When Revealed: Put each copy of Cursed Dead in the discard pile into play in the staging area.

Shadow: Attacking enemy gets +1 (+2
instead if there is a copy of the defending character in its owner's discard pile).

Forced: At the end of the refresh phase, discard the top 3 cards of the encounter deck. Return the topmost Undead enemy in the encounter discard pile to the staging area.
The undead keep rising from the grave. For each one that you strike down, another takes its place. You must do something to stem the tide...

When Revealed: Each player discards the top 3 cards of his deck. Until the end of the round, add 2 to the total in the staging area for each different card type discarded this way.

Shadow: Defending player discards the top 3 cards of his deck. Attacking enemy gets +1 for each different card type discarded this way.

When Revealed: Attach to the current quest. Counts as a Condition attachment with the text:
When a player plays a card, increase its cost by 1 if there is a card that has the same title in its owner's discard pile.
"Earth, air and water all seem accursed. But so our path is laid." –Frodo, The Two Towers

Cards in each player's discard pile cannot leave that player's discard pile by player card effect.
Forced: After this stage is defeated, each player shuffles the top 5 cards of his discard pile back into his deck.
You must uncover the source of this evil that sets its will against yours.

As you descend into the catacombs beneath Carn D没m, you find yourself overcome with terror. Still, you press onward, knowing that I芒rion's fate–and perhaps the fate of the north–lies in your hand.
Setup: Set Daechanar and Altar of Midwinter aside, out of play. Each player reveals an encounter card from the top of the encounter deck. Each player reanimates the top card of his deck.
Daechanar's powers of sorcery and necromancy are strongest here, in the capital of the Witch–realm where the lord of the Nazg没l once resided.
Reanimated Dead are Undead enemies with 2 , 2
, 2
and 2 hit points.
When the players advance to stage 2, all Sorcery cards attached to this stage are attached to stage 2B.

A final scream fills the dreadful halls of Carn D没m, and you suspect the worst. As you enter the site of Daechanar's dark ritual, your fears come to life. I芒rion stands before you, cracking his neck and gripping the blade at his side tightly, as though testing his muscles. Only it isn't him.
When Revealed: Add Daechanar to the staging area. Make Altar of Midwinter the active location, returning any previously active location to the staging area. Each player reanimates the top card of his deck.
Daechanar, in the body of your ally I芒rion, laughs wickedly. Despair and frustration are the only thoughts that enter your mind. In the end, you were too late to stop this cruel fate. "Finally! Yes, this body will do nicely." the wraith wearing the guise of your friend muses. He draws his blade.
Reanimated Dead are Undead enemies with 2 , 2
, 2
and 2 hit points.
When Daechanar is defeated, advance to the next stage.

The imposter in I芒rion's body collapses in agony, and a piercing shriek echoes the halls as the sorcerer exits I芒rion. "Thank you," I芒rion says with a pained smile before his eyes close for the last time. Before you can mourn your loss, the walls begin to shake and crack. The catacombs are collapsing!
When Revealed: If there are less than X locations in the staging area, search the encounter deck and discard pile and add locations to the staging area until there are X locations in staging area. X is the number of players in the game.
Reanimated Dead are Undead enemies with 2 , 2
, 2
and 2 hit points.
Progress that would be placed on this quest is instead placed on locations in the staging area, divided as you choose.
Forced: At the end of the quest phase, if there are any locations in play, deal 1 damage to all characters in play. If there are no locations in play, the players have escaped Carn D没m, and win the game.

Cannot have attachments.
Daechanar gets +1 for each Sorcery card in play, and gains indestructible while at least 1 Sorcery card is in play.
Forced: When Daechanar is damaged, if there is at least 1 Sorcery card in play, cancel all damage just dealt and remove a Sorcery card from the game.

While Daechanar is in play, progress cannot be placed on Altar of Midwinter.
Forced: At the end of the staging step, the first player must either reveal 1 additional card from the encounter deck, or reanimate the top card of his deck.

Forced: After Dwimmerlaik attacks and destroys a character, the defending player reanimates that character and deals it 1 shadow card.

Shadow: If this attacks destroys a character, reanimate that character and deal it 1 shadow card.

Forced: When you resolve shadow cards dealt to Witch of Angmar, if they have the Sorcery trait, resolve their "when revealed" effects. (Resolve any shadow effects first.)

Forced: When Wraith of Carn D没m leaves play, attach it to a character in play. Counts as a Sorcery attachment with the text:
Attached character has -1, -1
, and -1
If the attached character leaves play, return Wraith of Carn D没m to the staging area as an enemy.

Forced: When Sinister Dungeon is explored, the first player reanimates a random card from his hand and deals Sinister Dungeon to it facedown as a shadow card.

Shadow: Discard the top 2 cards of the encounter deck. Resolve the "when revealed" effects of each Sorcery card discarded by this effect.

Forced: At the end of the round, discard the top card of each player's deck. Each player must reanimate each ally discarded by this effect.
Travel: Deal 1 shadow card to each Undead enemy in play to travel here.
He could see nothing but the dim flame of the torches; but if the company halted, there seemed and endless whisper of voices all about him...
–The Return of the King

While Dark Halls is in the staging area, each Reanimated Dead gets +1 and +1

Shadow: If there is a copy of the defending character in your discard pile, reanimate it and deal it 1 shadow card.

Unholy Crypt gets +1 for each Reanimated Dead in play.

Shadow: if this attack destroys a character, reanimate that character and deal it 1 shadow card.

When Revealed: Attach Death and Calamity to the current quest. Then, the first player reanimates the top X cards of his deck, where X is the number of copies of Death and Calamity in play.

Shadow: Attacking enemy gets +X where X is the number of Sorcery cards in play.

You are playing Nightmare mode.
For at that time the realm of Angmar arose in the North beyond the Ettenmoors. Its lands lay on both sides of the Mountains, and there were gathered many evil men, and Orcs, and other fell creatures.
–The Return of the King

Begin with the standard quest deck and encounter deck for The Dread Realm scenario.
Remove the following cards, in the specified quantities, from the standard encounter deck:
3x Witch of Angmar
2x A Fell Dread
1x Unholy Crypt
1x Sinister Dungeon
2x Dead Lord
3x Terror of the North
Then, shuffle the encounter cards in this Nightmare Deck into the remainder of the standard The Dread Realm encounter deck.
Finally, flip this setup card over and place it next to the quest deck. Its effect remains active throughout the game, which is now ready to begin.

While you are engaged with Silent Guardian it gains:"Forced: The first time you play an event card each round, instead of discarding that card after playing it, reanimate it."

Forced: When Necromancer of Carn D鈥搈 would attack you, instead reanimate the top card of your deck and deal it each of the Necromancer of Carn D鈥搈's shadow cards.

Progress cannot be placed on Inner Sanctum while it is in the staging area.
Travel: Discard the top 3 cards of the encounter deck. Resolve the 'when revealed' effects of each Sorcery card discarded by this effect.

While Cursed Halls is in the staging area, Sorcery attachments are immune to player card effects.

Shadow: Until the end of the phase, attacking enemy gets +1 and +1
for each Reanimated Dead engaged with you.

When Revealed: Attach All is Lost to the first player's threat dial. (Counts as a Condition attachment with the text: "Each time you attack a Reanimated Dead, raise your threat by 1.")

Shadow: If attacking enemy is a Reanimated Dead, it attacks again after this attack.

Daechanar is powerful in the art of necromancy. His army will not rest until you join them in death.
Time 5. Forced: When the last time counter is removed from this quest, reanimated each card in each player's discard pile. Then, remove The Witch-king's Gift from the game.
When this quest is defeated, place it in the encounter discard pile.