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Results: 101 - 150 of 1590 Cards
The Mûmakil (x3)
Item. Pipe.

Attach to a Dwarf character. Limit 1 per character.

Response: After a card is discarded from your deck, exhaust Dwarf Pipe to place that card on the bottom of your deck.

He held a small pipe with a wide flattened bowl...
–The Two Towers

Beneath the Sands (x3)

Attach to a hero. Limit 1 per hero.

Attached hero gains the Ranger trait.

Response: After you play Doughty Ranger from your hand, draw a card.

...he went forth clad only in rusty green and brown, as a Ranger of the wilderness.
–The Fellowship of the Ring

The Black Serpent (x3)
Item. Pipe.

Attach to a Dúnedain character. Limit 1 per character.

Action: Exhaust Dúnedain Pipe and place a card from your hand on the bottom of your deck to draw a card.

He had a tall tankard in front of him, and was smoking a long–stemmed pipe curiously carved.
–The Fellowship of the Ring

The Dungeons of Cirith Gurat (x3)

Attach to a hero. Limit 1 per hero.

Attached hero gains the Noble trait.

Response: After you play Diligent Noble from your hand, draw a card.

Mount Gundabad (x3)

Action: Count the number of cards in your hand and shuffle your hand into your deck. Then, draw an equal number of cards. Draw 1 additional card if you control a unique Hobbit character.

Ho! Ho! Ho! to the bottle I go
To heal my heart and drown my woe.
–The Fellowship of the Ring

The Hobbit: On the Doorstep (x3)

Action: Choose a hero you control. Until the end of the phase, give control of that hero and all resources in that hero's resource pool to another player. (Limit 1 per phase.)

"Come!" called Gandalf. "There is yet time for council." –The Hobbit

The Flame of the West (x3)

Response: After a sentinel character is declared as a defender, it gets +2 Defense for this attack. If this attack deals no damage, ready the defending character.

...but alone in the porch upon the topmost step stood Beregond, clad in the black and silver of the Guard; and he held the door against them.
–The Return of the King

Ered Mithrin Hero Expansion (x3)
4 2 2 2 3 5 ★ 2 
Woodman. Ranger.


Reduce the cost to play Mirkwood Hunter by 1 for each attachment on the active location.

...they were brave and well–armed and even the Wargs dared not attack them if there were many together...
–The Hobbit

The Hills of Emyn Muil (x1)
10 2 3 2 3 6 ★ 1 


Response: After Brand son of Bain attacks and defeats an enemy engaged with another player, choose and ready one of that player's characters.

"The grandson of Bard the Bowman rules them, Brand son of Bain son of Bard."
–Glóin, The Fellowship of the Ring

The Ghost of Framsburg (x3)
4 2 2 2 3 5 ★ 1 
Woodman. Ranger.


Reduce the cost to play Mirkwood Hunter by 1 for each attachment on the active location.

...they were brave and well–armed and even the Wargs dared not attack them if there were many together...
–The Hobbit

Challenge of the Wainriders (x3)
2 2 2 2 2 4 ★ 1 

Doomed 2.

Response: After a player raises his threat from the doomed keyword, give control of Soldier of Isengard to that player.

Revised Core Set (x1)
12 3 3 1 5 7 ★ 2 
Noble. Noldor. Warrior.

Action: Pay 1 resource from Glorfindel's pool to heal 1 damage on any character. (Limit once per round.)

"You saw him for a moment as he is upon the other side: one of the mighty of the firstborn."
–Gandalf, The Fellowship of the Ring

Revised Core Set (x3)
4 0 2 1 3 4 ★ 6 
Dwarf. Warrior.

Response: After Longbeard Orc Slayer enters play, deal 1 damage to each Orc enemy in play.

Five dead Orcs lay there. They had been hewn with many cruel strokes, and two had been beheaded. The ground was wet with their dark blood.
–The Two Towers

Revised Core Set (x3)
Gondor. Title.

Attach to a hero.

Attached hero gains the Gondor trait.

Action: Exhaust Steward of Gondor to add 2 resources to attached hero's resource pool.

"It was commanded yesterday."
–Denethor, The Return of the King

Revised Core Set (x3)
2 0 1 1 1 1 ★ 10 
Gondor. Warrior.


Response: After Gondorian Spearman is declared as a defender, deal 1 damage to the attacking enemy.

More than a thousand were there mustered. Their spears were like a springing wood. –The Two Towers

Revised Core Set (x3)

Attach to a hero.

Attached hero gains +1 Willpower.

"You are indeed high in the favor of the Lady!"
–Unnamed Elf of Lórien,
The Fellowship of the Ring

Revised Core Set (x3)

Attach to a hero.

Action: Exhaust Unexpected Courage to ready attached hero.

"Here am I, naughty little fly;
you are fat and lazy.
You cannot trap me, though you try,
in your cobwebs crazy."
–Bilbo Baggins, The Hobbit

Revised Core Set (x1)

Attached hero collects 1 additional resource during each resource phase.

“Yet it is not our part to master all the tides of the world, but to do what is in us for the succour of those years wherein we are set...”
–Gandalf, The Return of the King

The Dark of Mirkwood (x1)

Setup. Attach to a hero.

Attached hero gains the resource icon.

Action: Spend 1 resource the attached hero's recource pool to ready a hero. (Limit once per campaign. Record in Campaign Log when used.)

Dwarves of Durin (x3)
1 1 0 0 1 1 ★ 8 

Erebor Record Keeper cannot attack or defend.

Action: Exhaust Erebor Record Keeper and pay 1 resource to choose and ready a Dwarf character.

Dwarves of Durin (x3)
3 1 1 1 2 3 ★ 6 

Response: After Ered Luin Miner is discarded from your deck, put it into play under your control.

Tools were to be found in plenty that the miners and quarriers and builders of old had used; and at such work the dwarves were still very skilled.
–The Hobbit

Dwarves of Durin (x3)
2 1 0 1 2 3 ★ 4 

Response: After Ered Nimrais Prospector enters play, discard the top 3 cards of your deck. Then, choose and shuffle 1 card from your discard pile back into your deck.

Dwarves of Durin (x3)
3 2 1 1 2 4 ★ 6 

Response: After Longbeard Elder commits to a quest, look at the top card of the encounter deck. If that card is a location, place 1 progress token on the current quest. Otherwise, Longbeard Elder gets -1 Willpower until the end of the phase.

Dwarves of Durin (x3)

Attach to a Dwarf hero.

Response: After you play a Dwarf character from your hand, exhaust Legacy of Durin to draw 1 card.

Dwarves of Durin (x3)
4 0 1 2 3 4 ★ 5 
Dwarf. Warrior.


Response: When you play Erebor Guard from your hand, discard the top 2 cards of your deck to reduce its cost by 2.

...the fortress of the dwarves could not be taken by surprise. –The Hobbit

Elves of Lórien (x1)
9 4 0 0 4 7 ★ 9 
Noldor. Noble.

Galadriel cannot quest, attack, or defend. Allies you control do not exhaust to commit to the quest during the round they enter play.

Action: Exhaust Galadriel to choose a player. That player reduces his threat by 1 and draws 1 card. (Limit once per round.)

Elves of Lórien (x1)
13 3 2 3 4 7 ★ 10 
Noldor. Noble.

You may spend resources from Elrond's resource pool to pay for , , and allies.

Response: After a character is healed by another card effect, heal 1 damage on it.

"But you do not stand alone."
–The Fellowship of the Ring

Defenders of Gondor (x3)
2 1 1 1 2 3 ★ 3 

Response: After Soldier of Gondor enters play, seach the top 5 cards of your deck for a Gondor ally and add it to your hand (any number of Gondor allies instead if your threat is 40 or higher). Shuffle your deck.

Defenders of Gondor (x3)
5 1 0 1 3 3 ★ 3 

Lower the cost to play Citadel Custodian by 1 for each Gondor ally in play.

Defenders of Gondor (x3)
1 0 0 0 2 1 ★ 10 

Action: Exhaust Errand-rider to move 1 resource from the resource pool of a hero you control to another hero's resource pool.

For the people of the City used horses very little and they were seldom seen in their streets, save only those ridden by the errand–riders of their lord. –The Return of the King

Defenders of Gondor (x2)
2 0 1 1 1 1 ★ 10 
Gondor. Warrior.


Response: After Gondorian Spearman is declared as a defender, deal 1 damage to the attacking enemy.

More than a thousand were there mustered. Their spears were like a springing wood. –The Two Towers

Defenders of Gondor (x3)
1 0 0 1 1 1 ★ 6 

Response: After Squire of the Citadel leaves play, add 1 resource to a Gondor hero's resource pool.

As he spoke he struck a small silver gong that stood near his footstool, and at once servants came forward.
–The Return of the King

Defenders of Gondor (x2)
Gondor. Title.

Attach to a hero.

Attached hero gains the Gondor trait.

Action: Exhaust Steward of Gondor to add 2 resources to attached hero's resource pool.

"It was commanded yesterday."
–Denethor, The Return of the King

Defenders of Gondor (x1)
10 0 1 4 4 6 ★ 7 
Gondor. Warrior.


Lower the cost to play Weapon and Armor attachments on Beregond by 2.

"It is over-late to send for aid when you are already besiged." –The Return of the King

Defenders of Gondor (x1)

Limit 1 per deck. Attach to a location.

Heroes do not exhaust to attack, defend, or commit to a quest while attached location is the active location.

"However it may prove, one must tread the path that need chooses!"
–Gandalf, The Fellowship of the Ring

Angmar Awakened Hero Expansion (x1)
10 2 2 2 4 6 ★
Dúnedain. Ranger.

While you are engaged with any enemy, Halbarad does not exhaust to commit to a quest.

You may optionally engage 1 additional enemy during the encounter phase.

"Little do they know of our long labour for the safekeeping of their borders, and yet I grudge it not." –The Return of the King

Angmar Awakened Hero Expansion (x1)
9 3 1 2 3 6 ★
Noldor. Noble.

Action: Discard a card from your hand to add 1 resource to a Noldor's resource pool, or to Aragorn's resource pool. (Limit once per round.)

...the light of stars was in her bright eyes, grey as a cloudless night; yet queenly she looked, and thought and knowledge were in her glance, as of one who has known many things that the years bring.
–The Fellowship of the Ring

Angmar Awakened Hero Expansion (x3)
3 1 1 1 3 3 ★
Dúnedain. Ranger.


Guardian of Arnor gets +1 Defense for each enemy engaged with you.

"Travellers scowl at us, and countrymen give us scornful names."
–Aragorn, The Fellowship of the Ring

Angmar Awakened Hero Expansion (x3)
3 0 1 1 3 3 ★

Ingold gets +1 Willpower for each hero you control with at least 1 resource in its resource pool.

"We wish for no strangers in the land at this time, unless they be mighty men of arms in whose faith and help we can trust." —The Return of the King

Angmar Awakened Hero Expansion (x3)
2 0 0 1 3 3 ★
Gondor. Warrior.

Response: Exhaust Honour Guard to cancel 1 point of damage just dealt to a character.

Valour Response: Exhaust and discard Honour Guard to cancel up to 5 damage just dealt to a character.

Angmar Awakened Hero Expansion (x3)
3 0 1 2 3 4 ★
Dwarf. Warrior.

Action: Discard 2 cards from the top of your deck to give Longbeard Sentry sentinel and +1 Defense until the end of the phase. (Limit once per phase.)

"...many of them have had experience in the dreadful dwarf and goblin wars, of which you have no doubt heard."
–Bilbo Baggins, The Hobbit

Angmar Awakened Hero Expansion (x3)
3 2 1 2 2 4 ★

Response: After Lindir enters play, if you have less than 3 cards in your hand, draw until you have 3 cards in your hand.

"To sheep other sheep no doubt appear different," laughed Lindir. "Or to shepherds. But Mortals have not been our study. We have other business."
–The Fellowship of the Ring

Angmar Awakened Hero Expansion (x3)
4 0 2 2 3 4 ★
Dúnedain. Ranger.

Warden of Annúminas gets +1 Willpower for each enemy engaged with you.

Rangers passed at times beyond the hills, but they were few and did not stay. –The Fellowship of the Ring

Angmar Awakened Hero Expansion (x3)
3 1 2 1 3 4 ★
Dúnedain. Scout.

East Road Ranger gets +2 Willpower while committed to a side quest.

"If you bring a Ranger with you, it is well to pay attention to him..."
–Gandalf, the Fellowship of the Ring

Angmar Awakened Hero Expansion (x3)
4 2 2 1 4 5 ★

Response: After 1 or more cards are discarded from your hand, draw 1 card. Limit once per round.

"But have they the strength, have we here the strength to withstand the Enemy, the coming of Sauron at the last, when all else is overthrown?"
–The Fellowship of the Ring

Angmar Awakened Hero Expansion (x3)
3 2 1 0 2 4 ★
Dúnedain. Scout.

Response: After Sarn Ford Sentry enters play, draw 1 card for each enemy engaged with you.

"Lonely men are we, Rangers of the wild, hunters but hunters ever of the servants of the Enemy..." –Aragorn, The Fellowship of the Ring

Angmar Awakened Hero Expansion (x3)

Attach to a quest card in play. Limit 1 per quest.

Response: After attached quest card is defeated, each player either draws 2 cards or heals up to 5 damage from among characters he controls.

"...for ere the fall of Nargothrond or Gondolin I passed over the mountains, and together through ages of the world we have fought the long defeat."
–Galadriel, The Fellowship of the Ring

Angmar Awakened Hero Expansion (x3)
4 2 2 2 3 5 ★
Dúnedain. Ranger.

Response: After you engage an enemy, if you control at least 1 Dúnedain hero, spend 1 resource to put Ranger of Cardolan into play from your hand, under your control. At the end of the round, if Ranger of Cardolan is still in play, shuffle it into its owner's deck.

Angmar Awakened Campaign Expansion (x1)


Setup: Attach to a hero.

Attached hero gets +2 hit points.

Action: Ready attached hero. (Limit once per game.)

Angmar Awakened Campaign Expansion (x1)
1 1 3 0 2 5 ★
Dúnedain. Ranger.

Response: After Berelind attacks and destroys an enemy, place 1 progress on a quest card in play.

A light fell about her, and her hair shone in the sunrise.
–The Lord of the Rings