spend 1 resource to place that resource on Grimbeorn the Old.

Conflict at the Carrock (x1)
34 2 4 2 10

While Louis is engaged with a player, all Troll enemies gain

"Forced: After this enemy attacks, the defending player must raise his threat by 3."

Response: After defeating Louis, you may choose and discard 1 “Sacked!” card from play.

Conflict at the Carrock (x1)
34 2 4 2 10

While Morris is engaged with a player, all Troll enemies get +1 Attack

Response: After defeating Morris, you may choose and discard 1 “Sacked!” card from play.

Conflict at the Carrock (x1)
34 2 4 2 10

While Stuart is engaged with a player, all Troll enemies get +1 Defense

Response: After defeating Stuart, you may choose and discard 1 “Sacked!” card from play.

Conflict at the Carrock (x1)
34 2 4 2 10

Forced: After Rupert attacks, shuffle all copies of the “Sacked!” card from the discard pile back into the encounter deck.

Response: After defeating Rupert, you may choose and discard 1 “Sacked!” card from play.

Conflict at the Carrock (x4/x2)
20 1 2 0 4

Forced: If Muck Adder damages a character, discard that character from play.

Shadow: Defending character gets -1 Defense for the duration of this attack.

Conflict at the Carrock (x1)

Immune to player card effects.

Players cannot travel to The Carrock except through quest card effects.

While The Carrock is the active location, Troll enemies get +1 Attack and +1 Defense

Conflict at the Carrock (x4/x2)

While it is in the staging area, River Langflood gets +1 Threat for each Troll enemy in play.

Conflict at the Carrock (x3)

Response: After you travel to Bee Pastures, search the encounter deck and discard pile for Grimbeorn the Old and add him to the staging area. Then, shuffle the encounter deck.