Attach to a hero.
Action: Exhaust Unexpected Courage to ready attached hero.
"Here am I, naughty little fly;
you are fat and lazy.
You cannot trap me, though you try,
in your cobwebs crazy."
–Bilbo Baggins, The Hobbit

At the end of the round, discard Gandalf from play.
Response: After Gandalf enters play, (choose 1):
- draw 3 cards
- deal 4 damage to 1 enemy in play
- reduce your threat by 5.

At the end of the round, discard Gandalf from play.
Response: After Gandalf enters play, (choose 1):
- draw 3 cards
- deal 4 damage to 1 enemy in play
- reduce your threat by 5.

Response: After Hidden Cache is discarded from your deck, add 2 resources to the resource pool of a hero you control.
Action: Spend 1 resource to draw 1 card.
...there was a good deal of food jumbled carlessly on shelves and on the ground, among an untidy litter of plunder...
–The Hobbit

At the end of the round, discard Gandalf from play.
Response: After Gandalf enters play, (choose 1): draw 3 cards, deal 4 damage to 1 enemy in play, or reduce your threat by 5.

At the end of the round, discard Gandalf from play.
Response: After Gandalf enters play, (choose 1):
- draw 3 cards
- deal 4 damage to 1 enemy in play
- reduce your threat by 5.

At the end of the round, discard Gandalf from play.
Response: After Gandalf enters play, (choose 1):
- draw 3 cards
- deal 4 damage to 1 enemy in play
- reduce your threat by 5.

Attach to Círdan the Shipwright or Gandalf.
Attached character gains a resource icon.
Action: Exhaust Narya and attached character to choose and ready up to 2 allies. Each of those allies gets +1 and +1
until the end of the phase.
"For this is the Ring of Fire, and with it you may rekindle hearts in a world that grows chill."
–Círdan, The Return of the King

Play only if you control a unique character with the Istari trait and another unique character with the Eagle trait.
Action: Search the top 5 cards of your deck for an Eagle or Istari ally and put it into play. Shuffle your deck. At the end of the round, if that ally is still in play, return it to your hand.

Attach to a hero or Gandalf. Restricted.
Attached character gets +2 .
Response: After attached character destroys an enemy, draw 1 card.

Play with the top card of your deck faceup. Once per phase, you may play the top card of your deck as if it was in your hand. When playing a card this way, Gandalf is considered to have the printed ,
, and
"I am a servant of the Secret Fire, wielder of the flame of Anor." –The Fellowship of the Ring

Attach to Gandalf. Restricted.
Action: Exhaust Gandalf’s Staff to (choose one):
- choose a player to draw 1 card
- add 1 resource to a hero's resource pool
- discard a shadow card from a non-unique enemy.
...he held his staff aloft, and from its tip there came a feint radiance. –The Fellowship of the Ring

Attach to an Istari character. Limit 1 per character.
Action: Exhaust Wizard Pipe to exchange a card in your hand with the top card of your deck.
...there was a long silence, broken only by the soft puffs of Gandalf's pipe, as he blew white smoke–rings out of the window. –The Fellowship of the Ring

Attach to a hero.
Action: Exhaust Unexpected Courage to ready attached hero.
"Here am I, naughty little fly;
you are fat and lazy.
You cannot trap me, though you try,
in your cobwebs crazy."
–Bilbo Baggins, The Hobbit

Attach to a hero.
Action: Exhaust Unexpected Courage to ready attached hero.
"You cannot trap me, though you try,
in your cobwebs crazy."
–Bilbo Baggins, The Hobbit

Action: Exhaust an Istari character to search your deck for 1 card and add it to your hand. Shuffle your deck.
"Picking up a faggot he held it aloft for a moment, and then with a word of command, naur an edraith ammen! he thrust the end of his staff into the midst of it. At once a great spout of green and blue flame sprang out, and the wood flared and sputtered." –The Fellowship of the Ring

Response: After Hidden Cache is discarded from your deck, add 2 resources to the resource pool of a hero you control.
Action: Spend 1 resource to draw 1 card.
...there was a good deal of food jumbled carlessly on shelves and on the ground, among an untidy litter of plunder...
–The Hobbit

Attach to Círdan the Shipwright or Gandalf.
Attached character gains a resource icon.
Action: Exhaust Narya and attached character to choose and ready up to 2 allies. Each of those allies gets +1 and +1
until the end of the phase.
"For this is the Ring of Fire, and with it you may rekindle hearts in a world that grows chill."
–Círdan, The Return of the King

Attach to a hero or Gandalf. Restricted.
Attached character gets +2 .
Response: After attached character destroys an enemy, draw 1 card.

Play only if you control a unique character with the Istari trait and another unique character with the Eagle trait.
Action: Search the top 5 cards of your deck for an Eagle or Istari ally and put it into play. Shuffle your deck. At the end of the round, if that ally is still in play, return it to your hand.

Gandalf does not exhaust to commit to a quest.
Forced: At the end of the refresh phase, discard Gandalf from play. You may raise your threat by 2 to cancel this effect.
“I am Gandalf, and Gandalf means me!” –The Hobbit

Attach to a hero or Gandalf. Restricted.
Attached character gets +2 .
Response: After attached character destroys an Orc enemy, draw 1 card.
“This, Gandalf, was Glamdring, Foe-hammer that the king of Gondolin once wore.” –Elrond, The Hobbit

Attach to a hero. Limit 1 per hero.
Response: After attached hero quests successfully, name a card type and discard the top card of your deck. If the discarded card is the named type, take it into your hand.

Play with the top card of your deck faceup. Once per phase, you may play the top card of your deck as if it was in your hand. When playing a card this way, Gandalf is considered to have the printed ,
, and
"I am a servant of the Secret Fire, wielder of the flame of Anor." –The Fellowship of the Ring

Attach to Gandalf. Restricted.
Action: Exhaust Gandalf’s Staff to (choose one):
- choose a player to draw 1 card
- add 1 resource to a hero's resource pool
- discard a shadow card from a non-unique enemy.
...he held his staff aloft, and from its tip there came a feint radiance. –The Fellowship of the Ring

Attach to an Istari character. Limit 1 per character.
Action: Exhaust Wizard Pipe to exchange a card in your hand with the top card of your deck.
...there was a long silence, broken only by the soft puffs of Gandalf's pipe, as he blew white smoke–rings out of the window. –The Fellowship of the Ring