Eagles of the Misty Mountains cannot have restricted attachments. Eagles of the Misty Mountains gets +1 and +1 for each facedown attachment it has.
Response: After another Eagle character leaves play, you may attach that card facedown to Eagles of the Misty Mountains.
Veteran of Nanduhirion enters play with 1 damage on it.
With cries of "Moria!" and "Dain, Dain!" the dwarves of the Iron Hills plunged in... –The Hobbit
Watcher of the Bruinen does not exhaust to defend.
Forced: After Watcher of the Bruinen defends, either discard it from play or discard 1 card from your hand.
Erebor Battle Master gets +1 for each other Dwarf ally you control. (Limit +4 .)
Trollshaw Scout does not exhaust to attack.
Forced: After Trollshaw Scout attacks, either discard it from play or discard 1 card from your hand.
"And the Enemy must pay dearly for the crossing of the River." –Denethor, The Return of the King
Each Outlands character you control gets +1 .
...foremost on the field rode the swan–knights of Dol Amroth with their Prince and his blue banner at their head. –The Return of the King
If each of your heroes has a printed resource icon, Knight of Minas Tirith gains:
Response: After Knight of Minas Tirith enters play, choose an enemy in the staging area. Engage that enemy and exhaust Knight of Minas Tirith to declare it as attacker (and resolve its attack) against that enemy.
If there is at least 1 Rohan hero in play, lower the cost to play Guthlaf by 1.
If there is at least 1 Gondor hero in play, Guthlaf gains sentinel.
Action: Discard Westfold Outrider to choose an enemy not engaged with you. Engage the chosen enemy.
"Erkenbrand of Westfold has drawn off those men he could gather towards his fastness at Helm's Deep. The rest are scattered."–Rider of Rohan, The Two Towers
Cannot have restricted attachments.
Response: After Gwaihir enters play, search your discard pile for an Eagle ally and put it into play under your control. At the end of the round, if that ally is still in play, add it to your hand.
"The North Wind blows, but we shall outfly it." –Gwaihir, The Return of the King
You may give Henneth Annûn Guard doomed 1 when you play it from your hand. If you do, it gains:
Response: After you play Henneth Annûn Guard, choose a character. Until the end of the round, that character gets +2 and gains sentinel.
"Does he think that men sleep without watch all night?" –Faramir, The Two Towers
Cannot have restricted attachments. Enters play exhausted.
Booming Ent gets +1 for each damaged Ent character you control.
"...a man that hacks once at an Ent never gets a chance of a second blow." –Merry, The Two Towers
Forced: After Dúnedain Hunter enters play, search the top 5 cards of the encounter deck for a non-unique enemy and put it into play engaged with you. If no enemy enters play by this effect, discard Dúnedain Hunter. Shuffle the encounter deck.
Response: Exhaust Honour Guard to cancel 1 point of damage just dealt to a character.
Valour Response: Exhaust and discard Honour Guard to cancel up to 5 damage just dealt to a character.
Cannot have restricted attachments. Enters play exhausted.
While Derndingle Warrior is defending, it gains:
Action: Deal 1 damage to Derndingle Warrior to give it +3 for this attack. (Limit once per attack.)
Action: Discard 2 cards from the top of your deck to give Longbeard Sentry sentinel and +1 until the end of the phase. (Limit once per phase.)
"...many of them have had experience in the dreadful dwarf and goblin wars, of which you have no doubt heard."
–Bilbo Baggins, The Hobbit
Cannot have restricted attachments.
Enters play exhausted.
Response: After Beechbone is declared as an attacker, deal 1 damage to him to deal X damage to the defending enemy. X is the amount of damage on Beechbone.
Fornost Bowman gets +1 for each enemy engaged with you.
To the last battle at Fornost with the Witch–lord of Angmar they sent some bowmen to the aid of the king...
–The Fellowship of the Ring
Response: After Marksman of Lórien enters play, choose an enemy. That enemy gets -2 until the end of the round.
"Keen are the eyes of the Elves."
–Aragorn, The Two Towers
Veteran Sword-elf gets +1 and +1 for each copy of Veteran Sword-elf in your discard pile.
The elves were the first to charge. Their hatred for the goblins is cold and bitter.
–The Hobbit
While there is a side quest in the victory display, Vigilant Dúnadan does not exhaust to defend.
"I don't think we've rightly understood till now what they did for us."
–Barliman Butterbur, The Return of the King
Defender of Cair Andros gets +X where X is the tens digit of your threat. (Limit +4
Valour Response: After Defender of Cair Andros is declared as a defender, deal 1 damage to the attacking enemy.
Response: After Riddermark Knight is declared as an attacker, it gets +2 for this attack. At the end of this attack, discard Riddermark Knight.
Response: After Beorning Guardian participates in an attack that destroys an enemy, discard Beorning Guardian to place X progress on a location, where X is the destroyed enemy's printed
"...if it were not for the Beornings, the passage from Dale to Rivendell would long ago have become impossible."
–Glóin, The Fellowship of the Ring
Combat Action: Choose a Beorning ally with printed cost 3 or more in your hand or discard pile. Discard Beorning Skin-changer to put that ally into play.
"...sometimes he is a huge black bear, sometimes he is a great strong black–haired man with huge arms and a great beard."
–Gandalf, The Hobbit
Cannot have restricted attachments.
Response: After Meneldor enters or leaves play, place 2 progress on a location.
...Meneldor young and swift. –The Return of the King
Cannot have attachments.
Action: Ready Giant Bear. At the end of the phase in which you trigger this effect, shuffle Giant Bear into your deck. (Limit once per phase.)
"As a bear he ranged far and wide"
–Gandalf, The Hobbit
Bywater Shirriff gets +1 +1 and +1 while you are engaged with an enemy with engagement cost higher than your threat.
The Shirriffs was the name that the Hobbits gave to their police, or the nearest equivalent that they possessed.
–The Hobbit
Pippin gets +2 while attacking an enemy with an engagement cost higher than your threat.
Response: After you engage an enemy with an engagement cost higher than your threat, ready Pippin.
"Down on your knees in the road and ask pardon, or I will set this troll's bane in you!"
–The Return of the King
Response: After Nori participates in an attack that destroys an enemy, put the top card of your discard pile on the bottom of your deck.
"You've left the burglar behind again!"
–Nori, The Hobbit
You cannot play Northern Bowmaster from your hand unless you are engaged with an enemy.
Response: After Westfold Lancer quests successfully, discard it to choose a non-unique enemy in the staging area. Deal 2 damage to the chosen enemy.
...the white fury of the Northmen burned the hotter, and more skilled was their knighthood with long spears...
–The Return of the King
You cannot play Northern Bowmaster from your hand unless you are engaged with an enemy.
Action: Exhaust Bofur to search the top 5 cards of your deck for 1 Weapon attachment. Add that card to your hand and shuffle the other cards back into your deck.
There is no knowing what a dwarf will not dare and do for revenge or the recovery of his own. –The Hobbit
Response: After Farmer Maggot enters play, deal 1 damage to an enemy engaged with you. (Deal 2 damage instead if that enemy's engagement cost is higher than your threat.)
"It is lucky for you that I know you. I was going out to set my dogs on any strangers." –The Fellowship of the Ring
Boromir gets +2 while defending against an enemy with an engagement cost higher than your threat.
Response: After Boromir takes any amount of damage, ready him.
Cannot have restricted attachments. Enters play exhausted.
While Skinbark is attacking alone against an Orc enemy, that enemy does not count its .
"He was wounded by the Orcs, and many of his folk and his tree–herds have been murdered and destroyed." –Treebeard, The Two Towers