Action: Return X Outlands allies from your discard pile to your hand.
Death in the morning and at day's ending
lords took and lowly. Long now they sleep
under grass in Gondor by the Great River.
–The Return of the King

If each of your heroes has a printed resource icon, Knight of Minas Tirith gains:
Response: After Knight of Minas Tirith enters play, choose an enemy in the staging area. Engage that enemy and exhaust Knight of Minas Tirith to declare it as attacker (and resolve its attack) against that enemy.

Pelargir Shipwright gets +1 for each hero you control with a printed
hero resource icon.
"It is forty leagues and two from Pelargir to the landings at the Harlond..."
–Aragorn, The Return of the King

Reduce the cost to play Map of Earnil by 1 for each hero you control with a printed resource icon.
Action: Discard Map of Earnil to play any event card in your discard pile as if it were in your hand. Then, place that event on the bottom of your deck.

Attach to a Ranger character. Restricted.
Action: Exhaust Ranger Bow and attached character to deal 1 damage to an enemy in the staging area.
Two had great bows, almost of their own height, and great quivers of long green–feathered arrows.
–The Two Towers

Attach to a Noble hero.
Planning Action: Exhaust Palantir and attached hero to name a card type and look at the top 3 cards of the encounter deck. For each of those cards that matches the named type, draw a card. For each of those cards that does not match the named type, raise your threat by 2.

Setup: Each player chooses 1 enemy and 1 unique location and add them to the staging area. Shuffle the encounter deck.
You have returned to Minas Tirith just in time to join the army of Gondor as it marches to Osgiliath. An army of orcs and southrons have garrisoned the ancient city, but Lord Boromir means to retake it. Eager to strike a blow against Mordor, you will see the city retaken or die in the attempt...
Player card effects cannot place progress tokens on locations in the staging area.
Forced: When an Osgiliath location leaves play as an explored location, the first player takes control of that location.
If the players control all Osgiliath locations in play at the end of the round, they have won the game.

When Revealed: Add the topmost Orc enemy from the encounter discard pile to the staging area.

Shadow: Defending player discards an attachment he controls. (All attachments he controls instead if undefended.)

While engaged with a player, Southron Phalanx gets +1 for each location that player controls.

Shadow: Attacking enemy gets +1 for each location the defending player controls.

When Revealed: Southron Commander makes an immediate attack from the staging area against each player who controls at least 1 location.
"...the Southrons were bold men and grim..."
–The Return of the King

Action: If there is no active location, search the encounter deck and discard pile for an Osgiliath location, reveal it and add it to the staging area. Then, make West Gate the active location. Shuffle the encounter deck.
Forced: After the player who controls West Gate lets an attack go undefended, return West Gate to the staging area.

Travel: Reveal the top card of the encounter deck and add it to the staging area to travel here.
Forced: After the player who controls The King’s Library lets an attack go undefended, return The King’s Library to the staging area.
"For that is the ruin of Osgiliath on either side of Anduin, which our enemies took and burned long ago."
–Beregond, The Return of the King

The players cannot travel here.
Combat Action: Exhaust a hero to place 1 progress token on Ancient Harbor.
Forced: After the player who controls Ancient Harbor lets an attack go undefended, return Ancient Harbor to the staging area.

The players cannot travel here.
Planning Action: Spend 2 resources to place 1 progress token on The Old Bridge. (1 resource instead if there is another Osgiliath location in the staging area.)
Forced: After the player who controls The Old Bridge lets an attack go undefended, return The Old Bridge to the staging area.

While West Quarter is the active location, the current quest gains Siege.

Shadow: If this attack destroys a character, that character's controller must return a location he controls with the highest to the staging area.

While East Quarter is the active location, the current quest gains Battle.

Shadow: If this attack destroys a character, that character's controller must return a location he controls with the highest to the staging area.

When Revealed: Add X to the archery total this round. X is the number of locations the players control. If the players control less than 4 locations, Pinned Down gains Surge.

Shadow: If this attack destroys a character, that character's controller must return a location he controls with the highest to the staging area.

When Revealed: Discard cards from the top of the encounter deck until an Osgiliath location is discarded. The first player may exhaust a hero to take control of that location. Otherwise, add that location to the staging area. This effect cannot be canceled.
And now the fighting waxed furious...
–The Return of the King