Combat Action: If you have not engaged an enemy this round, exhaust Haldir of Lórien to declare him as an attacker (and resolve his attack) against an enemy not engaged with you. Limit once per round.
"We allow no strangers to spy out the secrets of the Naith..." –The Fellowship of the Ring

You may give Herald of Anórien doomed 2 when you play it from your hand. If you do, it gains:
Response: After you play Herald of Anórien, choose a player. That player may put into play 1 ally from his hand with a printed cost 2 or lower.
"Send the heralds forth! Let them summon all who dwell nigh!" –Théoden, The Two Towers

Cannot have restricted attachments.
Response: After Gwaihir enters play, search your discard pile for an Eagle ally and put it into play under your control. At the end of the round, if that ally is still in play, add it to your hand.
"The North Wind blows, but we shall outfly it." –Gwaihir, The Return of the King

Action: Choose a hero. That hero gets +2 until the end of the phase. Then, if your threat is 20 or less and this is the first time you played a copy of Courage Awakened this round, return this card to your hand instead of discarding it.
But the courage that had been awakened in him was now too strong: he could not leave his friends so easily. –The Fellowship of the Ring

Response: After your threat is raised by an encounter card effect, reduce your threat by an equal amount.
Suddenly he was aware of himself again. Frodo, neither the Voice nor the Eye; free to choose, and with one remaining instant in which to do so. –The Fellowship of the Ring

Response: After Galadhrim Minstrel enters play, search the top five cards of your deck for an event card and add it to your hand. Shuffle the other cards back into your deck.
...the language was that of Elven–song and spoke of things little known on Middle–earth. –The Fellowship of the Ring

Your meeting with Nalir is interrupted by a host of Orcs led by a man, Bellach. In the ensuing chaos, you manage to escape with the Dwarf but the Orcs pursue. Outnumbered, you must throw the Orcs off your trail if you hope to escape...
Setup: Set Bellach and The Crossing at Tharbad aside, out of play. Search the encounter deck for 1 copy of Spy From Mordor per player, and add them to the staging area. Make The Empty Mug the active location. The first player takes control of Nalir, as an ally. Shuffle the encounter deck.
Time 4. Forced: After the last time counter is removed from this quest, reduce each player's threat elmination level by 10 for the remainder of the game. Then, place 4 time counters on this stage.
Forced: After one or more progress is placed on this quest, cancell all progress and reduce each players threat by an equal amount.
When all players have 0 threat, immediately proceed to stage 2.

You've eluded the Orcs and you make haste for the river crossing. If you can get across, perhaps you can escape. But, Bellach has cleverly set a patrol at the ford, and you are quickly spotted. You make a dash for the river...
When Revealed: Add Bellach and The Crossing at Tharbad to the staging area. Then shuffle the encounter discard pile into the encounter deck and discard cards from the encounter deck until X Orc enemies have been discarded, where X is the number of players in the game. Add all discarded Orc enemies to the staging area.
Time 3. Forced: After the last time counter is removed from the quest, either raise each player's threat by 3 or Bellach makes an immediate attack against Nalir. Then, place 3 time counters on this stage.
Progress that would be placed on this quest are instead placed on The Crossing at Tharbad.
Forced: After a character leaves play, raise its controller's threat by 2.

The first player gains control of Nalir.
Forced: At the beginning of the refresh phase, raise your threat by 1 for each player in the game.
If Nalir leaves play, the players lose the game.

Players cannot reduce their threat.
While The Empty Mug is in the victory display, the current quest gains:
Forced: After a player card effect reduces a player's threat, remove it from the game.>

Immune to player card effects. Cannot leave the staging area.
The Crossing at Tharbad gets +2 quest points for each player in the game.
When The Crossing at Tharbad is explored, the players win the game.

Forced: When Spy from Mordor attacks, remove 1 time counter from the current quest.
"Some spying breed of Orc, I guess, or a creature of theirs." –Faramir, The Two Towers

While Bellach’s Marauder is engaged with a player, it gains:
Forced: After a time counter is removed from the current quest, deal Bellach’s Marauder 2 shadow cards.

Shadow: Remove 1 time counter from the current quest.

Progress cannot be placed on Streets of Tharbad while it is in the staging area.
While Streets of Tharbad is the active location, enemies get -20 engagement cost.
As soon as his back was turned, a dark figure climbed quickly in over the gate and melted into the shadows of the village street. –The Fellowship of the Ring

While Tharbad Hideout is the active location, time counters cannot be removed from the current quest.
Forced: At the beginning of the quest phase, place 1 progress on Tharbad Hideout.

While Ruins of the Second Age is in the staging area, City locations get +1 .
While Ruins of the Second Age is the active location, deal engaged enemies 1 additional shadow card at the beginning of the combat phase.
...as far as Tharbad, where the old North Road crossed the river by a ruined town. –The Fellowship of the Ring

Travel: Raise each player's threat by X to travel here. X is the number of enemies in play.
Forced: After traveling to Hidden Alleyway, add 1 time counter to the current quest.

When Revealed: Return all engaged enemies to the staging area. Then, the first player either removes 1 time counter from the current quest or each Spy enemy in the staging area gets +2 until the end of the phase.
Concealment was no longer possible, and they could only hope that no enemy or spy was observing them. –The Fellowship of the Ring