While Thalin is committed to a quest, deal 1 damage to each enemy as it is revealed by the encounter deck.
There hammer on the anvil smote,
There chisel clove, and graver wrote;
There forged was blade, and bound was hilt;
The delver mined, the mason built.
–The Fellowship of the Ring

Response: After Longbeard Orc Slayer enters play, deal 1 damage to each Orc enemy in play.
Five dead Orcs lay there. They had been hewn with many cruel strokes, and two had been beheaded. The ground was wet with their dark blood.
–The Two Towers

Response: After Gondorian Spearman is declared as a defender, deal 1 damage to the attacking enemy.
More than a thousand were there mustered. Their spears were like a springing wood. –The Two Towers

Action: Exhaust a character you control with the ranged keyword to choose a player. Deal 1 damage to each enemy engaged with that player.
Arrows thick as the rain came whistling over the battlements, and fell clinking and glancing on the stones. Many found their mark. –The Two Towers

Response: After a character is declared as a defender, deal 2 damage to the attacking enemy.
A swift stroke she dealt, skilled and deadly.
–The Return of the King

At the end of the round, discard Gandalf from play.
Response: After Gandalf enters play, (choose 1):
- draw 3 cards
- deal 4 damage to 1 enemy in play
- reduce your threat by 5.

Permanent. Limit 1 per hero.
Response: After attached hero is declared as an attacker, exhaust Valor to heal 1 damage from attached hero and deal 1 damage to the defening enemy.

Setup. Attach to a hero.
Attached hero gains the resource icon.
Action: Deal 1 damage to the attached hero to deal 3 damage to an enemy engaged with you. (Limit once per campaign. Record in the Campaign Log when used.)

At the end of the round, discard Gandalf from play.
Response: After Gandalf enters play, (choose 1):
- draw 3 cards
- deal 4 damage to 1 enemy in play
- reduce your threat by 5.

At the end of the round, discard Gandalf from play.
Response: After Gandalf enters play, (choose 1): draw 3 cards, deal 4 damage to 1 enemy in play, or reduce your threat by 5.

Action: Return a Silvan ally you control to your hand to choose a player. Deal 1 damage to each enemy engaged with that player.
The marauding orcs had been waylaid and almost all destroyed; the remnant had fled westward towards the mountains, and were being pursued. -The Fellowship of the Ring

At the end of the round, discard Gandalf from play.
Response: After Gandalf enters play, (choose 1):
- draw 3 cards
- deal 4 damage to 1 enemy in play
- reduce your threat by 5.

Response: After Gondorian Spearman is declared as a defender, deal 1 damage to the attacking enemy.
More than a thousand were there mustered. Their spears were like a springing wood. –The Two Towers

At the end of the round, discard Gandalf from play.
Response: After Gandalf enters play, (choose 1):
- draw 3 cards
- deal 4 damage to 1 enemy in play
- reduce your threat by 5.

Response: After Westfold Lancer quests successfully, discard it to choose a non-unique enemy in the staging area. Deal 2 damage to the chosen enemy.
...the white fury of the Northmen burned the hotter, and more skilled was their knighthood with long spears...
–The Return of the King

Attach to a or Rohan hero. Restricted.
Attached hero gets +1 (+2
instead if attached hero is Éomer).
Response: After attached hero attacks alone, exhaust Firefoot to choose a non-unique enemy engaged with you. Excess damage dealt by this attack is assigned to the chosen enemy.

Cannot have restricted attachments.
Enters play exhausted.
Response: After Beechbone is declared as an attacker, deal 1 damage to him to deal X damage to the defending enemy. X is the amount of damage on Beechbone.

Response: After Coruhaer defends an attack, spend 1 resource to deal 2 damage to the attacking enemy.
A dread fell on them, even as they passed between the lines of ancient stones.
–The Lord of the Rings

Action: Exhaust Argalad to choose an enemy in the staging area. Until the end of the phase, that enemy gets -X , where X is Argalad's
. If this effect reduces the enemy's
to 0, deal 1 damage to it. (Limit once per round.)

Response: After a Warrior character is destroyed while defending against an enemy attack, deal damage to the attacking enemy equal to that character's printed .
In a grave along under the shadow of the Hornburg lay Háma, captain of the King's guard. He fell before the Gate.
–The Two Towers

As an additional cost to play Skyward Volley, exhaust a ranged character you control.
Combat Action: Deal 2 damage to an enemy engaged with a player. Resolve that effect again for each copy of Skyward Volley currently in your discard pile (you may choose different targets).

When Ballista leaves play, remove it from the game.
Attached Ship gets +1 and gains ranged.
Response: After attached Ship attacks, deal 1 damage to a non-unique enemy and remove 1 resource from that enemy.

Action: Deal X damage to a non-unique enemy. X is the level of Galdor's Counsel
Add Galdor's Counsel to the victory display.
Permanent. Restricted.
Attached hero gets +2 (+3
instead if it has 2 or more damage on it).
Action: Either deal 1 damage to an enemy, or toss Throwing Axe. If it travel at least two feet across the playing area and stops on any enemies, deal 4 damage to one of them. Reattach Throwing Axe to its hero. (Limit once per game.)

Action: Add Command
to the victory display to choose up to X options, where X is its level:• A hero gets +2 until the end of the round.
• An enemy gets -2 until the end of the round.
• Deal 2 damage to an enemy. You may engage it.
• Ready an attachment. You may move it to an eligible character.

Response: After Bilbo Baggins commits to the quest, choose an enemy in the staging area. Until the end of the phase, Bilbo Baggins gets +X where X is that enemy's
If the players quest successfully, deal 1 damage to that enemy (2 damage instead if it is guarding a card).

Attach to a Dale or Warrior character. Restricted.
Response: After attached character is declared as an attacker, exhaust Bow of Yew to deal 1 damage to the defending enemy.
“They would shoot at us with their great bows of yew...”
–The Lord of the Eagles, The Hobbit

Attach to a Hobbit hero. Restricted
Attach hero gets +1 , +1
, and +1
Response: After attached hero is declared as an attacker or defender against an enemy, deal 1 damage to that enemy.

Response: After Farmer Maggot enters play, deal 1 damage to an enemy engaged with you. (Deal 2 damage instead if that enemy's engagement cost is higher than your threat.)
"It is lucky for you that I know you. I was going out to set my dogs on any strangers." –The Fellowship of the Ring

Attach to a Hobbit hero.
Attached hero gets +1 +1
and +1
Response: After attached hero exhausts to defend an attack, discard the top card of the encounter deck. Deal damage to the attacking enemy equal to the discarded card's .

Response: After an enemy is added to the staging area, exhaust Anborn to give that enemy +5 engagement cost until the end of the round. Then, deal 1 damage to that enemy.
"Now I have him at arrow–point." –The Two Towers

While Thalin is committed to a quest, deal 1 damage to each enemy as it is revealed by the encounter deck.
There hammer on the anvil smote,
There chisel clove, and graver wrote;
There forged was blade, and bound was hilt;
The delver mined, the mason built.
–The Fellowship of the Ring

Response: After Longbeard Orc Slayer enters play, deal 1 damage to each Orc enemy in play.
Five dead Orcs lay there. They had been hewn with many cruel strokes, and two had been beheaded. The ground was wet with their dark blood.
–The Two Towers

Response: After Gondorian Spearman is declared as a defender, deal 1 damage to the attacking enemy.
More than a thousand were there mustered. Their spears were like a springing wood. –The Two Towers

Action: Exhaust a character you control with the ranged keyword to choose a player. Deal 1 damage to each enemy engaged with that player.
Arrows thick as the rain came whistling over the battlements, and fell clinking and glancing on the stones. Many found their mark. –The Two Towers

Response: After a character is declared as a defender, deal 2 damage to the attacking enemy.
A swift stroke she dealt, skilled and deadly.
–The Return of the King

At the end of the round, discard Gandalf from play.
Response: After Gandalf enters play, (choose 1):
- draw 3 cards
- deal 4 damage to 1 enemy in play
- reduce your threat by 5.

At the end of the round, discard Gandalf from play.
Response: After Gandalf enters play, (choose 1): draw 3 cards, deal 4 damage to 1 enemy in play, or reduce your threat by 5.

Response: After Thorin Stonehelm is declared as an attacker, discard the top card of your deck to deal 1 damage to an enemy engaged with you.
Thorin III Stonehelm, Dain's son, became King under the mountain.
–The Return of the King

At the end of the round, discard Gandalf from play.
Response: After Gandalf enters play, (choose 1): draw 3 cards, deal 4 damage to 1 enemy in play, or reduce your threat by 5.

Response: After Galadhon Archer enters play, deal 1 damage to an enemy not engaged with you.
"...you breathe so loud that they could shoot you in the dark."
–Legolas, The Fellowship of the Ring

Attach to a Dwarf character. Restricted.
Attached hero gains +1
Response: After attached character attacks, deal 1 damage to the defending character.

Action: Return a Silvan ally you control to your hand to choose a player. Deal 1 damage to each enemy engaged with that player.
The marauding orcs had been waylaid and almost all destroyed...
–The Fellowship of the Ring

Action: Discard Beorning Beekeeper from play to deal 1 damage to each enemy in the staging area.
"We are getting near," said Gandalf. "We are on th eedge of his bee pastures." – The Hobbit