Forced: If Wargs is dealt a shadow card with no effect, return Wargs to the staging area after it attacks.

Shadow: attacking enemy gets +1 (+2
instead if this attack is undefended.)

No attachments can be played on Nazg没l of Dol Guldur.
Forced: When the prisoner is 'rescued', move Nazg没l of Dol Guldur into the staging area.
Forced: After a shadow effect dealt to Nazg没l of Dol Guldur resolves, the engaged player must choose and discard 1 character he controls.

Immune to player card effects. No more than 1 character can attack Graxar each round.
Graxar gets +1 for each damage on him and +1
for each resource on him.
Forced: When Graxar is dealt a shadow card, place 1 resource on him.

While Ettenmoors is the active location, do not deal Nazg没l enemies a shadow card during the combat phase.
Forced: After any amount of progress is placed on Ettenmoors reduce the Ring-bearer's life by 1.
Before long Frodo was obliged to dismount and stuggle along on foot. –The Fellowship of the Ring

Indestructible.Immune to player card effects. Cannot leave the staging area.
Forced: When Saruman is dealt a shadow card with a Wizardry effect, the defending player resolves that Wizardry effect as if he is the only player in the game.

Forced: When Wolf of Isengard is dealt a shadow card with a Wizardry effect, either discard 1 card from your hand, or Wolf of Isengard makes an additional attack against you after this one.

Shadow: Deal 1 damage to the defending character.

While Underground Armoury is in the staging area, it gains:"Forced: After an enemy engages a player, deal it a shadow card."
Wizardry: Each player exhausts a character he controls.
The shafts ran down by many slopes and spiral stairs to caverns far under; there Saruman had treasuries, store–houses, armouries, smithies, and great furnaces. –The Two Towers

While The Under-way is in the staging area, each Orc enemy gets -5 engagement cost and gains:"Forced: After this enemy engages a player, deal it a shadow card."

Shadow: Deal the attacking enemy 2 additional shadow cards.

Forced: After Southron Champion is dealt a shadow card with no shadow effect, either deal 3 damage to Minas Tirith, or it makes an additional a
Shadow: Deal 1 damage to Minas Tirith

Forced: If Wargs is dealt a shadow card with no effect, return Wargs to the staging area after it attacks.

Shadow: attacking enemy gets +1 (+2
instead if this attack is undefended.)

No attachments can be played on Nazg没l of Dol Guldur.
Forced: When the prisoner is 'rescued', move Nazg没l of Dol Guldur into the staging area.
Forced: After a shadow effect dealt to Nazg没l of Dol Guldur resolves, the engaged player must choose and discard 1 character he controls.

If Mountain Warg is dealt a shadow card with no effect, return Mountain Warg to the staging area after it attacks.

Shadow: attacking enemy gets +1 (+2
instead if a Mountain is the active location.)

While Goblin Gate is the active location, the first enemy revealed from the encounter deck each round gains ambush. If that enemy engages a player, it makes an immediate attack (deal and resolve a shadow card).
A crack had opened at the back of the cave, and was already a wide passage.
–The Hobbit

Forced: When Thrashing Tentacle is attacked, discard the top card of the encounter deck. If that card has a shadow effect or is a Tentacle enemy, deal the damage from the attack to 1 character an attacking player controls (ignoring defense).

Forced: When Striking Tentacle attacks, discard the top card of the encounter deck. If that card has a shadow effect or is a Tentacle enemy, this attack is considered undefended.

When Revealed: Durin's Bane makes an immediate attack against the first player (deal and resolve a shadow card).

Shadow: If attacking enemy is Durin's Bane, it gets +3 .

Forced: When Orc Rabble is dealt a shadow card, it gets +2 until the end of the phase.

Shadow: Deal the attacking enemy an additional shadow card for each player in the game.

Forced: When Orc Arsonist engages a player, deal 1 shadow card to each enemy engaged with that player.

Shadow: Attacking enemy gets +1 . Deal it another shadow card.

Forced: After any number of progress tokens are placed on To the Tower, deal Morgul Sorcerer a shadow card.

Shadow: Defending player must place 1 progress token on To the Tower or treat this attack as undefended.

Forced: When Lord Alcaron attacks, place 1 progress token on To the Tower.
Forced: When Lord Alcaron is dealt a shadow card with no shadow effect, he makes an additional attack after this one (deal and resolve another shadow card).

Forced: After the engaged player draws any number of cards, deal Boar Clan Warrior a shadow card.

Shadow: Attacking enemy gets +1 for each shadow card on it.

While Eriador Wastes is in the staging area, no more than 5 progress can be placed on the current quest each round.
Travel: The first player engages a Warg enemy in the staging area and deals it a shadow card.
"...the long leagues of Eriador still lie before us." –Aragorn, The Fellowship of the Ring

Indestructible. Cannot have attachments.
Each other enemy gets +10 engagement cost.
Forced: After Thaurdir is flipped or a treachery with the Sorcery trait is revealed, deal 1 shadow card to each enemy in play.

Forced: After an event card is played, deal 1 shadow card to Werewolf of Angmar.
Forced: If there are 3 shadow cards dealt to Werewolf of Angmar and it is in the staging area, it engages the first player and makes an immediate attack (do not deal it a shadow card for this attack).

Forced: When Sinister Dungeon is explored, the first player reanimates a random card from his hand and deals Sinister Dungeon to it facedown as a shadow card.

Shadow: Discard the top 2 cards of the encounter deck. Resolve the "when revealed" effects of each Sorcery card discarded by this effect.

Forced: At the end of the round, discard the top card of each player's deck. Each player must reanimate each ally discarded by this effect.
Travel: Deal 1 shadow card to each Undead enemy in play to travel here.
He could see nothing but the dim flame of the torches; but if the company halted, there seemed and endless whisper of voices all about him...
–The Return of the King

Eye of the Beast cannot attack.
While Eye of the Beast is engaged with a player, The Thing in the Depths attacks that player during the combat phase (deal and resolve a shadow card for this attack).

When Revealed: The Thing in the Depths attacks each player in turn order from the staging area (deal and resolve a shadow card for each attack).

Shadow: After this attack, The Thing in the Depths makes an attack against the defending player (deal a shadow card for this attack).

When Revealed: Deal 1 shadow card to each Ship enemy in play. Then, if you are off-course (Cloudy, Rainy, Stormy), each Ship enemy in play gets -10 enagement cost until the end of the round.

X is the tens digit of the temperature.
Forced: After Were-worm engages you, it makes an immediate attack. (Do not deal it a shadow card.)

Shadow: Attacking enemy gets +1 (+2
instead if the temperature is 40 or higher).

Forced: If Pack of Wargs is dealt a shadow card with no effect, Pack of Wargs makes an additional attack after this one. (Do not deal it a shadow card.)

Shadow: Return attacking enemy to the staging area after this attack.

Werewolf gets +1 for each damage on it.
Forced: After Werewolf is dealt a shadow card with no shadow effect, deal 1 damage to it and the defending character.

Shadow: Deal 1 damage to the defending character.

Cannot have attachments or take non-combat damage.
Cold-Drake gets +1 and +1
for each Dragon Sign in the victory display.
Forced: After Cold-Drake is dealt a shadow card with no shadow effect, the defending character cannot ready until the end of the round.

Forced: After Warg-rider is dealt a shadow card with no effect, either return it to the staging area or place 1 progress on The Goblins' Assault.

Immune to player card effects.
Do not discard shadow cards dealt to Black N煤men贸rean if they have a shadow effect.
Forward: When Black N煤men贸rean attacks, resolve each of his faceup shadow cards as if they had been dealt this round.

Forced: If Great Gray Wolf is dealt a shadow card with a riddle, return all Creature enemies to the staging area at the end of the combat phase.
Riddle: The first player names a card type, sphere and cost, shuffles his deck, then discards the top 3 cards. For each of those cards that matches all three items, place 1 progress token on stage 2.

Forced: If Wild Wargs is dealt a shadow card with a riddle, it gets +2.
Riddle: The first player names a card type, shuffles his deck, and discards the top 2 cards. For each of those cards that matches, place 1 progress token on stage 2.

Indestructible. Immune to player card effects.
Cannot leave the staging area (except by quest effect) but is considered to be engaged with the first player.
Forced: If Smaug the Magnificent is dealt a shadow card with a burgle effect, he makes an additional attack immediately after this one.

While Ettenmoors is the active location, do not deal Nazg没l enemies a shadow card during the combat phase.
Forced: After any amount of progress is placed on Ettenmoors reduce the Ring-bearer's life by 1.
Before long Frodo was obliged to dismount and stuggle along on foot. –The Fellowship of the Ring

Indestructible.Immune to player card effects. Cannot leave the staging area.
Forced: When Saruman is dealt a shadow card with a Wizardry effect, the defending player resolves that Wizardry effect as if he is the only player in the game.

Forced: When Wolf of Isengard is dealt a shadow card with a Wizardry effect, either discard 1 card from your hand, or Wolf of Isengard makes an additional attack against you after this one.

Shadow: Deal 1 damage to the defending character.

While Underground Armoury is in the staging area, it gains:"Forced: After an enemy engages a player, deal it a shadow card."
Wizardry: Each player exhausts a character he controls.
The shafts ran down by many slopes and spiral stairs to caverns far under; there Saruman had treasuries, store–houses, armouries, smithies, and great furnaces. –The Two Towers

While The Under-way is in the staging area, each Orc enemy gets -5 engagement cost and gains:"Forced: After this enemy engages a player, deal it a shadow card."

Shadow: Deal the attacking enemy 2 additional shadow cards.

Forced: After Southron Champion is dealt a shadow card with no shadow effect, either deal 3 damage to Minas Tirith, or it makes an additional attack after this one.

Shadow: Deal 1 damage to Minas Tirith

If unattached, the first player claims Sword of Belegost and attaches it to a hero he controls.
Attached hero gets +4
Response: Exhaust Sword of Belegost to cancel a shadow effect just triggered.

Cannot have attachments.
Forced: After an attack resolves in which Old Orc-eyes was dealt a shadow card with no shadow effect, he makes an additional attack against you. Do not deal Old Orc-eyes a shadow cad for this attack.

Response: After Bree-land Information makes an attack against you, if it was dealt a shadow card with no shadow effect, raise your threat by 1 and spend 1 resource to look at the bottom card of the Investigation deck. Then, discard Bree-land Informant.