Response: After Snowbourn Scout enters play, choose a location. Place 1 progress token on that location.
...he saw not a shadow, nor a blur, but the small figures of horsemen, many horsemen, and the glint of morning on the tips of their spears was like the twinkle of minute stars beyond the edge of mortal sight.
–The Two Towers

A few of the riders appeared to be bowmen, skilled at shooting from a running horse. –The Two Towers

Action: Exhaust Gléowine to choose a player. That player draws 1 card.
Then the Riders of the King's House upon white horses rode round about the barrow and sang together a song of Théoden Thengel's son that Gléowine his minstrel made...
–The Return of the King

While committed to a quest, Escort from Edoras gets +2
Forced: After resolving a quest to which Escort from Edoras was committed, discard Escort from Edoras from play.

If there is at least 1 Rohan hero in play, lower the cost to play Guthlaf by 1.
If there is at least 1 Gondor hero in play, Guthlaf gains sentinel.

A few of the riders appeared to be bowmen, skilled at shooting from a running horse. –The Two Towers

Response: After Riddermark Knight is declared as an attacker, it gets +2 for this attack. At the end of this attack, discard Riddermark Knight.

Response: After you play West Road Traveller from your hand, switch the active location with any other location in the staging area.
The dark world was rushing by, and the wind sang loudly in his ears.
–The Return of the King

Action: Discard Westfold Horse-Breaker to choose and ready a hero.
"Your own valour has done more, and the stout legs of the Westfold–men marching through the night." –Gandalf, The Two Towers

Response: After Westfold Horse-breeder enters play, search the top 10 cards of your deck for a Mount attachment and add it to your hand. Shuffle your deck.
"They love their horses next to their kin." –Boromir, The Fellowship of the Ring

Response: After Westfold Lancer quests successfully, discard it to choose a non-unique enemy in the staging area. Deal 2 damage to the chosen enemy.
...the white fury of the Northmen burned the hotter, and more skilled was their knighthood with long spears...
–The Return of the King

Action: Discard Westfold Outrider to choose an enemy not engaged with you. Engage the chosen enemy.
"Erkenbrand of Westfold has drawn off those men he could gather towards his fastness at Helm's Deep. The rest are scattered."–Rider of Rohan, The Two Towers

Action: Exhaust and discard The Riddermark’s Finest to place 2 progress tokens on any location.
"And there are no horses like the ones that are bred in that great vale between the Misty Mountains and the White."
–Gandalf, The Fellowship of the Ring

Response: After a Rohan ally you control is discarded from play, exhaust Gamling to return that ally to your hand.
"...we have a thousand fit to fight on foot," said Gamling, an old man, the leader of those that watched the Dike. –The Two Towers

Combat Action: Ready Háma. He gets +3 until the end of the phase. At the end of the phase, discard Háma. (Limit once per round.)
"I am the Doorward of Théoden," he said. "Háma is my name." –The Two Towers

Combat Action: Discard Grimbold to choose an enemy engaged with a player. That enemy cannot attack th
Grimbold's men turned aside and passed round to a great gap in the wall further eastward.
-The Return of the King

Action: Spend 1 resource from a Rohan hero's resource pool to put Elfhelm into play from your hand under your control. At the end of the phase, discard Elfhelm if
"...my lord sends word that we must set ourselves in readiness; orders may come for a sudden move."
-The Return of the King

Response: After Snowbourn Scout enters play, choose a location. Place 1 progress token on that location.
...he saw not a shadow, nor a blur, but the small figures of horsemen, many horsemen, and the glint of morning on the tips of their spears was like the twinkle of minute stars beyond the edge of mortal sight.
–The Two Towers

A few of the riders appeared to be bowmen, skilled at shooting from a running horse. –The Two Towers

Action: Exhaust Gléowine to choose a player. That player draws 1 card.
Then the Riders of the King's House upon white horses rode round about the barrow and sang together a song of Théoden Thengel's son that Gléowine his minstrel made...
–The Return of the King

Action: Discard Westfold Horse-Breaker to choose and ready a hero.
"Your own valour has done more, and the stout legs of the Westfold–men marching through the night." –Gandalf, The Two Towers

While committed to a quest, Escort from Edoras gets +2
Forced: After resolving a quest to which Escort from Edoras was committed, discard Escort from Edoras from play.

Action: Exhaust and discard The Riddermark’s Finest to place 2 progress tokens on any location.
"And there are no horses like the ones that are bred in that great vale between the Misty Mountains and the White."
–Gandalf, The Fellowship of the Ring

While Elfhelm is ready, he gains:
Response: After your threat is raised as the result of questing unsuccessfully, or by an encounter or quest card effect, reduce your threat by 1.
"But my lord sends word that we must set ourselves in readiness: orders may come for a sudden move." –The Return of the King

Response: After you play West Road Traveller from your hand, switch the active location with any other location in the staging area.
The dark world was rushing by, and the wind sang loudly in his ears.
–The Return of the King

If there is at least 1 Rohan hero in play, lower the cost to play Guthlaf by 1.
If there is at least 1 Gondor hero in play, Guthlaf gains sentinel.

Action: Discard Westfold Outrider to choose an enemy not engaged with you. Engage the chosen enemy.
"Erkenbrand of Westfold has drawn off those men he could gather towards his fastness at Helm's Deep. The rest are scattered."–Rider of Rohan, The Two Towers

Response: After Westfold Horse-breeder enters play, search the top 10 cards of your deck for a Mount attachment and add it to your hand. Shuffle your deck.
"They love their horses next to their kin." –Boromir, The Fellowship of the Ring

They now learned to their joy that Erkenbrand had left many men to hold Helm's Gate, and more had since escaped thither. –The Two Towers

While a side quest is in the victory display, Rider of Rohan does not exaust to quest.
"Who are you, and what are you doing in this land?" said the Rider, using the Common Speech of the West...
–The Two Towers

Response: After Riddermark Knight is declared as an attacker, it gets +2 for this attack. At the end of this attack, discard Riddermark Knight.

Action: Discard Rohirrim Scout to choose a non-unique enemy in the staging area. That enemy does not make engagement checks against you this round.
Swiftly a scout rode back and reported that wolf–riders were abroad in the valley...
–The Two Towers

Response: After Westfold Lancer quests successfully, discard it to choose a non-unique enemy in the staging area. Deal 2 damage to the chosen enemy.
...the white fury of the Northmen burned the hotter, and more skilled was their knighthood with long spears...
–The Return of the King

Combat Action: Ready Háma. He gets +3 until the end of the phase. At the end of the phase, discard Háma. (Limit once per round.)
"I am the Doorward of Théoden," he said. "Háma is my name." –The Two Towers

Response: After a Rohan ally you control is discarded from play, exhaust Gamling to return that ally to your hand.
"...we have a thousand fit to fight on foot," said Gamling, an old man, the leader of those that watched the Dike. –The Two Towers

Combat Action: Discard Grimbold to choose an enemy engaged with a player. That enemy cannot attack that player this phase.
Grimbold's men turned aside and passed round to a great gap in the wall further eastward.
–The Return of the King

Action: Spend 1 resource from a Rohan hero's resource pool to put Elfhelm into play from your hand under your control. At the end of the phase, discard Elfhelm if he is still in play.
"...my lord sends word that we must set ourselves in readiness; orders may come for a sudden move."
–The Return of the King