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Results: 951 - 1000 of 3044 Cards
Celebrimbor's Secret (x2/x1)
45 3 5 3 5
Mordor. Orc.

Forced: After Prowling Orc attacks, place 1 damage on the active location.

Scour: Prowling Orc engages the player with the highest threat and makes an immediate attack.

"Garn! You don't even know what you're looking for." –Orc, The Return of the King

Celebrimbor's Secret (x3)
Ost-in-Edhil. Ruins.

Forced: After Ruined Plaza enters the staging area, place 1 damage here.

Shadow: Defending player assigns X damage amoung characters he controls. X is the number of cards underneath The Orcs’ Search.

Celebrimbor's Secret (x2)
Ost-in-Edhil. Ruins.


Scour: Return this location to the staging area and place 2 damage here.

Shadow: Excess damage from this attack must be placed on the active location, if able.

Celebrimbor's Secret (x4)
Ost-in-Edhil. Ruins.

Scour: Assign X damage amoung locations in play. X is the number of locations in play. This ability does not stack with other copies of Ancient Foundation.

Travel: Place 1 damage on this location to travel here.

...deep they delved us, fair they wrought us, hight they builded us; but they are gone. –Legolas, The Fellowship of the Ring

Celebrimbor's Secret (x4/x2)
Ost-in-Edhil. Ruins.

Forced: After placing any amount of progress here, trigger the topmost Scour effect in the discard pile, if able.

Shadow: Attacking enemy gets +1 Attack If this attack destroys a character, raise each player's threat by 1 for each card underneath The Orcs’ Search.

Celebrimbor's Secret (x2/x0)

When Revealed: Either trigger each Scour effect currently in play, or each player places a random card from his hand facedown underneath The Orcs’ Search.

Shadow: If this attack destroy's a character, place that character facedown underneath The Orcs' Search.

Celebrimbor's Secret (x3)

When Revealed: Place 3 damage on the active location. If there is no active location, Desecrated Ruins gains Surge.

Shadow: Attacking enemy gets +1 Attack If this attack destroys an ally, place X damage on the active location. X is that ally's cost.

Celebrimbor's Secret (x2)

When Revealed: Each player must exhaust X characters he controls. X is the number of cards underneath The Orcs’ Search. If no characters are exhausted this way, Spies from Mordor gains Surge.

Shadow: Defending player discards a non-objective attachment he controls.

The Antlered Crown (x1)
1 3 2 5
Dunland. Boar Clan.

The first player gains control of Chief Turch.

Immune to player card effects. Chief Turch does not exhaust to defend.

If Chief Turch leaves play, the players lose the game.

The Antlered Crown (x1)
15 4 5 5 9
Dunland. Raven Clan.

Cannot have attachments. While Raven Chief’s Camp is in play, Raven Chief cannot be damaged.

Forced: When Raven Chief attacks, remove 1 time counter from the active location, if able.

The Antlered Crown (x1)

Time 3.

Immune to player card effects.

Forced: After the last time counter is removed from this location, exhaust each damaged character. Place 3 time counters on this location.

The Antlered Crown (x4/x3)
36 3 4 2 5
Dunland. Raven Clan.

Forced: After Raven Warrior engages a player. remove X time counters from locations in play. X is the number of cards in engaged player's hand.

Shadow: Defending player discards an attachment he controls.

The Antlered Crown (x3/x2)
26 2 3 2 2
Dunland. Raven Clan.

When Revealed: Either remove 1 time counter from the active location, or reveal an additional encounter card.

Shadow: Attacking enemy gets +X Attack where X is the Time X value on the active location.

The Antlered Crown (x4/x2)

Time 3.

Forced: After the last time counter is removed from this location, starting with the first player, each player draws the top card of the Raven deck and puts it into play engaged with him.

All the camp was soon astir. –The Two Towers

The Antlered Crown (x3)

Time 2.

Forced: After the last time counter is removed from this location, reveal the top card of the Raven deck and add it to the staging area.

Shadow: Deal attacking enemy 2 additional shadow cards from the Raven deck.

The Antlered Crown (x3)

Time 3.

Forced: After the last time counter is removed from this location, each player assigns X damage among characters he controls, where X is the number of cards in his hand.

Shadow: Deal 1 damage to the defending character.

The Antlered Crown (x2)

Time 4.

Forced: After the last time counter is removed from this location, each player raises his threat by the number of cards in his hand.

Shadow: Defending player assigns X damage among characters he controls. X is the Time X value on the active location.

The Antlered Crown (x3/x2)

When Revealed: Remove 1 time counter from each location in play. Place X time counters on each location in play with no time counters on it. X is the "Time X" value on that location. If there are not locations in the staging area, Raising the Cry gains Surge.

...a cry went up into the shuddering air...
–The Return of the King

The Antlered Crown (x2/x1)

Doomed 3.

When Revealed: Each player draws 3 cards. Until the end of the round, players cannot play events.

Shadow: Attacking enemy gets +1 Attack. If this attack destroys a character, remove 1 time counter from the active location.

The Antlered Crown (x2)

When Revealed: Remove all progress from each location in the staging area. Increase the total Threat in the staging area by 1 for each progress removed this way. If no progress was removed by this effect, Driven Back gains Surge.

"We are overmastered." –Ceorl, The Two Towers

The Lost Realm (x1)
X X X 4
Dúnedain. Ranger.

X is the number of quest cards in play.

The first player gains control of Iârion.

Response: After a side quest is revealed from the encounter deck, ready Iârion.

If Iârion leaves play, the players lose the game.

The Lost Realm (x3/x1)
40 3 6 3 6

Cannot have attachments.

While Orc War Party is in the staging area, enemies in the staging area cannot take damage.

The players cannot win the game while Orc War Party is in play.

They kept no order, thrusting, jostling, and cursing; yet their speed was very great. –The Two Towers

The Lost Realm (x3/x2)
Arnor. Forest.

Travel: One player chooses and engages an enemy in the staging area.

Shadow: Defending player either exhausts a hero he controls, or returns attacking enemy to the staging area after this attack.

The Lost Realm (x2)

While Borders of Bree-land is in the staging area it gains:

Forced: At the beginning of the quest phase, return 1 enemy engaged with a player to the staging area.

Shadow: Defending character gets -1 Defense for each quest stage in play.

The Lost Realm (x3/x2)

Doomed 1.

While Outlying Homestead is in the staging area, players cannot reduce their threat.

Travel: Reveal a card from the encounter deck.

They were far beyond the borders of the Bree–land, out in the pathless wilderness... –The Fellowship of the Ring

The Lost Realm (x2/x0)

When Revealed: If the total Willpower of characters committed to the quest is greater than the total Threat in the staging area, each enemy in the staging area makes an immediate attack against the first player. If no attach is made this way, search the encounter deck and discard pile for an Orc War Party and add it to the staging area. Shuffle the encounter deck. This effect cannot be canceled.

The Lost Realm (x3/x2)

When Revealed: Each player returns 1 enemy engaged with him to the staging area. If no enemy was returned to the staging area this way, Surprising Speed gains surge and doomed 1.

Shadow: Attacking enemy gets +1 Attack. Return attacking enemy to the staging area after this attack.

The Lost Realm (x1)

No more than 3 progress tokens can be placed on the current quest each round.

While Orc Rearguard is the current quest it gains:

Forced: At the end of the staging step, reveal 1 card from the encounter deck.

Some of the Orcs have broken from the war party to hinder your pursuit. Until you deal with them, it will be difficult to continue your chase...

The Lost Realm (x1)

Time 4.

When Revealed: The first player loses control of Iârion and places him facedown underneath this stage. When this stage is defeated, the first player takes control of Iârion and exhausts him.

Forced: After the last time counter is removed from this stage, discard Iârion.

While scouting ahead, Iârion is ambushed by several Orcs. The Ranger is knoced unconscious and dragged away by the Orcs. You must rescue him!

The Lost Realm (x5/x4)
20 2 2 1 2

Forced: After Cornered Orc engages a player, it makes an immediate attack.

Shadow: Attacking enemy gets +1 Attack (+2 Attack instead if the defending character is damaged).

The Lost Realm (x1)
Arnor. Ruins.

Immune to player card effects.

While Amon Forn is the active location, it gains:

Forced: After an Orc enemy is added to the staging area, it makes an immediate attack against the first player.

The players cannot win while Amon Forn is in play.

The Lost Realm (x3)
Arnor. Hills.

Weathered Hilltop gets +1 Threat for each resource token on it.

Forced: After a Weather treachery is revealed from the encounter deck, place 1 resource token here.

"There is little shelter or defence here..." –Aragorn, The Fellowship of the Ring

The Lost Realm (x3/x2)
Arnor. Hills.

While Exposed Ridge is the active location, it gains:

Forced: At the end of the refresh phase, each player deals 1 damage to a character he controls.

Shadow: Attacking enemy gets +1 Attack for each damaged character the defending player controls.

The Lost Realm (x2)
Arnor. Hills.

While Sheltered Valley is the active location, it gains:

Response: When Sheltered Valley is explored, heal all damage from 1 character.

Travel: Remove 1 resource token from the



The Lost Realm (x3)
Arnor. Hills.

While Concealed Orc-camp is the active location is gains:

Response: When Concealed Orc-camp is explored, place 1 resource token on the Mission objective.

Travel: The first player searches the encounter deck and discard pile for an Orc enemy and put it into play engaged with him. Shuffle the encounter deck.

The Lost Realm (x2/x1)

When Revealed: Each player assigns X damage among characters he controls, where X is the number of quest cards in play. Then, exhaust each damaged character.

Shadow: Assign X damage among characters you control. X is the number of quest cards in play.

The Lost Realm (x1)

Surge. Time 4.

Forced: After the last time counter is removed from this quest cards, each player deals 4 damage to a hero he controls. Then, place 4 time counters on this quest card.

The weather is growing steadily worse, and black clouds loom on the horizon. You must find a safe place to shelter or be caught in the storm...

The Lost Realm (x1)
1 4 6 4 9
Undead. Wraith.


Cannot have attachments.

Forced: After a treachery card with the Sorcery trait is revealed from the encounter deck, Thaurdir makes an immediate attack against the first player.

The Lost Realm (x3/x1)
35 3 5 2 6
Undead. Wraith.

Forced: After Thaurdir’s Damned engages you, discard the top 2 cards of your deck and assign X damage among characters you control. X is the combined printed cost of the discarded cards.

"I saw them; grim faces and evil..." –Frodo, The Two Towers

The Lost Realm (x4)
30 2 2 1 5
Undead. Wraith.

Forced: When Baleful Shade attacks, the defending player discards the top card of his deck. If the discarded card is an ally, Baleful Shade gets +2 Attack for this attack.

Shadow: Exhaust a character you control.

The Lost Realm (x3/x2)
Fornost. Ruins.

Time 3.

Forced: After the last time counter is removed from Broken Battlements, each player discards the top 5 cards of his deck and places 1 time counter here.

Travel: Each player discard the top card of his deck.

"Men call it Deadman's Dike, and they fear to tread there." –Elrond, The Fellowship of the Ring

The Lost Realm (x2)
Fornost. Ruins.

While Norbury Tombs is the active location, it gains:

Respnse: When Norbury Tombs is explored, each player shuffles the top 5 cards of his discard pile into his deck.

Travel: Return the topmost enemy in the encounter discard pile to the staging area.

The Lost Realm (x3)
Fornost. Ruins.

Fornost Square gets +1 Threat for each resource token on it.

Forced: After the first player discards any number of cards from the top of his deck, place 1 resource token here.

"...the heirs of Valandil removed and dwelt at Fornost on the high North Downs, and that now too is desolate." –Elrond, The Fellowship of the Ring

The Lost Realm (x3/x2)
Fornost. Ruins.

While Haunted Keep is the active location, the first Undead enemy revealed each round gains Surge.

Shadow: Defending player discards the top card of his deck. Attacking enemy gets +X Attack where X is the discarded card's printed cost.

The Lost Realm (x2/x1)
Fornost. Ruins.

While Deadmen’s Gate is the active location, it gains:

Forced: After a player triggers an 'Action' or 'Response' effect, he must discard the top card of his deck.

Shadow: Discard an attachment you control.

The Lost Realm (x2/x1)

Doomed 2.

When Revealed: Each player must either discard 1 card from the top of his deck for each questing character he controls, or remove each character he controls from the quest.

The mist was flowing past him now in shreds and tatters. –The Fellowship of the Ring

The Lost Realm (x1)


Forced: At the end of the refresh phase, each player discards the top X cards of his deck, where X is the number of Undead enemies engaged with him.

The more you struggle against the undead, the deeper you are drawn into the wraith–world. You must escape before madness or despair takes you...

The Lost Realm (x3)
25 2 2 3 3

When Revealed: Either discard 1 ally from play, or reveal an additional encounter card.

Shadow: Attacking enemy gets +1 Attack. If this attack destroys an ally, return attacking enemy to the staging area.

The Lost Realm (x3/x2)
30 3 3 2 4

Forced: After Angmar Marauder attacks and destroys an ally, return it to the staging area.

Shadow: Attacking enemy gets +1 Attack for each ally the defending player controls.

The Lost Realm (x2/x1)
35 3 5 2 5

Forced: After Angmar Captain attacks and destroys an ally, discard the top card of the defending player's deck. If the discarded card is an ally, Angmar Captain makes an additional attack against the defending player.

In the twilight he saw a large black Orc... –The Two Towers